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Huttball and only Huttball.


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Huttball is the best PvP warzone by far, it requires skill and quick-thinking as opposed to mindlessly smashing buttons and hoping you'll be able to stand still for 8 seconds to cap a turret.


-Introduce an option to queue only for Huttball.


-Possibly add additional warzones of a similar nature.

Edited by Ewok-Scout
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I Agree!!!


Huttball is a sport like soccer or baseball, etc., the actual map is only 1 arena where huttball takes place... i would love to see new arenas where huttball can be played!!!


And later on a huttball tournament!!!

Edited by Zalgred
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I love Huttball, but it plays completely differently from the other objective-based maps because those typically end up being node-defense.


I think a Huttball queue (maybe with more maps and settings) and a Warzone queue would be a great idea.



Heck, if you do the Huttball queue enough, you can get a special title, maybe. I could totally see this working out.

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To each their own. I hate Huttball. If your going to give the option to Que for Huttball only. It would only be fitting to make it an option to never que for Huttball aswell.


This times a gajillion

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To keep wz's from taking even longer to fill, by dividing them up as proposed here... I propose an "individual selection modified random queue", where the game considers your wz selection(s) to be more of a Request than a Demand; so, the game would modify it's random wz chooser with a greater chance for the most Requested wz(s) to be chosen. It's a win-win for both quick queues and the personal wz preferences of those queued.

Thank you,

Edited by Vil-lynne
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