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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How were there 55's minutes after servers went up?


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soooo whats with the patch 2.0.0a? could they be investigating all those who did hoard quests to turn in in one shot?


Most of those folks hate leveling. They would be content with creating a new toon and be max level. to them the elder game is all that matters. They wanna be the first guild to down the Makeb OPS its all bragging rights.

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soooo whats with the patch 2.0.0a? could they be investigating all those who did hoard quests to turn in in one shot?


Most of those folks hate leveling. They would be content with creating a new toon and be max level. to them the elder game is all that matters. They wanna be the first guild to down the Makeb OPS its all bragging rights.


well I hope that patch fixes the issue with storing quest turn ins for exp gain. It did kind of ruin it when I saw a level 55 5 minutes after servers went live. It only took me about 3 hours to grind out my lvls but I had to work for that and compete with others instead of cheesing it.

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it has to be said that, even if you don't care about this, it does make the company look about as smart as a bag of hammers. It's a graphic embarassment for the game to have people hitting the new level cap minutes after the launch of the first "expansion."


<------ this

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No, it's not.


1) it's not that big a deal to the "public"... just a handful of self-entitled complainers in the forum. So stop conflating. Got an issue with an "alleged exploit" in game.... /report it in game.


2) while the Bioware staff do read the forums... the proper process for bug reporting is-NOT posting complaint threads in general forum. Which brings us back to number 1 above.


LOLZ ... do you not think the general mmo gaming public that doesnt play SWTOR are not already making fun of the swtor dev team for putting out an " expansion" ( that is biowares term not mine for it ) in which there were level 55 players from level 50 in the first ten minutes ?


im not a complainer i love the game but i also like integrity and despise lazy backdoor ways of doing things ...

THIS is another or a long line of BLACKEYES against what used to be my favorite gaming company BIOWARE albeit it proly still is actually for nostalgic reasons


I just hate to see them keep shooting themselves in the foot like this from a business point of view which more than likely never entered into your brain ....


It would spread fast across the entirety of the mmo website community though if they did do something significant about it which would be looked as a positive in the gaming community's eyes instead of letting it go as they did the ILUM valor exploit a a month or so after release ... bioware did nothing and they lost MANY MANY MANY subs over it ... for not doing anything - the word got out they did nothing about it and swtor ended up with what i believe is an unwarranted bad image to gamers that have not tried it


so actually those of us COMPLAINING in your eyes mostly want nothing but good to happen for this game and bioware regardless of EAs invilment now and a SMART LONG TERM business decision imho would be to reset to 50 ( or even lower than ban hammer ) anyone who used this EXPLOIT so BIOWARE might look like they have a backbone to the general gaming community again ,,, might lose a few subs but would gain much more in the long term - REspect - from long time mmo players that have not tried swtor or those that left after first month of release ( from the valor exploit ) may come back eventually which only makes the game stronger more profitable and thus MORE CONTENT GETS ADDED FASTER FOR ALL OF US TO ENJOY!!


but sadly most DEVS are really great at conceptual things and making pretty interesting games that are fun to play ... but artistic type people just unfortunately are not really ever good at real business management decisions particulaly long term business thinking vs short term profit taking ... and i really dont think many suits at EA or bioware really give a damn about this or read the forums or look at exploit reports ... so by posting this here maybe some smart dev will read it and take it to higher up decision makers that go hmmm .. we need to set an exmaple of some sort...


but again this was all more than likely out of your paradigm and comfort level of thinking and thus I more than likely wasted my time responding to you but i was not really doing anything sitting here in bed reading my IPAD ..


posted from ipad in bed sorry for any grammer mistakes but not going to double check :)

Edited by Trushott
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