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With RotHC, what happens to the Tionese quest?


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Since the Tionese vendor is being phased out, as well as Tionese armor itself, will there still be a Tionese style gear reward at 50? Will you still receive the Tionese comms to exchange, will the reward be something from the new array of commendations, or does the quest even take place any longer?



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that sucks, so those who get 50 will not get a little help like the rest did, I got my jug to 50 trying my hardest to get my sniper just cuz i like the way it looks


Just like the good old days!


Really tho, the amount of times I have played with people on flashpoints that don't even use their Tionese gear, instead using lvl 48ish gear is stupid. Recently, it's been "But I don't like the way the gear looks, so I'm not going to use it".


My opinion is, fresh 50's are getting too much help, that many of them are refusing, so I am sorta glad they are removing this.

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So they are removing Rakata gear as well? Does anyone know if they will be adding schematics for the rakata gear skins? Some of them are pretty cool :(


Totally agree with you, pal. The rakata set for juggernaut is really awesome! but so far, I've been having so much bad luck that I've never even get close to 1 piece: either the groups don't want to "waste" time to kill the bosses (they are only for the stupid comms) or somebody else selects "need" for their companion.


Having the option to buy the shells would be great, indeed.

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My opinion is, fresh 50's are getting too much help, that many of them are refusing, so I am sorta glad they are removing this.

But it was nice for those of us on our 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc 50 alt.

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