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Casual player and 2.0


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The gear curve is actually changing in favor of the casual player. Yes, hardcore players will likely still get to end game gear faster than you. However, there has been a drastic reduction in the cost of weapons, armorings, mods, and enhancements that you can purchase from planet vendors.


iirc, it will cost you around 85 planetary comms to purchase a full set of armorings, mods, and enhancements to put in your choice of orange gear that will be of higher stats than your Tionese. All of your current planet specific comms will be exchanged to planetary comms when you sign in tomorrow. So, you will likely have 85 classic comms tomorrow after you log in and are ready to go.


You can then use these to purchase new armorings, mods, and enhancements from the vendor and have better gear to level through Makeb with than you have right now!

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