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The problem is that it's a forced behaviour. WE are supposed to define the way our characters behave, especially if we're roleplayers. I'm sure some people love it, but I'm one of those that does not. It's completely counter to my character's personality, and as such it ruins my experience of the character.


I don't remember it ever being there before, but clearly it was. People complained about it, and it was removed. People complained that it was removed, so they reinstated it. Did they really think people wouldn't complain about it again, since they did so in the first place?


It needs to be made optional, so the people that like giggling all the time can do so, while those that don't want to can be free of it.


I agree that it would be majorly annoying for role-players. It should definitely be made optional.

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Are you a Professional Gaming Legend™? Or at least just a decent troll?




I don't know what that is supposed to mean. I'm a roleplayer. I can't enjoy the character if he's going to giggle all the time, so I won't be able to play him. I don't see how that's trolling. I'm just trying to express the magnitude of the problem to the developers so they will reconsider the change.

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One of the main reasons I made a healer was for the giggles. I'm loving that it's back, and I think the activation on the first TA proc is a good compromise for those who didn't want to hear it all the time. We're not laughing *all* the time and we have a distinct audible cue that doesn't get lost in the fray. I'm very happy about it.
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Specc'd dps to see how noticeable it is. I honestly can't even hear the giggle between the shiv/hidden knife sound effect and the grapple sound that still plays even on the first TA. Its' only really noticeable on the healer.


Frankly if your cold emotionless killing machine is specc'd into the preservation and conservation of life I think you may already have an RP contradiction :p. You COULD just fiddle with the sound settings until you can't here it. I mean it's already pretty droned out, just crank up ambient or music sounds a little and you shouldn't experience any ill effects, other procs will still be more than coherent.

Edited by CaptainApop
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Augh. I'm home now, and have had a chance to check it out. It's completely inappropriate for my character to go chuckling his way through every battle. He's supposed to be a cold, emotionless, ruthless killer. I play on a Role Playing server. Making my character behave in ways inappropriate for his personality ruins my enjoyment of the game.


They need to make this optional. I honestly don't know why it was added in the first place, but clearly there are those who like it. I'm not one of them. Don't ruin my fun.



PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T A TROLL!!! This is the most fun I've had on the forums in quite some time.


/popcorn :cool:

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I was so disappointed when we lost the giggle and am thrilled to get it back! I haven't played my operative yet to hear it, but my husband's scoundrel has been giggling through Makeb and I love it! We may be jokingly calling it a giggle, but honestly, it doesn't sound silly to me. More like chuckling at our enemies. Danger? I laugh at danger! Ha ha ha!


I think lessening the frequency that it happens is a fine compromise. Personally I never was aware that anyone complained about it to begin with, and felt like my character lost some personality when it was removed.

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i don't know what that is supposed to mean. I'm a roleplayer. I can't enjoy the character if he's going to giggle all the time, so i won't be able to play him. I don't see how that's trolling. I'm just trying to express the magnitude of the problem to the developers so they will reconsider the change.



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Clearly, some of you aren't roleplayers. I am. I even went so far as to delete my characters after a significant rollback (quite some time ago now), because I had lost track of where they were in the course of their personal stories, their relationships with their companions and other players and so forth. I didn't know quite where they were in their character arc.


Immersing myself in the character is how I enjoy the game. There are others like me that play this, so many that they have actual roleplaying servers for us. If you don't enjoy the game the way I do, that's fine. I don't mock you for the things you enjoy, why would you mock me for the things I enjoy?


Again, this is something that is going to disrupt my enjoyment of the game, because my enjoyment of the game is tied inextricably to my ability to be immersed in the character, and this will break me out of that immersion.

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Clearly, some of you aren't roleplayers. I am. I even went so far as to delete my characters after a significant rollback (quite some time ago now), because I had lost track of where they were in the course of their personal stories, their relationships with their companions and other players and so forth. I didn't know quite where they were in their character arc.


Immersing myself in the character is how I enjoy the game. There are others like me that play this, so many that they have actual roleplaying servers for us. If you don't enjoy the game the way I do, that's fine. I don't mock you for the things you enjoy, why would you mock me for the things I enjoy?


Again, this is something that is going to disrupt my enjoyment of the game, because my enjoyment of the game is tied inextricably to my ability to be immersed in the character, and this will break me out of that immersion.




Go back to your text-combat and text-drinking parties.


Need to lighten up, it's just a damn game. I mean if something stupid like that makes you go so far as to delete a character, maybe you should play singleplayer RPGs. Then you can enjoy your "immersion" all you want without problems like this.


It's always the same from you "RPers" in that you always play the "why are you picking on me" card. If the ignore function doesn't work for you, perhaps it's time to take out that coal. You'd have a diamond by now.

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I missed it very much. Glad it has returned.


It's not a giggle. It's barely a laugh.


It's more like a snicker or s*****r.


It's called Tactical Advantage. You're snickering that your opponent has given you a tactical advantage. You're s*****ring at his ineptitude. You are chuckling at his lack of comprehension that he has just handed you victory.


If you can't fit that sort of cold hearted ruthlessness into your character... well... yeah. GG.

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Clearly, some of you aren't roleplayers. I am. I even went so far as to delete my characters after a significant rollback (quite some time ago now), because I had lost track of where they were in the course of their personal stories, their relationships with their companions and other players and so forth. I didn't know quite where they were in their character arc.


Immersing myself in the character is how I enjoy the game. There are others like me that play this, so many that they have actual roleplaying servers for us. If you don't enjoy the game the way I do, that's fine. I don't mock you for the things you enjoy, why would you mock me for the things I enjoy?


Again, this is something that is going to disrupt my enjoyment of the game, because my enjoyment of the game is tied inextricably to my ability to be immersed in the character, and this will break me out of that immersion.


I thought you RP types were supposed to be creative? Give your character a reason for his subtle giggle every time he gains a tactical advantage over his opponent.


Go role play your character into a cold, calculated killer that stayed on Quesh too long and let his inoculation shot wear off. Or accidentally injected himself with too many adrenals in a 24 hour period. Or licked the tip of his acid blade and started tripping balls. Or got in too deep going over cover in a spice smuggling ring on Nar Shadaa.


Or just accept the fact that players who are heavily into RP are very much the minority in MMOs and deal with it or move on to another character or another game.

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Typical. Closed-minded denigration and insult. I hope you feel better now.


I do feel better actually, yes. I appreciate your concern. That is ooc right?


Hurr hurr hurr.


I didn't actually insult you. I gave you suggestions to help with your problem.











I can insult you instead if you like?

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