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RP Protocol Help from a Non-RPer


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Hello All!


So am fairly new into MMOs and joined up with this one on release with a bunch of folks. I joined on an RP server because... they did... Well, they are mostly gone now and it's just me!


So I mostly PVP and go through the single-player content (not really greatly geared for Raids just yet) and I'm noticing more and more folks RPing in far off places and cantinas.


Question: if you see two,three,four players RPing, is it polite to respond to them in a not overly intrusive way?


Or is this all supposed to be with people in your guild with a planned out storyline, etc., etc.


I'm not sure I'll ever be a dedicated RPer but I want to respect what people are up to and lightly respond, participate when it is interesting.


- Arcada

Edited by Nydus
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If you aren't comfortable with the lore at hand or if you get the feeling they're doing some sort of guild event, it might be polite to avoid them. But, if someone is playing in a public place, you are certainly allowed to interact with them. If it was important no one interupt what's going on, they would normally try to get into an instanced area, like the ship hangar or just someplace no one goes to.


If you want some advice on how to approach such a group, it's best to be in character. You don't need to have a whole backstory and it's okay to be casual. Just don't use abreviations like "LOL" and if you want to say something out of character, whisper or use something like ((hey, I just wanna say I think your armor set looks great)).


If you want to try casual roleplay when you bump into a little group like that, it's easy to "overhear" what they're saying. If someone mentions how on the deserts of Tattooine they narrowly escaped a sith attack, you can comment with something like, "The Empire is really fighting over a ball of dirt? Why would they even be on Tattooine?"


Just try to think about being in character. You aren't walking up to a player who is trying to tell a story; you're walking up to a Jedi, and you should ask yourself why your smuggler or soldier would approach a strange Jedi. Or whatever. You get it.

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Most experienced RPers will tell you: "Don't godmode", but it's rare to ever see new/inexperienced RPers do that. The most common stumbling block for new and old RPers alike is Metagaming, that is using Out-Of-Character knowledge as In-Character. So, basically, when you approach a group a players, never assume that the Imperial Agent works for Imperial Intelligence or that the Inquisitor was born a slave. in fact, most veteran RPers ignore the class stories all together, because RPers, by and large, prefer to play creatively.
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If in doubt, send one of them a polite whisper. Ask if they are holding a private event, or if it's okay if you join in. Also, express that you have little experience in RP in the whisper. With luck, the group will be understanding and welcoming towards you. :)
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If in doubt, send one of them a polite whisper. Ask if they are holding a private event, or if it's okay if you join in. Also, express that you have little experience in RP in the whisper. With luck, the group will be understanding and welcoming towards you. :)


This is how we welcome people on my server at least at our events that want to get in on what we are doing most of the time . We often see new players who finds us RP'ing a wierd sight but they still stay and watch (Yes an non-rp server thats why its more fun doing it. They aint expecting it)

Sure we get the trolls that want to mess it all up but after years of rp you learn to just force choke em through the monitors ;D


Some tag along and dont say anything. If they are we just say "ohh them? They are just the hired protection. Dont speak to them they are more likely to put a blaster bolt/ lightsaber throug you. But feel free to try"


Some of the players that have never thought themselves like rp at all now are apart of our little group. They still stay in character and do better then expected most of the times.

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A few solid things to avoid:


RP'ing your Class story.

The general concensious here is that the Class Story for your character provided by the game is that that happened to someone else. You are not the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox, Commander of Havoc, Cipher Nine ect. It's okay to make references to those events but they didn't happen to YOUR character.



The above poster is correct. One example of Meta-gaming is use of the name/title above someone's head if your character has never actually spoken with theirs and asked for their name/title. One exception is military rank given how it's "displayed" in some form or another as unseen symbols on the character. Another would be making references to events that aren't popular knowledge meaning EVERYONE knows about it. This is usually relating to events that happened private between a select set of characters.


RP'ing in the wrong channel:

Pretty sure you're aware of this but thought I'd mention it anyway. RP'ing in General Chat will get you some funny looks thought while not unacceptable tends to invite the worst sort of individual responses. People generally use the /say /emote commands as considered IC. /whisper /group /guild are usually at the discretion of the players. if you're not sure, ask. Nobody will bite.


I wrote up this topic on our own forums in regards to my personal views on RP. You're more then welcome to take a looksee at it. Take what you like, leave what you don't.

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It's usually alright if it's public RP. I laugh at people having 'private' conversations on the Fleet cantina without emoting talking very softly as to not be noticed, and then getting mad when your character notices/hears/responds/does anything. If they're sitting out in public just shooting the ****, I usually chime in when I'm bored.


If you have a lore question, google and wookiepedia are your friends. I know next to nothing about Star Wars (or I didn't before ToR) and I consider myself to be one of the more lore-friendly RPers on the server.


Definitely avoid stereotypes. Don't play a carbon copy of Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or Boba Fett. On that note, don't go too far to be special either. Try playing within the realm of believably.

Edited by SystemProcess
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  • 2 weeks later...
It's usually alright if it's public RP. I laugh at people having 'private' conversations on the Fleet cantina without emoting talking very softly as to not be noticed, and then getting mad when your character notices/hears/responds/does anything.

My policy is if I can see it, my character can hear it. If they want to have a truly private conversation, they can whisper or group up. If I see "Fred says quietly under his breath Did you have any trouble bribing the guards?" well, Fred obviously didn't say it quietly enough. Would I act on it? No, because if I heard two people IRL discussing something illegal I wouldn't poke my nose into the conversation.


Definitely avoid stereotypes. Don't play a carbon copy of Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or Boba Fett. On that note, don't go too far to be special either. Try playing within the realm of believably.

Definitely. in LotRO, there are way too many players who style their characters as spies for Saruman or something similar. Having to be that grandiose about one's character shows a distinct lack of creativity. Obviously player characters are not common nobodies, but "I am Darth Revan's secret great-great-grandson" doesn't cut it.


Also, for some reason some people fell compelled to accept IC anything any other player has his character do IC, I only acknowledge IC what meshes with my personal RP universe.

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