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looking for tank build PVE


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Exact builds can vary depending on play style, but THIS is the build I use, and all other hybrid tanks are running the same ( or something very close to it ).


The big money makers here are Overhead Slash and Blade Barricade. Stasis Mastery is a great bonus. Has a lot of mitigation.


However, 2.0 comes out in like 2 weeks, at which time this build will be obsolete due to the changes in Sunder Armor and Guardian Slash.

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If you plan on tanking in 2.0, I would get used to running with a full defense tree build. Don't even bother learning the hybrid at this point. Which isn't to say hybrid is not the best current build.... I've been running a hybrid build for months and love it. But I plan on going full defense when 2.0 starts.
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Go full Defense like what was said above.


Hybrid when you look at the math is marginally better than full defense now, but that changes in 2.0.


You won't be at a disadvantage now by going full defense. I've used both and I actually prefer full defense myself. Balance your stats properly and taunt boost like you're supposed to, you won't have issues with survivability or threat. Plus you get better AoE threat and damage, extra stun, 2 skills to 5 rend stacks and you don't have to worry about focus ever.

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