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Improve Character Models


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Before we begin, I am well aware of the limitations behind Hero Engine and the models that were created but honestly hiding behind the Engine as an excuse for a silly-looking game is lame. When you watch the opening cinematics, you get that "Wow!" effect and wonder if your conflict would be anywhere as epic. Sadly, it's not even close, and ultimately it comes down to the atrocious character models and lack of diversity. Even on max PC settings I groan at the sight of those NPCs with ridiculous mustaches, completely white bland faces and weird bodies. Bioware's own studio, now 6-7 years ago did a better job with the original Mass Effect then this game in that respect.


Comparison: http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m304/Capricorn_44/swtorvsme_zps6b18978a.jpg


Again, I am aware of the difference in engines and limitations but the average PC is twice as powerful today so that is really no excuse. So ultimately, here's the suggestion: Better more realistic bodies, more customization for new characters, improve complexion and detail for character faces, etc. Ultimately, make it look worthy of the awesome cutscenes. Good day.

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