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Double spacebar high jump


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Hi Bioware, can we pretty please get a passive class ability for all force wielders that makes you jump twice as high as we currently can by tapping space bar twice? And the same thing for non force wielders but they use mini boosters instead?


EDIT: Also make it so that when you fall from a medium height where you would normally take damage, that force wielders would use a passive animated force ability to slow their descend when falling, and non force wielders should use automatically activated rockets to break the fall.


EDIT: Also make it so that force wielders have an active force jump ability which doesn't require an object target to be cast, but can be cast at any location of up to about 10-15 metres away so that you can jump to locations and on heights. The same thing for non force wielders, but bounty hunters and troopers should use jetpacks, and agents and smugglers should use a rappel. Or agents can also use jetpacks because they have such advanced equipment, doesn't really matter though. These abilities should be usable in combat and PvP, and I don't mind how long the cooldown is.


That is my primary 'wish' list for the next 6 months.

Edited by MastaKorgy
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I'll agree to this since it's not just for force wielders, I know my running gag in RP with my bounty hunter is "his companions" commenting about how he, conspicuously almost never uses his jetpack when it would be genuinely useful, like to cross a chasm or something.

Followed by him claiming he's conserving the fuel cells and jetpack fuel is expensive.


so it might be nice to sort of drop this joke. (Because, seriously, why can't bounty hunters use their packs outside of combat?)


Also, I might suggest, maybe, for smugglers and IAs to use something other than just boosters, namely since they tend to wear armor that would have no visible space for such things.

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what i dont get is falldamage. i mean, its one of the main perks of jedi´s in movies and games being able to fall from any heigth without taking damage.

for balancing issues give the rest some parachutes or repulsorboots.

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I'll agree to this since it's not just for force wielders, I know my running gag in RP with my bounty hunter is "his companions" commenting about how he, conspicuously almost never uses his jetpack when it would be genuinely useful, like to cross a chasm or something.

Followed by him claiming he's conserving the fuel cells and jetpack fuel is expensive.


so it might be nice to sort of drop this joke. (Because, seriously, why can't bounty hunters use their packs outside of combat?)


Also, I might suggest, maybe, for smugglers and IAs to use something other than just boosters, namely since they tend to wear armor that would have no visible space for such things.


I know what you mean, I've been having a problem with why such basic features haven't been implemented yet.


I added an additional feature request relating to jetpacks and force jumps etc ...

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I would love this too. However in sating my love of exploration i have come across many natural barriers that they -- i.e. the developers -- clearly want you to go around and not over. Imagine Alderaan: all those areas where you have to walk/run/ride kilometers out of the way to get to. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted trying to scale rocks or other obstacles to shortcut over terrain only to just barely not be able to make it. Pretty sure that's by design. BW clearly put great effort into making things take a long time, especially planet-side travel in order to draw out progression time. Not complaining but i would be extremely surprised if they implemented something like high-jumping considering how much it would speed up travel to hard-to-reach areas. Not to mention increase your ability to skip lots of trash mobs. It is a fact of this game that BW wants it to take you as long as possible to get anything done and therefore they are very resistant to anything that could be leveraged as a speed boost. Cases in point: rank 3 speeders only move just over twice as fast as movement on foot (imagine if your car only moved twice as fast add you could run), and rocket boost? It's mite for vanity than speed increase.


Again, not complaining, but i won't hold my breath for something like what you're asking...

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what i dont get is falldamage. i mean, its one of the main perks of jedi´s in movies and games being able to fall from any heigth without taking damage.

for balancing issues give the rest some parachutes or repulsorboots.


Fall damage makes sense for troopers, agents and smugglers. it does not make sense for Bounter Hunters or Force users. I agree. There should be a passive ability to all but those three classes to be immune to fall damage. I just don't know how to keep with the lore but make it work for the other three classes.

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I would love this too. However in sating my love of exploration i have come across many natural barriers that they -- i.e. the developers -- clearly want you to go around and not over. Imagine Alderaan: all those areas where you have to walk/run/ride kilometers out of the way to get to. I can't tell you how much time I've wasted trying to scale rocks or other obstacles to shortcut over terrain only to just barely not be able to make it. Pretty sure that's by design. BW clearly put great effort into making things take a long time, especially planet-side travel in order to draw out progression time. Not complaining but i would be extremely surprised if they implemented something like high-jumping considering how much it would speed up travel to hard-to-reach areas. Not to mention increase your ability to skip lots of trash mobs. It is a fact of this game that BW wants it to take you as long as possible to get anything done and therefore they are very resistant to anything that could be leveraged as a speed boost. Cases in point: rank 3 speeders only move just over twice as fast as movement on foot (imagine if your car only moved twice as fast add you could run), and rocket boost? It's mite for vanity than speed increase.


Again, not complaining, but i won't hold my breath for something like what you're asking...


I agree what your saying. But force jumping and rocket jumps are too much of a critical starwars character trademark to pass up just like that and the biggest thing is that it is fun. I mean I can't believe that it wasn't originally taken into account when the game was designed it makes no sense. I think they need do an overhaul of this entire system and make it so that you can jump over some obstacles to make things go faster but also make other obstacles higher to avoid skipping it - a balance has to be found.

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I agree what your saying. But force jumping and rocket jumps are too much of a critical starwars character trademark to pass up just like that and the biggest thing is that it is fun. I mean I can't believe that it wasn't originally taken into account when the game was designed it makes no sense. I think they need do an overhaul of this entire system and make it so that you can jump over some obstacles to make things go faster but also make other obstacles higher to avoid skipping it - a balance has to be found.


Unfortunately, as was the case with same gender romance, redesigns and overhauls are simply asking too much where BW is concerned. "Too much work" is a common crutch they like to rely on. I'm their eyes, it would seem, money from subscriptions isn't to be used for correcting oversights or design flaws, but rather is used solely for maintaining the status quo. If you want significant new content you gotta pay by way of xpac. Even then you don't get updated content as is the case with same gender romance, but instead have to pay too choose whether you want either male-male as an imp or female-female as a rep, but not vice versa. Who knows what twisted logic led to that decision but such is life in this game: you can't always get what you want, nor can you even necessarily get what makes sense.

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Unfortunately, as was the case with same gender romance, redesigns and overhauls are simply asking too much where BW is concerned. "Too much work" is a common crutch they like to rely on. I'm their eyes, it would seem, money from subscriptions isn't to be used for correcting oversights or design flaws, but rather is used solely for maintaining the status quo. If you want significant new content you gotta pay by way of xpac. Even then you don't get updated content as is the case with same gender romance, but instead have to pay too choose whether you want either male-male as an imp or female-female as a rep, but not vice versa. Who knows what twisted logic led to that decision but such is life in this game: you can't always get what you want, nor can you even necessarily get what makes sense.



Yes but even if they made no changes to the terrain, double jumps would still not be a problem because most areas in the game don't need to be reconfigured due to class quests being so relatively insignificant. Only maybe some flashpoints and ops; those are the only real problems and that can't possibly be that hard.


EDIT: I should note that even though I would selfishly like these features in the next 6 months that I really don't care when it happens even if it does happen 2 years from now. World of Warcraft for example has been running for more than 10 years now; if you compare everything that's in the game now to when it was only 1 year old, then you'd never of thought so many changes were possible. If these features become implemented 5 years from now, I'd still be happy.

Edited by MastaKorgy
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You really just want to be a little Mexican jumping bean in PVP, don't you?


Come on, admit it. You think that if you spam Spacebar a lot, no one will hit you and you can get to be a god in the Warzone.


Well, sorry, but that's not how PVP works.


And it's just really really irritating to the PVPers and we need them docile, otherwise they start fighting with the PVE guys and then they pick on us RPers and then it becomes World of Warcraft General up in here.

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You really just want to be a little Mexican jumping bean in PVP, don't you?


Come on, admit it. You think that if you spam Spacebar a lot, no one will hit you and you can get to be a god in the Warzone.


Well, sorry, but that's not how PVP works.


And it's just really really irritating to the PVPers and we need them docile, otherwise they start fighting with the PVE guys and then they pick on us RPers and then it becomes World of Warcraft General up in here.



HAHAHA. Well yes and no. Just imagine all the benefits of having a double jump and the amounts of excitement it would bring to this noob. (me)

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Fall damage makes sense for troopers, agents and smugglers. it does not make sense for Bounter Hunters or Force users. I agree. There should be a passive ability to all but those three classes to be immune to fall damage. I just don't know how to keep with the lore but make it work for the other three classes.


i've actually thaught of a way to balance this out, non-force users and those without jet enabled backpacks could very easily use grapple lines... it makes perfect sense for a smuggler or Imperial Agent to have a Grapple Gun on hand, even during the long fall they could launch it into the rock face or building side to slow their fall...

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i've actually thaught of a way to balance this out, non-force users and those without jet enabled backpacks could very easily use grapple lines... it makes perfect sense for a smuggler or Imperial Agent to have a Grapple Gun on hand, even during the long fall they could launch it into the rock face or building side to slow their fall...


That works aswell.

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This really would cause all kinds of problems. The worlds are specifically designed around the current jump height. For instance, just think about how much easier certain Datacrons would be to reach. They're supposed to be hard to get to.
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This really would cause all kinds of problems. The worlds are specifically designed around the current jump height. For instance, just think about how much easier certain Datacrons would be to reach. They're supposed to be hard to get to.


I agree some areas and places would have to be modified, but in my experienced opinion I'd say that these places are somewhat few. But just think of the up side and how nice all of those things would be!

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I'd like to see force jump and force speed for every jedi. Make it a trainable talent that costs a lot of credits or make it for subscribers only.


At first I also thought of an "active" force jump ability, but that would be too hard to use since you already have a jump. That's why I suggested a passive ability, so that when you double tap the spacebar you use force jump instead. I agree that it has to be trainable and has to become available at some point during the game.

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