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my thoughts on double xp


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So... you want the devs to respond to this.... because... it is more credible than the other insignificant whining over dbl xp. Because... you took the time. And because you are a unique position to know what is right for this game. But even though you posted this in a public forum, you are not interested in a public response. This wasn't meant for public eyes... or debate...


Yours is a truly dizzying logic. It is no wonder that you can not manage your game play. It is even less of a surprise that you have quit the game a mere week from the release of 2.0 and the end of dbl xp.


With all due respect, and please... don't feel like you need to reply to this public forum since your weren't really looking for a public response, leave.



Edited by Rafaman
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It's double experience for a couple weekends so that some of us can get new characters up to level 50 for the new expansion


If you don't like double exp don't play on the weekends, it's not the end of the world


After all its just a video game


Why would a developer respond when you never asked a question you just stated some stuff and went all rage post about canceling?

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Seems like all these threads about double xp write as if the double xp is here to stay never going away, I bet after it ends it will be along time before we ever see double xp if ever again, maybe the dev's will look ove these threads and give players a chance to opt out if they ever do doubl xp again. I myself don't care one way or the other. :rolleyes:
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I logged on just to post on this thread...




And I ain't a developer.


In the future please refrain from posting nonsense in the general forum and expecting only dev responses. There are a number of other threads on this very topic, please add your constructive feedback to those threads.


That is all.


/Signed. :)

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OP, can you tell me how you get xp from role-playing?


I'm guessing it is faux-XP. :p


Then again, he could simply be saying that he role plays as he goes along and that double XP makes him feel rushed through his role play experience.


Personally, I don't the problem... but if these forums have consistently demonstrated one thing... it's that there are no boundaries of complaint against the game.


The irony here is... the player is in control of his/her experience, including XP (even during double XP weekends)... yet they want to blame rather then take responsibility for their own experience. The OP has a number of ways to mitigate the impact of double XP weekends.. but instead chose to complain.


TL;DR: clever people are able to find ways to manage their game experience even in the face of virtual adversity like being given more XP then you deserve.


Also... more people seem to like double XP weekends then dislike. Example: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=617461


And it's not like any MMO can please all the players all the time.

Edited by Andryah
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please do not respond to this thread unless you are a developer. There are countless other threads on double xp you can participate in if you want. This post is for the developers, not you.


Despite your sophomoric self-entitled and overblown sense of worth...you really aren't that important in the scheme of things. You also don't get to tell other people whether they can or cannot respond on a general forum.


Just deal with the fact you are actually nothing more than a powerless and ineffectual whiner desperate for attention and frustrated because the world really isn't that into you or your inane jabbering about double XP.


So hit the road, whiner. And good riddance.

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For me, these double xp weekends let me finish the stories that are 'boring' to me. I'm curious to see what happens in them, but for every day play, classes like Consular and Trooper are boring as f***. If I had to do all the side quests with these classes, I'd stop playing (which I did because these 2 classes are so dull). I only started these up again on the xp weekends to see how it all turns out.


I've got 9 lvl 50's on my current server and 3 on another. I've done all the quests imaginable a few times. I see double xp weekends as a sanity saver that allows me to see how all the stories go, instead of just my favourites (which is anything except consular and trooper.)


ETA: and to the OP, don't let the door hit you on the ***** on the way out, you arrogant noob. Trying to force people to your over blown sense of thinking.

Edited by Lunafox
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