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New Characters Help/Advice


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Hello all,


I recently started on a Merc Bounty Hunter and a Sniper Operative. my questions are what crew skills match with each class? I did choose Armstech for my sniper so i could build a better sniper rifle. I am sure that everyone will suggest BIoanalysis but that isnt something i am intresting in using even with the re-usable med pac. I dont have a problem in buying them.


2) what side of the skill tree should i focus on for each? i was told for my sniper to focus on the left side of the tree and for my Merc i wanted to find a balance between damange and some healing. I dont plan on being a hardcore healer for my BH



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Crafts and crew skills are really your own personal preference. Each class doesn't have a specific craft that is better than the others. All of your companions will have different crit and efficiency bonuses for different crew skills. Personally I find Cybertech and Biochem to be the most useful crafts. Cybertech will allow you to make your own mods and armorings and ear pieces for your character (great when you're progressing through levels)(along with ship parts and grenades which come in handy). Biochem is excellent end-game for making your own reusable stims, adrenals, and medpacks because buying those off the GTN can get pricey.


As far as skill trees go, doing a dps/heal combo on Mercenary is not really ideal. You either want to be a full-on healer or a full-on DPS. The middle skill tree is the best DPS tree for merc. Sniper skill tree comes down to personal preference. The marksmanship tree pretty much makes you a stationary turret with high burst damage. There is another tree that allows you to be more mobile and focuses on DoT (damage over time) damage moreso than burst damage.


I hope this helps you, and good luck.

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yes thank you esp on the tree skills part. Right now for my BH i am between Cybertech and Armortech i have never used any of thoses i just dont want to get half way and be like well this sucks and switch. i apperciate your help
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Folks often say don't worry about trying to pick the "best" crew skill for your class, or there isn't any "best" skill for any class, so just go with whatever you want to do.


But if you absolutley must have that incremental advantage that makes your character "best" at whatever, there's a very detailed analysis of crew skills here:


It's a pretty exhaustive breakdown of what skill bonuses all the companions get, and which skills are thus "best" for what classes. Though it's actually written more from the perspective of "I want to be the best <insert crew skill>, what class should I be, not "I am a <insert class>, what is the best crew skill for my class?". If you don't want to read through all the analysis, you can scroll down to the end, where it lists the best class(es) for each crew skill, and see where your characters fit.

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