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Allow Casting While Moving? Good or Bad?

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These are some abilities that players can cast while not being in a certain position (see Snipers Snipe), but I was wondering with all the "hate" on cast specs in pvp, would allowing all cast abilites be used on the move create any inbalances with regards to balance. Some specs have 0 casts while others have mostly casts.


Is this a good solution?

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I think one way they can do it to keep it somewhat balanced is increase the cast time if you are moving vs standing still. Add half a second to the cast time so you can do it but with a penalty. It does bring into question though how you could self interrupt a cast if you needed to though. Maybe by casting another spell like ability such as your buffs or a self cast ability.but that is something that would have to be looked at as well.
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certainly it 'feels' like my commando is rooted the spot with grav round cast and at the mercy of anyone who knows where the interrupt button is (fewer people than you would think). moving while casting would be one option, but it doesnt feel like the right one, I think some subtle changes to interrupts and interrupt immunity might play better without doing away with the existing mechanics. For example make an interrupt that hits you make you immune to interrupts for x seconds.


I think there is also something to be explored in linking cast times to available resource, or resource regen rate (which is currently separate) such that at high regen rate you have lower cast times maybe?


not sure, I think the impact on some classes is greater than on others and does need some thought and change

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