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Social Guild members looking for a Progression Raid Group


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My wife and I are in a social guild and we really enjoy the guild we are in. But we are looking to do progression raiding. The farthest we've been is Operator IX in TFB HM. We know we can go farther but the guild were is a social one, so a lot of the members are not really worried about being dedicated to clear content. I was wondering if there are other social guild members out there really looking to do progression but do not want to leave their guild. I would like to set up a raid group, to clear existing content and new content when 2.0 hits.


If you are interested feel free to find me in game on my character Dr'on. (or any of my alts they all start with Dr' just do a who)


Also any advice from any experienced raiders on how to get this group going and maybe how to treat progression would be helpful. I never really raided before this game and I feel that I put out the DPS numbers needed (you can see me in a bunch of the Top 50 on TorParse.com)


In other words we have a healer and DPS looking to create a new raid group or join an existing one but not looking to join a new guild. If anyone is in the same position. Message me and maybe we can clear new content when 2.0 hits.

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i would be interested,i'm in a pretty casual guild and they are just starting to do Ops which tends to leave me either very bored 90% of the time or me pugging ops as much as lock outs permit which kinda sucks unless its EV or KP story mode which i get nothing from. so my question would be Republic or empire?
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I guess I should have mentioned that. Currently we are on Republic side, but next weekend plan on leveling Imp versions of our mains, so if we have more people interested on Imperial side we could do that too. (Legacy gear makes it easy to send stuff over.)
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