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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.0 Thoughts and Opinions


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MUAHAHA, I'm not missing out yet! MUAHAHA.


I mean...


That's unfortunate. :p


Played one today, wasn't fun at all. I would die in about 2-3 GCD's. I'd also kill people in the same. It's not PvP, it's hit 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard and then tab rinse and repeat. I recorded a little bit of the game, about half way through cause I was astonished at how quickly I was dying/other people. I might give it another chance in the future, but the TTK is way too low. Also, I had some fairly bad gear. But my expertise wasn't low at all. I was only lowered than the highest damage in warzone by like 90k, with 8 more deaths than that person. Vigilance is gonna kick some ***. :)

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Played one today, wasn't fun at all. I would die in about 2-3 GCD's. I'd also kill people in the same. It's not PvP, it's hit 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard and then tab rinse and repeat. I recorded a little bit of the game, about half way through cause I was astonished at how quickly I was dying/other people. I might give it another chance in the future, but the TTK is way too low. Also, I had some fairly bad gear. But my expertise wasn't low at all. I was only lowered than the highest damage in warzone by like 90k, with 8 more deaths than that person. Vigilance is gonna kick some ***. :)


That's how it is in the new "lowbies" as well. TTK went down with the different buffs given to each class. Carnage/Combat was always capable of 2 shotting people, but its even worse now for people on the receiving end with slaughter. How you liking Vig btw? I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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Tried my first 55 FP today (Athiss), me as my healer, guildie tank and two pugs. I must say that the challenge (esp the bosses) has gone up. This is no longer the speed runs of 50 HMs


Basically, all members of the group must do their roles or you will wipe, the same as the early days when doing HM FPs for the first time. The healing on the 2nd boss is very intensive and if the adds are not picked up quickly it will be a wipe. We ended up giving up on the FP as we were just not getting the timing down and our gear was probably undergeared (61-63s)


My advice treat the new 55 HMs like it was your first time going into Lost Island (before they nerfed the hell out of it). I was pumping out close to 3k HPS and we were still having issues. DPSers must remember to drop aggro and use whatever defensive cooldowns they have. Tanks turn the boss away from the group, for bosses with knockbacks get against a wall and healers concentrate on the tanks as they will take a lot more punishement.

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Played one today, wasn't fun at all. I would die in about 2-3 GCD's. I'd also kill people in the same. It's not PvP, it's hit 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard and then tab rinse and repeat. I recorded a little bit of the game, about half way through cause I was astonished at how quickly I was dying/other people. I might give it another chance in the future, but the TTK is way too low. Also, I had some fairly bad gear. But my expertise wasn't low at all. I was only lowered than the highest damage in warzone by like 90k, with 8 more deaths than that person. Vigilance is gonna kick some ***. :)


Woah. Sudden insight. I think the TTK is really fast--too fast-- but it hasn't been unfun for the most part --- until a merc or sorc sees me before I see them. (I identify snipers as rivals and am much better at keeping track of their positions. :p) That's because I play a ranged class. I'm totally advantaged by short TTKs! We gotta keep it, man!


If this adversely affects your PVP enjoyment, it's because you were silly enough to roll a Jedi in a Star Wars game rather than a cool class like a sniper.

Edited by stringcat
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If we rename it Sniper Wars can I be the bad guy with the shotty ready to roll up from behind and face-plant you into the ground? I think that's what this game should be about. ;)


Bring it! I have entrench!

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That's how it is in the new "lowbies" as well. TTK went down with the different buffs given to each class. Carnage/Combat was always capable of 2 shotting people, but its even worse now for people on the receiving end with slaughter. How you liking Vig btw? I haven't had a chance to try it yet.

I love it, It's so much easier to swap targets now and continually frontload burst. The best part was when I was leveling on makeb I would use my saber throw on weak mobs and 1 shot them, it would instantly come off CD since I wasn't in combat anymore, did this so many times. It was hilarious.

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That's how it is in the new "lowbies" as well. TTK went down with the different buffs given to each class. Carnage/Combat was always capable of 2 shotting people, but its even worse now for people on the receiving end with slaughter. How you liking Vig btw? I haven't had a chance to try it yet.


Well I'll say that I encountered Deyvon (lvl55) at his guard point of East on Novare (Smashing as usual) He got the first leap on me (Im Vigilance) and he made a brief visit to the medbay. So i say I love it (Still). You should ask him how it felt to be so close to the medpack (in arms reach) just to not get it and die at the hands of the macbook pro cripple who sucks :D

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and I will Plasma Probe you out of it :)


I have two entrenches. (Except that I'm sometimes MM. But then I have 60% AOE reduction) I don't move out of PPs when Entrenched. Entrench is too valuable to waste and snipers are too vulnerable on the move. Most of the time, moving out of an Entrench = being CC'ed/leaps = death.

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True as an MM sniper you just stay put hope the AOEs dont hurt too much and pray a healer can top you off. The only problem with an MM sniper I see is that with the WZ layouts they are easy to LOS.


I suppose if you get a jump on someone with the TTK at the moment you can kill them before they know which direction to run into.

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I love it, It's so much easier to swap targets now and continually frontload burst. The best part was when I was leveling on makeb I would use my saber throw on weak mobs and 1 shot them, it would instantly come off CD since I wasn't in combat anymore, did this so many times. It was hilarious.


Good to hear. I'm torn between my mara and jugg atm. Might try veng with empty shells to get a feel for it, see if I like it or not.



Well I'll say that I encountered Deyvon (lvl55) at his guard point of East on Novare (Smashing as usual) He got the first leap on me (Im Vigilance) and he made a brief visit to the medbay. So i say I love it (Still). You should ask him how it felt to be so close to the medpack (in arms reach) just to not get it and die at the hands of the macbook pro cripple who sucks :D


You know Deyvon is originally veng too right?

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Yup and he needs to go back because *** he's doin now aint workin for him.


You know you're bad when you "finally" kill me 1on1 with a spec that is MADE for 1on1's and keep talking about it in game and even on the forums lol


Everybody clap for Raygon, he killed me for the first time ever! yaaaaaaay!


How about I switch to Veng and we can duel. Make you look stupid like I did when you challenged me on Ilum lmao



oh and thanks for the easy wins, Finished my weekly without losing one game to you. Appreciate it! :D

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To get back on track.../cough


:sy_lightside:I am madly in love with our monk roll (agent/smuggy) skill... although pretty sure it'll be nerfed eventually.

:sy_lightside:Planet comms instead of individual comms makes me berry happy.

:sy_lightside:The combined terminals for turning in and picking up quests is nice.


:sy_darkside:Not being able to send out a 6th crew member is lame.

:sy_darkside:Not being able to have more than 25 quests at a time is retarded.

:sy_darkside:No more easy travel between the daily areas frustrates me. (Level 50 dailies are even easier money now, c'mon!)


Bolster... obviously is broken. It is kind of interesting to see how different the warzones play out when instead of a gear advantage it's a lack of gear advantage. Despite some extremely frustrating matches most of them have been intense/fun. As for the expertise bolster, I can't get over 2000 unless I unequip relics.


And Urdnought, you're not alone. I used to keep stim boost on cooldown as well and any time I hit it by accident now it's extremely frustrating. D:


Apparently I need to queue up on my cross-dressing sniper...

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You know you're bad when you "finally" kill me 1on1 with a spec that is MADE for 1on1's and keep talking about it in game and even on the forums lol


Everybody clap for Raygon, he killed me for the first time ever! yaaaaaaay!


How about I switch to Veng and we can duel. Make you look stupid like I did when you challenged me on Ilum lmao



oh and thanks for the easy wins, Finished my weekly without losing one game to you. Appreciate it! :D


I'm not sure why we're clapping, I kill you all the time <3

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Well yknow, its been a knight/warrior peen fest up in this forum so long I thought i'd best represent.


Edit: Also, **** yeah picking on people who don't realize where I am. Develop wz awareness greater than a red tunnel with things at the end which must die :p


Edit2: Don't get any more comms or valor for a fair fight than you do for an unfair one :p

Edited by Raazmir
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Well yknow, its been a knight/warrior peen fest up in this forum so long I thought i'd best represent.


Edit: Also, **** yeah picking on people who don't realize where I am. Develop wz awareness greater than a red tunnel with things at the end which must die :p


Edit2: Don't get any more comms or valor for a fair fight than you do for an unfair one :p


You're right about 90% of the posts being epeen knight/warrior posts. Wonder why.:rolleyes:


You dare kill a Jedi/Sith and suddenly you're cheap or something right? Isn't that what he suggested? I guess that must be true.

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Good to hear. I'm torn between my mara and jugg atm. Might try veng with empty shells to get a feel for it, see if I like it or not.





You know Deyvon is originally veng too right?


you'd get your *** handed to you as anything other than a sith warrior/Jedi knight...well you could probably play an assassin too


So would Deyvon I swear he hides until his defenses come back to be used

Edited by NathanielStarr
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IMO since we're not on a pvp server the question of who can 1v1 who the best is less than relevant since the situations where it will come up are realistically pretty rare.


Whether we're on a pvp server or not is irrelevant. But I'm curious, why post what you said if you believe that? Or Raygon for that matter?



You're right about 90% of the posts being epeen knight/warrior posts. Wonder why.:rolleyes:


You dare kill a Jedi/Sith and suddenly you're cheap or something right? Isn't that what he suggested? I guess that must be true.


You're so angry man. Where did I say that if you try to kill a jedi/sith you're cheap? Oh right this is coming from the same player who does nothing but complain about knights/warriors on the forums all day. Why am I not surprised?


you'd get your *** handed to you as anything other than a sith warrior/Jedi knight...well you could probably play an assassin too


So would Deyvon I swear he hides until his defenses come back to be used


Yeah, because I never played this class since the beginning. I rolled fotm. This class also carries me, I'd suck if I didn't play it. Hit my "i win" button and proceed to LOL. And what were we thinking, trying to use our defensive cooldowns when fighting people. I mean come on, who does that right?

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