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Is Makeb accessible enough?


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Going through Makeb now on a freshly dinged 50 and while it was fine at first, I'm now level 52 (close to 53) and finding myself dying an awful lot. Obviously as a freshly dinged 50 I don't have great gear, in fact I'm using custom gear with level 47 blue item mods in all slots minus high level augmentations. Now I can get by fine like this but I really can't see say how a f2per in green gear could possibly go to Makeb without being overly frustrated at almost every mob encounter specially with their limited quickbars.
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Now I can get by fine like this but I really can't see say how a f2per in green gear could possibly go to Makeb without being overly frustrated at almost every mob encounter specially with their limited quickbars.


I'm completely not understanding the issue here. Why exactly is it that you think game play as FREE at level 50-55 should be as free from frustration as it is for a subscriber? First, you are assuming they even purchased the expansion.... which many free players probabably won't. Besides... they have access to better then green gear, and I'm sure the green gear that drops on Makeb (and subsequently gets sold on the GTN) will be fine for leveling. So you have to be a little more thoughtful in leveling encounters instead of /facerolling the content. /shrug.

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Did you ding 50 before the 2.0 patch? If so you should have scooped up your free Tionese gear.


If not, hit up the Makeb planetary gear vendor on the fleet. You can purchase things from him with planetary comms starting at 52.

Dinged last night but never got any gear. It's not a complaint from me personally, I can manage to do Makeb just fine it's more of a case of that I'm sure there will be many who are going to really struggle especially a good five hours in.

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Going through Makeb now on a freshly dinged 50 and while it was fine at first, I'm now level 52 (close to 53) and finding myself dying an awful lot. Obviously as a freshly dinged 50 I don't have great gear, in fact I'm using custom gear with level 47 blue item mods in all slots minus high level augmentations. Now I can get by fine like this but I really can't see say how a f2per in green gear could possibly go to Makeb without being overly frustrated at almost every mob encounter specially with their limited quickbars.


If your gear is 5 levels under the content you're running, then you shouldn't have an easy time of it. There are plenty of planet commendations that drop on Makeb which can be used to get some good mods. The loot drops actually seem better too and there's some very useful gear out there in the early levels of the planet.....an earpiece better than my Black Hole earpiece for an Area 2 quest, an orange belt with blue level 66 mods for a Heroic 2, etc. Also, people can run a few HM flashpoints for Black Hole gear drops. Also, free players can't access Makeb anyway. They'd have to buy ROTHC and that would make them preferred players, not free players.

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