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Pvp hacks and cheats


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I was on my 45 Jugg who is vengeance spec last, I had a couple pubs say hackerz to me. Sadly they do not know a veng jugg can spec to be immune to a lot of the stuns after a jump. I cant help it they kept standing in the endzone. Another situation that might look like hacking is if your uptop by last fire before the endzone and you jump off side while targeting someone in endzone you can jump as you fall and actually appear to hit in the pit before the game catches and put you in endzone on the person you jumped to while being immune and walking across the endzone to score. There are hackers for sure, I have seen more than my fair share but people really need to understand the class abilities and how they effect movement so they can easily understand.
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What? Did -you- actually read his post?


He is pulling his claims exactly out of nowhere. He hasn't even bothered to research the topic enough to label the 'hacks' he's encountering. The claims he's made aren't even specific enough for me to do the research for him. There's zero evidence provided. In short, it's useless hearsay.


Hmm, could have sworn the title of the thread has cheats in it and he did use the word exploit and exploiting just like hacking, is considered cheating. Also, WZs lagging at convenient times has been mentioned plenty of times. Players teleporting around has also been brought up before. So really, those are two legitimate issues to bring up and something BW should be looking into.


The real problem is, people would rather treat all claims of hacking as a joke and troll the person who made them. Speak out about a suspicion of hacking based on multiple observations of convenient "glitches" and said person is labelled as a baddie or noob.

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Hmm, could have sworn the title of the thread has cheats in it and he did use the word exploit and exploiting just like hacking, is considered cheating. Also, WZs lagging at convenient times has been mentioned plenty of times. Players teleporting around has also been brought up before. So really, those are two legitimate issues to bring up and something BW should be looking into.


The real problem is, people would rather treat all claims of hacking as a joke and troll the person who made them. Speak out about a suspicion of hacking based on multiple observations of convenient "glitches" and said person is labelled as a baddie or noob.


The real problem is the lack of an informed playerbase and the lack of any desire at all to produce evidence. If you want to vaguely talk about hacking that's fine, just don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

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Hmm, could have sworn the title of the thread has cheats in it and he did use the word exploit and exploiting just like hacking, is considered cheating. Also, WZs lagging at convenient times has been mentioned plenty of times. Players teleporting around has also been brought up before. So really, those are two legitimate issues to bring up and something BW should be looking into.


The real problem is, people would rather treat all claims of hacking as a joke and troll the person who made them. Speak out about a suspicion of hacking based on multiple observations of convenient "glitches" and said person is labelled as a baddie or noob.


The reason why people are typically labeled as "baddie" or "noob" when they make threads like this is because, usually, THEY ARE baddies and noobs. This thread is no exception.


The reason why you almost never see people in established rated guilds calling other people hackers is because they have played the game long enough to determine that there is basically no hacking in this game. I've played over 400 ranked games and thousands of normals on my operative alone and have never seen anything that was clearly hacking.


The problem with threads like this is that they typically offer no proof or evidence. In the case of the 1 confirmed hacker in the last several months in this game, there was a plethora of evidence and he got banned. If Sunsau offered any evidence besides pure hearsay, then maybe this thread would have been taken more seriously.

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The reason why people are typically labeled as "baddie" or "noob" when they make threads like this is because, usually, THEY ARE baddies and noobs. This thread is no exception.


The reason why you almost never see people in established rated guilds calling other people hackers is because they have played the game long enough to determine that there is basically no hacking in this game. I've played over 400 ranked games and thousands of normals on my operative alone and have never seen anything that was clearly hacking.


The problem with threads like this is that they typically offer no proof or evidence. In the case of the 1 confirmed hacker in the last several months in this game, there was a plethora of evidence and he got banned. If Sunsau offered any evidence besides pure hearsay, then maybe this thread would have been taken more seriously.


Well, to be perfectly fair, it may be possible to pass off a hack as a glitch. I'm certain there are smart hackers out there who find discreet methods so they can get away with it. And seeing as this game has plenty of glitches, it wouldn't be too hard for hackers to hide behind them and if one person was caught hacking, then clearly it's possible for others to hack. So, it's understandable how people could mistake a glitch for hack. As someone stated earlier, if BW had a thread of in game glitches that would help.


Personally, I can't say I've seen anything that looks like hacking and usually pass things off as a glitch. Since I try to keep an open mind and avoid making assumptions, I don't just pass over every claim of hacking or exploiting as another baddie moaning. Lack of evidence leaves me sceptical, but at the same time, I wasn't there so how would I really know? If the accusation/suspicion is coming from someone I don't know, well, it's someone I don't know. If I haven't been with or against the person in WZs, how do I really know if he's good or not?


As for this thread, I do agree the lack of evidence is a problem. However, it does seem to be more of an attempt to let people know they aren't the only ones who have seen suspicious things in WZs and to be more wary of it. It also feels like an attempt to get people to be more vocal to BW about it, which at the very least, would cut down on the glitches in WZs.



This post actually made sense on so many levels it blew my mind.


Son of a...I just got some of your brain goo in my nose. :(

Edited by Dedrayge
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The reason why people are typically labeled as "baddie" or "noob" when they make threads like this is because, usually, THEY ARE baddies and noobs. This thread is no exception.


The reason why you almost never see people in established rated guilds calling other people hackers is because they have played the game long enough to determine that there is basically no hacking in this game. I've played over 400 ranked games and thousands of normals on my operative alone and have never seen anything that was clearly hacking.


The problem with threads like this is that they typically offer no proof or evidence. In the case of the 1 confirmed hacker in the last several months in this game, there was a plethora of evidence and he got banned. If Sunsau offered any evidence besides pure hearsay, then maybe this thread would have been taken more seriously.


The fallacy you presented goes both ways: because you haven't seen any hacking in your playtime does not negate everyone else's experiences, especially considering the fact that a lot of us come from different servers. On top of that, BW did include that message in the launcher concerning hacks and exploits, so it's something that does exist in the game, just not as widespread as other servers.


Players in well-known pvp guilds know it would make them look bad if they complained about hackers, whether they existed or not. We can all agree that this "problem" is not widespread at all. The game engine has lots of glitches, so whether people exploit them is really just guesswork.

Of course, the other point is that if there are people hacking on this server (in whatever form they might take), they must be doing so with extra fail-sauce because despite their cheating, these players still manage to suck and end up under the radar.


So we're back to square one. We can't really prove certain hacks or exploits exist (except blatant usage), but at the same time we can't prove that they don't when we notice odd behavior. I will 99% of the time assume that whatever oddities I see are due to this game's engine and netcode being garbage, and the 1% will get reported in a ticket, not even necessarily as a hack/exploit, but as a possible bug/glitch.


Finally, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but Sunsau cannot post actual evidence in these forums without risking a ban.

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THIS........ i think it's all the explanation we need




I do not use this, i do not condone usage of this, i think this is a bunch of crap that stuff like this can be used on swtor.

Please help raise awareness so our lovely Devs can do something about it. Please, please, please.


This looks like a hex editor, which basically (I'm not computer expert so allow me to butcher all the terminology) changes hex values in your memory... usually to give yourself more money or health or whatever. I HIGHLY doubt this would work in SWTOR or any game that connects to a server.

If there was any hacking, BW would spend most of its resources combating players trying to dupe items/credits over players glitching/exploiting in warzones.

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oh it works, had a guildy quit the game b/c they banned him due to usage of this program. Had him show me it's capabilities and what all it can do so i can keep an eye out. Had him show me in the temple on voss that he can run from outside, down to the entrance of the H4 trials of the first, and back again in about 5 seconds. It can be used to an extreme or be very subtle.


He showed me that as a merc he was able to use force leap, saber throw ( looked kinda funny as he's a merc and it throws his gun) , he was able to increase his jump height to that so he could literally leap from the pit in huttball to the 3rd level in one hop. It indeed works unfortunately. I hate it just HATE stuff like this. It's ok for single person games like GTA or the original elderscrolls games (morowind, oblivion) where you aren't effecting other people's experience.


What you do in your own home is your business, but when what you do in your own home effects everyone outside your home it's a problem. /endrant

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He showed me that as a merc he was able to use force leap, saber throw ( looked kinda funny as he's a merc and it throws his gun)


I find this part hard to believe because if a knight/warrior has the axes equipped, the saber throw still shows a lightsaber.


Also, posting links of that nature will probably get this thread deleted (just as well, I suppose) and might mean a ban for you so I suggest editing your post to remove details about that software... which has finally finished installing now I can finally be l33t PREPARE TO SUCK DUAL BLASTER THROW TO YOUR FACE BADDIES

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The fallacy you presented goes both ways: because you haven't seen any hacking in your playtime does not negate everyone else's experiences, especially considering the fact that a lot of us come from different servers. On top of that, BW did include that message in the launcher concerning hacks and exploits, so it's something that does exist in the game, just not as widespread as other servers.


Players in well-known pvp guilds know it would make them look bad if they complained about hackers, whether they existed or not. We can all agree that this "problem" is not widespread at all. The game engine has lots of glitches, so whether people exploit them is really just guesswork.

Of course, the other point is that if there are people hacking on this server (in whatever form they might take), they must be doing so with extra fail-sauce because despite their cheating, these players still manage to suck and end up under the radar.


So we're back to square one. We can't really prove certain hacks or exploits exist (except blatant usage), but at the same time we can't prove that they don't when we notice odd behavior. I will 99% of the time assume that whatever oddities I see are due to this game's engine and netcode being garbage, and the 1% will get reported in a ticket, not even necessarily as a hack/exploit, but as a possible bug/glitch.


Finally, and correct me if I'm wrong here, but Sunsau cannot post actual evidence in these forums without risking a ban.


You are right in that you can't completely disprove hacks existing and being widespread in the game, but in the same way that you can't disprove the existence of mythical creatures like unicorns. People claim to see all kinds of ridiculous things, but nobody takes them seriously unless they provide some semblance of evidence, which the OP has failed to do.


Additionally, there have been many people who have posted videos in the past of various "hackers" and glitches and never recieved any punishment. Even the people who posted the videos of Gingers, who is like the only confirmed cheater this game has seen in the past 6 months recieved no punishment. Maybe linking directly to a hack download or something like that would be grounds for punishment, but a video of someone hacking is probably more than fine.

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THIS........ i think it's all the explanation we need




I do not use this, i do not condone usage of this, i think this is a bunch of crap that stuff like this can be used on swtor.

Please help raise awareness so our lovely Devs can do something about it. Please, please, please.


This video is over a year old. yes, initially there were quite a few easy to use hacks for this game, but the anti cheat system has improved and they have started banning people. Now these kinds of hacks are extremely rare and people are banned for using them almost instantaneously.

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This video is over a year old. yes, initially there were quite a few easy to use hacks for this game, but the anti cheat system has improved and they have started banning people. Now these kinds of hacks are extremely rare and people are banned for using them almost instantaneously.


thank the maker! i wasn't sure on the age, but seeing the vid made me :mad:

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You are right in that you can't completely disprove hacks existing and being widespread in the game, but in the same way that you can't disprove the existence of mythical creatures like unicorns. People claim to see all kinds of ridiculous things, but nobody takes them seriously unless they provide some semblance of evidence, which the OP has failed to do.


Additionally, there have been many people who have posted videos in the past of various "hackers" and glitches and never recieved any punishment. Even the people who posted the videos of Gingers, who is like the only confirmed cheater this game has seen in the past 6 months recieved no punishment. Maybe linking directly to a hack download or something like that would be grounds for punishment, but a video of someone hacking is probably more than fine.


I thought one of our very own special players from our server got a forum ban for that one gingers thread... I think the specific violation is for naming the person in question.

But you're absolutely right, I only hope that IF there is any foul play, BW is working on stamping it out. If there was video of it, I'm sure it could be made known outside these forums if necessary. However, I know there have been instances of foul play from my old server so I was merely pointing out that just because you haven't seen anything with all the hours you've put into pvp doesn't suddenly invalidate what others may have seen. But if people accuse players from WOOK of hacking, I know it's just baddies being bad, looking for a scapegoat for their lack of skills.

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THIS........ i think it's all the explanation we need




I do not use this, i do not condone usage of this, i think this is a bunch of crap that stuff like this can be used on swtor.

Please help raise awareness so our lovely Devs can do something about it. Please, please, please.


So I just spent 10 minutes doing research and no... just no. A hex editor does absolutely nothing to a game (hint:mmo) that isn't stored directly on your drive. You need the source code for that which is only partially in the install file. So how do you get the source code? Apparently by trial and error of memory addresses of which there are billions. It also changes every time the game loads. So realistically anyone who wants to hack is looking at months to learn anything much less something meaningful and they would probably get banned in the process of mucking around.

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This video is over a year old. yes, initially there were quite a few easy to use hacks for this game, but the anti cheat system has improved and they have started banning people. Now these kinds of hacks are extremely rare and people are banned for using them almost instantaneously.


I have always wondered how anyone has access to this type of information as far as who, when, where.


As another who has seen the extremes, and yes it was more prevalent in the beginning. I have to agree with the OP there are some fishy people out there. I ran into the infamous mysterious lag when 'the other team is losing and they are planting a bomb' type of issue today. It is not possible to pinpoint who does it unless they abuse it too much. On the other hand I also love how it is always the same people that seem to bash anyone who comes on the forums to say something. It seems that there is a certain core group that does not help the cause, but hinders due to the notion of supremacy in their own game play.


I will leave with this one thought though, and that is if you suspect someone of cheating then report them. To vaguely talked about it here does allow for the issue to be discussed with out give any other players ideas on how to not to play fair. Let BW determine if they are guilty or not, I do not see the need to sling mud on any player (even the ones I don like) publicly since as some have suggested it my just be a glitch. I would hope that we all would err on the side of caution and not character assassinate some one before it is proven their guilt or innocence. Either way, it might be beneficial to allow people to discuss ideas, rather than to troll them.

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I have always wondered how anyone has access to this type of information as far as who, when, where.


As another who has seen the extremes, and yes it was more prevalent in the beginning. I have to agree with the OP there are some fishy people out there. I ran into the infamous mysterious lag when 'the other team is losing and they are planting a bomb' type of issue today. It is not possible to pinpoint who does it unless they abuse it too much. On the other hand I also love how it is always the same people that seem to bash anyone who comes on the forums to say something. It seems that there is a certain core group that does not help the cause, but hinders due to the notion of supremacy in their own game play.


I will leave with this one thought though, and that is if you suspect someone of cheating then report them. To vaguely talked about it here does allow for the issue to be discussed with out give any other players ideas on how to not to play fair. Let BW determine if they are guilty or not, I do not see the need to sling mud on any player (even the ones I don like) publicly since as some have suggested it my just be a glitch. I would hope that we all would err on the side of caution and not character assassinate some one before it is proven their guilt or innocence. Either way, it might be beneficial to allow people to discuss ideas, rather than to troll them.


please see my other post regarding this:


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please see my other post regarding this:



I find it intriguing that it is always the same people claiming cheats/hacks/exploits do not exist in PvP in this game. It is also the same people complaining about people being bad at the game. Then subsequently complaining about the lack of competitive PvP.


PvP will never be competitive in SWTOR. It will never be like an FPS, RTS, or to an extent Guild Wars 2 where skill dictates the victor. SWTOR is balanced around PvE, with PvP as an afterthought (which this afterthought usually breaks PvE). Why do you think the actual competitive PvP players in SWTOR have already moved on to other games, leaving behind the likes of yourself and and your cohorts.


Want confirmation of any of my statements, read the PTS forums in regards to how bolster currently works in 2.0.




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