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ummm PvP in 2.0? Broken... Bloodbath Ensues...


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And here we have the real complaint I sense. How dare they make sub-cap level PvP a level playing field! :)


If everyone is equal in a naked footing via the bolseter... how is that a problem for PvP UNLESS your complaint is "hey I worked hard for my PvP gear and now with the expansion it's obsolete and any nuub 30 with no clothes on can spank me."


Sounds to me like a good motivation to get yourself up to the 55 cap bracket.. where real PvP takes place. ;)


Or I guess you could just keep PvPing the forums about it. :p


No that is not the case. Thanks for being so clever, however.


I went in as a 41 sorc with good pve gear, with a number of augs, yet was dying within 2-3 seconds of anyone attacking me - especially anyone with a gun. My entire team, none of whom were 50's, quit due to how unbalanced, and just plain bad, the game was. The game we were in shut down due to lack of players, and I came here to see if others had been having a similar issue.


My experience of pvp went from fun - yesterday, to shocking, today.

Edited by Kirjalax
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No that is not the case. Thanks for being so clever, however.


I went in as a 41 sorc with good pve gear, with a number of augs, yet was dying within 2-3 seconds of anyone attacking me - especially anyone with a gun. My entire team, none of whom were 50's, quit due to how unbalanced, and just plain bad, the game was. The game we were in shut down due to lack of players, and I came here to see if others had been having a similar issue.


My experience of pvp went from fun - yesterday, to shocking, today.


Honestly , these people fail to realize that this bolster system hasn't done anything other than make everyone incredibly OP so that nobody lives long enough to play the game. Change it back to what it was... Or fix it , something is not right about this system at all. Regardless of the naked pvp, it is broken in more ways then one.


I also 2 shot alot of people, but I noticed it is extremely easy to die, aside from the fact that I am a stealth so I can always hide fast enough to avoid the death blow.

Edited by DarkPharohEclip
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And here we have the real complaint I sense. How dare they make sub-cap level PvP a level playing field! :)


If everyone is equal in a naked footing via the bolseter... how is that a problem for PvP UNLESS your complaint is "hey I worked hard for my PvP gear and now with the expansion it's obsolete and any nuub 30 with no clothes on can spank me."


Sounds to me like a good motivation to get yourself up to the 55 cap bracket.. where real PvP takes place. ;)


Or I guess you could just keep PvPing the forums about it. :p


It isn't a level playing field. Basically anyone who is EWH is not getting the effects of bolster, whereas everyone else is, so it is 50 (EWH) vs 54 (everyone else). It is not a level playing field at all.


Honestly I don't care that the full EWH I worked for is going to be replaced. The point is, at this point, it is actually 100% useless for pvp.

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Honestly , these people fail to realize that this bolster system hasn't done anything other than make everyone incredibly OP so that nobody lives long enough to play the game. Change it back to what it was... Or fix it , something is not right about this system at all. Regardless of the naked pvp, it is broken in more ways then one.


I also 2 shot alot of people, but I noticed it is extremely easy to die, aside from the fact that I am a stealth so I can always hide fast enough to avoid the death blow.



I just tried my 1st wz on my 34 vanguard. I have the best gear/mods/armorings/enhancements/barrels/etc I can have for my level (even have almost 130 expertise)....my idea of being OP does not involve being hit for 11k....this is BS, and has pretty much ruined about 70% of my game play

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So after having gone and done some matches, I found that if I had my full EWH gear on, I was taking a lot of damage, and not having a very enjoyable time.


So I took off all my gear but my MH/OH, and found it to be much more like I am used to. It isn't the fact that I have EWH gear, it is the expertise that gear provides screws over those who have it, because they loose out on other stats that expertise is given in place of, combined with the fact that it is level 63 gear.


So I guess I will simply be doing naked PvP until 55, when gear becomes relevant again.

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hey bioware, Jeff and the gang, 2.0 BOLSTER sucks the bag,,, theres no way this will last , but for now its completely we-todd-ted.


u got peeps who worked there butts off to get war hero, rank and gear.

This is a big deuce on them.


so spending any comms b4 u hit 55 is a waste .


just plain brutal ..

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I am so disappointed. Have played a lot of pvp on several classes and builds. I'm not bad at it - not awesome but I sure don't suck


Playing a 50 sniper in recruit gear in the new bracket. Should be way ahead of the curve right - 20 levels above the min. I get 2 shotted by every assassin or shadow. One maul: 65% health gone. Second attack: dead.


Have a 43 concealment operative. Can go through the whole ambush rotation on someone - barely tickle them if they are above 50.


MY WHOLE GAME EXPERIENCE IS RUINED. What the hell has happened. Lowbie pvp made sense before. Sure if you were 40 something you had more going for you, but u accepted that while levelling up. Now it's unplayable for me.

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I am so disappointed. Have played a lot of pvp on several classes and builds. I'm not bad at it - not awesome but I sure don't suck


Playing a 50 sniper in recruit gear in the new bracket. Should be way ahead of the curve right - 20 levels above the min. I get 2 shotted by every assassin or shadow. One maul: 65% health gone. Second attack: dead.


Have a 43 concealment operative. Can go through the whole ambush rotation on someone - barely tickle them if they are above 50.


MY WHOLE GAME EXPERIENCE IS RUINED. What the hell has happened. Lowbie pvp made sense before. Sure if you were 40 something you had more going for you, but u accepted that while levelling up. Now it's unplayable for me.


Don't wear your recruit gear with the new Bolster.

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