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Pvp hacks and cheats


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Now usually when someone would mention that this was happening in warzones I used laugh or just think them bad players but as of late I have been seeing more and more instances of, players not being able to be targeted or damaged, randomly teleporting around the map, extreme instances of lag when going near certain players or playing against certain premades, stealth classes scoring the ball while in stealth(seen this a handful of times from marauders)


There was even a instance where i pushed a player into the pit near our goaline but somehow after a few seconds this certain operative was back on the walkway going over the firepit for a pass from an enemy teammate to score. I am 1000% sure he was down on the lower level as i jumped down after him so no other teammate of his could hop onto me.


I would not post in the forums if this was not a problem but it seems bioware has not taken care of this even after all this time and i have been playing since early access of the game. With my internet connection at 75/35 fiber optics(I live alone and plugged directly into router) and computer with specs WELL above the minimum requirements i am sure it is not on my end and this is the ONLY game where i have performance issues. I have been playing since early access and things like this should not even be around after all this time especially after the influx of extra revenue from the cartel market release.


I am merely posting this to let other players know who pvp that no its not just you and the best defense against these types of exploits is to take down every players name on the enemy team and send in a exploit ticket to bioware as they say they are taking cheats "very seriously" I dont think all the players on the team could be cheating and if they are not then they have nothing to worry about but those who are should be punished severely as cheating not only ruins the game but tells everyone you are a baddie bastard who isn't good enough to even play the game normally.


This is only for those who are seeing this first hand in warzones and maybe just shrugging it off as nothing or maybe didn't pay enough attention to catch it but it is alive and real in the game and should be taken care of by the devs if they want players to stick around for the long haul.

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juan time i saw dis marauder run supah fast and wuz liek REPOTRED


den i saw a gurdien (i tink it was u ashly) n he jumpd from da pit all da way into de endzone with a frendly leep to noboddy!


bungie better fix these hax it make me sad n will unscribesub

Edited by thesadplanet
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Honestly I'd be surprised if you actually found someone legitly hacking. A. It doesn't make bad players good players. B. It takes a considerable amount of shortsightedness to even try hacking much less use it for your team's benefit in an objective game C. I've played a lot of warzones and outside of /stuck I have yet to see one instance I can reliably attribute to hacking. D. There is a correlation between the level of skill you have in pvp and how many times you report hacking.


I would advise you to rethink your definition of hacking because the situations you've described can easily be explained by a lag spike (no your fiber optic connection is not infallible). Other then that this is really a SS or it didn't happen type of thing. If you feel so adamantly about it you should feel equally strong about actually ascertaining the truth before deciding one way or the other. I have plenty of friends in game who use hacking as a first or second line of defense for mistakes. I don't fault them for it as long as it's just venting.

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Sir, the game has a targeting system that can be described as craptacular at times. And yea, I've seen players get knocked around and somehow end up right back at the spot they where knocked back from. That could really just be more of a glitch. It certainly does look very glitch when it happens.


As for severe lag, yea, I've noticed how it happens at convenient times and will end upon a certain player dying. Pretty sure that's people spamming the hell out of print screen. I've also been in a NC where a second after the match started we had south. :/


People are most likely finding glitches in WZs and instead of reporting are abusing them because it's all about winning. But really, as it's been stated already, you need to have screen shots to really prove anything. If you can record your matches, that's an even better solution.

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All that being said, I find it particularly fun to have south capped in a Novare Coast before the ranked match even starts. You know who you are, and if you don't - it's probably not you I'm calling out.


As others have said, hacking doesn't always help and it rarely is actually occurring. More often the server is just lagging or a player doesn't understand the difference between a stun, a root, and a snare. That being said I think you're a decent player Sunsau and if you saw something you think really shouldn't be happening, SS and report it immediately. Forums are the last place you want to bring this kind of thing.

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Honestly I'd be surprised if you actually found someone legitly hacking. A. It doesn't make bad players good players. B. It takes a considerable amount of shortsightedness to even try hacking much less use it for your team's benefit in an objective game C. I've played a lot of warzones and outside of /stuck I have yet to see one instance I can reliably attribute to hacking. D. There is a correlation between the level of skill you have in pvp and how many times you report hacking.


I would advise you to rethink your definition of hacking because the situations you've described can easily be explained by a lag spike (no your fiber optic connection is not infallible). Other then that this is really a SS or it didn't happen type of thing. If you feel so adamantly about it you should feel equally strong about actually ascertaining the truth before deciding one way or the other. I have plenty of friends in game who use hacking as a first or second line of defense for mistakes. I don't fault them for it as long as it's just venting.


I'm gonna go with this (and just replace a few words that seem nicer).


Only time I ever saw someone hack,where I was 10000000% sure was a sorc that kept teleporting around in huttball and both sides called him on it Empire and Republic.(im pretty sure he was banned afterwords 2)

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With sentinels sometimes after exiting force camouflage your character stays invisible but you can see the lightsabers and the name


Yea, I love that glitch. Now, if said sent had the ball and popped off force camo yet still managed to keep the ball, well, there' something wrong.

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Yea, I love that glitch. Now, if said sent had the ball and popped off force camo yet still managed to keep the ball, well, there' something wrong.


There's an even weirder glitch where characters that don't have any type of stealth ability at all go invisible sometimes, and all you can see is the name and weapon(s). It happens on my sorc occasionally, and usually in Ancient Hypergate. I die, I respawn, and suddenly I can barely even make out my own character. It's not because an operative used the group stealth or anything, it just happens out of nowhere. It looks very weird and I get focused a lot when this happens, as people see the name, see an invisible sorc running around and think this guy must be hacking, so foil his plans.

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I find it funny that, as a rank 100, you still haven't picked up on the multitude of glitches in this game and can't discern the difference between them and "hacks."


if theres one thing some of the pvp guilds on this server have taught me is that you can still be 100 valor and be like the worst at pvp

i wont call anyone out but i hope they know who they are

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Know what's another really annoying bug? INFINITE WARZONE!


Where the only way to get out of the warzone after it has ended is to use your quick travel to fleet, otherwise you are stuck in the warzone with almost no way to get out. I don't know what causes it, but it feels like it's connected to the print screen spam because it lags massively, freezes, and then you are stuck in the warzone after it has ended. I've noticed this has become especially prevalent after the game went free-2-play.

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There's an even weirder glitch where characters that don't have any type of stealth ability at all go invisible sometimes, and all you can see is the name and weapon(s). It happens on my sorc occasionally, and usually in Ancient Hypergate. I die, I respawn, and suddenly I can barely even make out my own character. It's not because an operative used the group stealth or anything, it just happens out of nowhere. It looks very weird and I get focused a lot when this happens, as people see the name, see an invisible sorc running around and think this guy must be hacking, so foil his plans.


Oh, now I think I know why I manage to aggro the enemy team. It's because I took the time to learn my class, well, pretty much all classes, then go around killing people and pulling off good DPS, therefore, I'm a haxxorz. :D



I find it funny that, as a rank 100, you still haven't picked up on the multitude of glitches in this game and can't discern the difference between them and "hacks."


To be fair, it's not always obvious what's a glitch and what happens to be someone hacking. Of course you'll get those people that will abuse glitches to win WZs which is almost as bad as hacking. And really, no one is going to fess up to cheating.

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People just need to understand that what is on their screen will not always be what is happening.


Pieces are moving around before you see them and the server just hasn't told you yet. It does its best but it takes time for my "grapple" command to be sent from my computer in ohio to the swtor server (which is located in some datacenter somewhere) and then be sent from the server to you... even at the speed of light this takes time. In that timespan between me pressing the grapple and you recieving the grapple on your screen, the game is just sort of making things up the best it can do on your screen.


If you're jumping to someone that is on the ledge on your screen that I grappled on my screen, and the server recieved my grapple before it got your jump.... It is going to eventually move things to the way it sees is proper.... With you jumping to somewhere you weren't intending to jump. And it *looks* fishy. We all get that it looks fishy. But it isn't hacks, it is how extrapolation works in networked video games.


And, of course, there are stupid bugs. Most of which are harmless. For instance someone uses infiltrate and all of a sudden you can't see your own character walking around. Everyone else sees the character fine, though. :)


And, of course, there's the idiot who decided to jump out of the gate in a Novarre Coast before the round started in a ranked match. Now *that* guy is stupid.

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Know what's another really annoying bug? INFINITE WARZONE!


Where the only way to get out of the warzone after it has ended is to use your quick travel to fleet, otherwise you are stuck in the warzone with almost no way to get out. I don't know what causes it, but it feels like it's connected to the print screen spam because it lags massively, freezes, and then you are stuck in the warzone after it has ended. I've noticed this has become especially prevalent after the game went free-2-play.




Rightclick on warzone icon and leave?

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I find it funny that, as a rank 100, you still haven't picked up on the multitude of glitches in this game and can't discern the difference between them and "hacks."

You are correct after all this time of playing and even after bioware has admitted themselves that these exploits are happening (hint the login message a few weeks ago) I still do not know whats happening in the game. But that doesn't mean anything its just glitches that make these things happens how could i have been so wrong. /sarcasm off

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It would be nice if BW had a list of known hacks and exploits similar to their "Known Bugs" list. While it could lead to an increase in people hacking I think that would be temporary as at least everyone will know the difference between a hack and a bug, and reporting/banning should be a lot easier to research. Like many have already said most accusations for hacking has to do with either the accuser not knowing about certain abilities, or just odd glitches. With a list of some sort reports of hacking would be more qualified.
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You are correct after all this time of playing and even after bioware has admitted themselves that these exploits are happening (hint the login message a few weeks ago) I still do not know whats happening in the game. But that doesn't mean anything its just glitches that make these things happens how could i have been so wrong. /sarcasm off


I've seen hacks in this game once.


Merkave always beats me in rolls.

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