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The Allusis Academy - Jedi RP Guild


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The Allusis Academy.


Brief overview:

Group of Jedi academics

Jedi classes/characters only


Contacts: Salan, Uneva, Narie

Open to all Jedi classes



Before we begin, as this forum post has been trimmed and heavily edited some information has been left out. For a more detailed impression of our guild, we strongly advise you explore the website first at http://allusisacademy.enjin.com/



Who are we?


The Allusis Academy is a medium-to-heavy Jedi role-playing guild on The Progenitor server in Star Wars: The Old Republic. More specifically, we're a group of role-players who love the Star Wars universe and the history/lore/concept of the Jedi Order in particular. Our love of the Jedi Order and all things related has led to us creating our own guild where we hope to reflect the Jedi Order as closely as possible. We're not without our individuality though, to make things more exciting for our members we host regular, weekly events and our guild ranking system allows for Master-to-Padawan relationships to flourish alongside larger, informal classes consisting of multiple students and multiple teachers. We're principled people though, we believe that role-playing thrives best when carefully considered, so we actively encourage strong relationships with both our Republic and Imperial allies, and we hope to set up regular events involving them in the future. Additionally, we want the guild to extend itself to the community and provide players who aren't suited to the guild environment with a steady and professional source of role-play, without the necessary requirement of being in a guild.


As to our concept, myself and fellow Master, Uneva Darkmoon, were Padawans of two Jedi Masters who were close friends with Jedi Master and General, Belth Allusis. As such, our characters remember the man as well as his greatness. Our characters feel that his sacrifice at the Battle of Bothawui should serve as a source of inspiration for Jedi of all generations. This, coupled with our characters passion for seeing the younger generations of Jedi grow up in a knowledge-filled universe, caused the creation of The Allusis Academy, an educational institution focused on training and tutoring Jedi in all walks of Jedi life. We see the Academy as a highly-respected institution: its teachings and courses are some of the best in the galaxy, so our students are going to be heavily drilled daily and constantly pushed to achieve their absolute best.


Please visit our information forum at http://allusisacademy.enjin.com/forum/m/12665248/viewforum/2435389 for any additional information.


What are we looking for?


A difficult question to answer but I'll try and answer this simply. The only requirements you need to enter the Academy are a Light Side Jedi character, a competent grasp on the English language, and a willingness to constantly improve your role-playing ability. Now obviously it's more complicated than that, but if you have these traits, we're willing to trial you. The Academy's concept has been made deliberately broad to cover all aspects of Jedi life. Whether your character is a combat professional, a wise and elderly philosopher, or a buck-some young Padawan, the Academy has been designed to incorporate your style of play.


We do however expect nothing but the best. And that is relevant in all areas. We'd like you to be sociable, friendly, able to enjoy a joke with your guildmates but there's room for manoeuvres. Our events and such are crafted in such a way to include the shy among you, the quieter among you, the ones who are happy to follow rather than lead. You will find in your time with us that you are being consistently required to give your best but this shouldn't scare you. The guild officers and your guild mates are poised to help you with that.


What can we offer you?


Aside from a guild full of individuals passionate about the Star Wars universe and the Jedi Order, we can offer you a place of constant release. We know that Star Wars goodness builds up inside you until you just can't help but release it! We want to be the people to help you release this energy, and when you do, everyone will prosper. We can provide a framework for your role-playing success. An organization who will represent you, arrange running guild story-lines and events that you'll enjoy, and scout for allies or nemeses for you.


We offer you a guild full of people who know about the Jedi Order. Our events and stories are inspired by the actual day-to-day activities of the Jedi Order and our top priority whenever we make an in-character decision is what consequences it will have and if it makes sense in The Old Republic context. Our officers spend a vast amount of time researching the Jedi and collaborating numerous sources so we offer you help, should you need it, and like-minded individuals who you will enjoy playing with if you don't.


What are our rules?


Our rule-set systematically addresses the problems that might arise when role-playing conventions are not adhered to, so our rules are not so much a series of very specific and rigid directions. Instead, they are a set of guidelines that must be followed in order to promote a certain mindset: a mindset which we feel has a positive impact on a players role-playing, and therefore the players enjoyment. We believe the most important rules a role-playing guild should enforce are those which enhance role-playing (e.g. no godmodding, poweremoting, meta-gaming, etc.), rules which prevent in-character disputes from escalating beyond their characters, and rules which promote respect for each other and their right to role-play.


For example, you may not godmod, poweremote, meta-game, all that kind of thing. But you must also learn to accept criticism when it is given and view it as a form of assistance rather than a form of undermining. You must be able to accept the in-character consequences for your in-character actions and must -in all cases regardless of the circumstances- not allow in-character disputes to escalate into out-of-character disputes. Should you ever encounter a problem with another player that you yourself cannot resolve, you should contact a guild officer and the guild will represent you in resolving the dispute.


For the written guild rule-set, see the guild rules section on our website: http://allusisacademy.enjin.com/forum/m/12665248/viewthread/6536512-guild-rules


Finally, the guild rules operate on a case-by-case basis. When a problem arises that the guild has not been able to foresee, a rule will be made regarding it and reinforced from then on. However, if anyone is at fault for causing this rule to be introduced, they will not face punishment for breaking it unless they do so again after the rule has been introduced.


How can you contact us?


We're always looking to hear from you and you can contact us for anything: it doesn't have to be because you're interested in joining or you need us specifically. You can usually find the officers on our characters: (Salan, Uneva, Narie -more will be added when more arrive) and we will always be happy to hear from you and respond to any queries you have.


Additionally you can look for us on enjin or at our website: http://allusisacademy.enjin.com where the same thing will apply.


Anyone representing other guilds who wish to form an allegiance, partnership or enemy-ship with us should feel free to do so. However, our officers will immediately start putting plans into place that incorporate our guild and yours, so be weary: you might be signing on for more than you thought!

We feel that communication between guilds is vital for a server's community anyway so unfortunately we may be contacting you before you can contact us!


Finally, in our quest to make the Republic community that much better, we are always happy to engage in some spur-of-the-moment role-play providing we are online. This means that as long as you see us on Tython, or another role-playing location, you should always feel like you can approach us and begin to role-play, it doesn't matter whether you're guilded, unguilded or not familiar with us, we'll always welcome you warmly should you approach us.


That about wraps things up for now. This thread will serve as an updater for our events system and for any additional information we feel we need to add later down the line. Thank you for reading, and may the Force be with you.

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  • 10 months later...

Is this guild still recruiting? I have a level55 Guardian that I want to transfer over and I am looking for a good Jedi based RP guild for him, this one sounds like the best one to me because he doesn't just have to be a warrior and can instruct padawans as well. Please could you respond If you are still recruiting.


Cheers, Master Zyphax

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The Allusis Academy unfortunatly did not last. However Salan is currently in http://lostpraxeum.enjin.com/home and we are a good alternative as both guilds had the same approach to Jedi RP.


While we're currently not recruiting (recruitment will open in time), you are welcome to approach us on Tython on the progenitor in the evenings. If you find it hard to break into the RP, just give one of the members present a whisper that you're interrested in interracting a bit and they'll see what can be done.

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That looks like an awesome guild! Is it possible (and I know this is a big ask) for me to join as a master, I feel like it would really fit with the backstory that I have already created for my Jedi. He has trained Padawans before but nothing quite on this sort of scale. I picture him as a combat instructor or a behind the scenes scholar or battlemaster...

I know its a big ask but would such a thing be possible, when recruitment comes back online of course.

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