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Thread for animation/visual effect/sound changes


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I wanted to start a thread where everybody will tell what he would change about abilities or procs, but it should be only cosmetic or for convienience, meaning it is only about the way your character move, the shining effects or sounds, or in the worst case if an ability doesn't match what you'd expect from the class. Keep the mechanisms and balance outside as it about how making the game more pleasing, eye appealing without changing the fights.


If possible if there is an ability you would like to change, please be accurate : after you name it, tell why you dislike it and if possible explain with your own words what you'd like it becomes.




Personally, I'd change the animation of :

- Vicious Throw and Dispatch.

- Annihilate

- Force Wave

- Overload


Vicious Throw/Dispatch :


My main gripe is that it has the same animation than Deadly Throw, Saber Throw. If someone use them one after the other, you can't tell what he used, and it seems odd to see a Jedi/Sith to reapeat twice the same throw. My other gripe is that it doesn't give a feeling of power sufficient enough to match the fact it is an execution skill. If you compare it to other execution skill, it has a special feeling into it : Takedown do a brutal sound and aiming for the head is good. Spinning Strike for Shadows give a dramatic feel to the move by raising it over the head and spinning it before to deliver the finishing blow. Dispatch just do a generic saber throw, which travels into the air slowly, and remind you your other throw that doesn't deal so much damage.


I propose Dispatch and Vicious Throw to be changed so that the saber is thrown straight (no curved trajectory) to the ennemy, with a faster travelling speed, then stops a little time when reaching the ennemy because the saber stabbed him, then the saber go back to the hand with the force with the hilt going strait (no spinning).


Annihilate :


The reason is the unusal grip. I'm not against reverse grip, but here the Marauder can at most graze the opponent with this move... And it's supposed to be the biggest single hit saber ability (except Vicious Throw) ? Really ? It should be cutting ! And the visual effect doesn't even match the move : it shows crossed wounds, while the saber didn't crossed once.

I think it should look like Malgus' move when he killed Satele's master. Maybe not the exact same move, the marauder doesn't have to aim for the belly, cutting horizontally, then block his hands below his arms... he could as well do a crossed downward slash that leaves the arms free to move back to basic stance.

If the move won't change, at least change the visual effect : the weapons do not cross, so it shouldn't show a crossed effect. Two vertical slashing effects would be a better match.


Force Wave :


Firstly, I'm not for the old one. The jump was dull and unecessary. If I want to look cool by jumping while doing a wave, I can as well press the space bar. But the new one is still perfectible. Let's look at what we have : the Consular raise the arms and... the wave comes out ? From the belly ? If its coming from here I don't understand the choice of this animation for a conic ability, I mean if it's coming from the belly, it could as well affect everyone around. If the yellow wave effect weren't here, no spectator (people who just watch playing, not knowing the mechanisms) would guess why it affects only in front of the consular. Again, like Annihilate, the move doesn't match the effect.

I have two proposition :

- Copy the move of Force Push, fasten a bit to match the reactiveness of the ability (or like Inquisitor's Shock when aiming front)

- Lower the arms, so that they are approximately at horizontal and curve a bit the back (instead of standing strait)

Both of these move would make the Consular to actually push forward, and be a better match for the ability.


Overload :


I'll be frank here : nothing is good here. Not only the fact that the move is delayed with the visual effect, it has been said countless of times, but the jump with the punch on the ground, is inadequate with frontal bump.

Okay, here the jump can match with punching the ground unlike the Consular's where is was completely unecessary. But the problem is the punch on the ground itself. How can you believe that something that hit the ground can only affect what is in front ? This kind of animation only matches circular area of effects. It becomes even less believable that it has a wide area of effect if the impact can't propagate in all directions. It's like if Force sweep didn't affect at 360° and could propagate over long distance... You wouldn't believe it either, would you ?

For me, the ground punch is somthing to dump. And no ground punching, means no "on-the-ground" shockwave either.

So my proposition is that the Inquisitor rapidly raises is hand before him like an instant Chain Lightning, put instead of firing Lightnings it would fire a spheric-like translucent-purple shockwave that would propagate rapidly over the distance or only on a few metter before becoming completely translucent. It could keep the same sound as now.

My main inspiration is




I'll update if I think that other abilities should be improved. If you think of any improvements, feel free to participate. Remember that it has not to be necessarly a change of move, it can also be a change of effect or sound for a proc for exemple.

Edited by Altheran
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