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Why are you ruining my weekends? Option to turn off xp bonus!


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If you don't care about the XP then just run the quests over powered and get no XP for them.


If you want a challenge while doing it then have some fun. Put on some social armor with no mods and effectively run the content naked or run it without a companion out. That will make the content more challenging even if you are overpowered.


That's my recommendation, too, but people just don't know how to be creative. They only know how to complain, even when something good happens. Just people whining for the sake of whining.

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That's my recommendation, too, but people just don't know how to be creative. They only know how to complain, even when something good happens. Just people whining for the sake of whining.


Having to "cheat" to make a game challenging or entertaining is not a good sign for a game since two of a game's primary goals, by definition, are to A) challenge a player, and B) entertain a player.

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Having to "cheat" to make a game challenging or entertaining is not a good sign for a game since two of a game's primary goals, by definition, are to A) challenge a player, and B) entertain a player.


Definition A is kinda invalid, or have you not looked at the iOS or Android store lately? :p


I think my idea is the best. Up the Major XP boosts to 200% (From 25%) and put the minor XP boosts on the market (Keep them at 25%, 3 hours, and make them cheaper than the Major one). That way, those that want a 'challenge' can have it and those that want to be level 50 before they finish Belsavis can.

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Having to "cheat" to make a game challenging or entertaining is not a good sign for a game since two of a game's primary goals, by definition, are to A) challenge a player, and B) entertain a player.


That doesn't seem like cheating. Some people would argue that being handed a companion is "cheating" in an mmo. Different way to play is all it is. But, that just strengthens my point. If it's not spoon-fed, then it won't be done.


B) I have been thoroughly entertained by my class story and not having to bother with stuff that my character really wouldn't care about to begin with.

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Definition A is kinda invalid, or have you not looked at the iOS or Android store lately? :p


I think my idea is the best. Up the Major XP boosts to 200% (From 25%) and put the minor XP boosts on the market (Keep them at 25%, 3 hours, and make them cheaper than the Major one). That way, those that want a 'challenge' can have it and those that want to be level 50 before they finish Belsavis can.


If we are now in competition with phone games, then the end is nigh.

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That doesn't seem like cheating. Some people would argue that being handed a companion is "cheating" in an mmo. Different way to play is all it is. But, that just strengthens my point. If it's not spoon-fed, then it won't be done.


B) I have been thoroughly entertained by my class story and not having to bother with stuff that my character really wouldn't care about to begin with.


At the end of the day, it is still a game, not a movie.


It also bodes poorly towards the eventual, and likely inevitable, march towards 50's being sold on the CM. Allowing players to bypass the game via a CM token is not that great a leap from allowing them to rapidly cruise through the game, in affect allowing players to bypass significant portions of the game.

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I don't understand all these arguments that double XP is bad b/c it makes the game too easy.


The game already is super easy. Unless you're 3 levels down or more on the levels, you're going to have a pretty easy time. If your level is the same as the mission levels, you're going to have a super easy time as it is. Double XP won't make it any easier.

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Why can't it be both?


Because when you try to be two completely different things, your inevitably end up sucking at one of them.


TOR's a way better movie than it is a game, it's a way better SW movie than the last three SW movies.


Thing is though, people don't pay $15/month to watch the same movie over and over, no matter how good it is.

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Thing is though, people don't pay $15/month to watch the same movie over and over, no matter how good it is.


I think that's exactly the point of those that are arguing in favour of the double XP. Some people just want to skip the challenge and go straight to the movie aspect of the class stories. They've watched the side quests. They are sick of them.

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I think that's exactly the point of those that are arguing in favour of the double XP. Some people just want to skip the challenge and go straight to the movie aspect of the class stories. They've watched the side quests. They are sick of them.


I can understand that point.


I can even understand how people with multiple 50's might like the opportunity to speed level alts.


If you want to know why 2x experience is not a good idea, try making and levelling a new character while pretending it's your first character. It's easy mode turned up to 11. It's going to ruin the game for anybody just starting out.

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I can understand that point.


I can even understand how people with multiple 50's might like the opportunity to speed level alts.


If you want to know why 2x experience is not a good idea, try making and levelling a new character while pretending it's your first character. It's easy mode turned up to 11. It's going to ruin the game for anybody just starting out.

I know what you're saying, as I started a new Vanguard on Saturday, just to see what the gameplay was like (I already had a Commando and a Mercenary)


I rapidly leveled through Ord Mantell and Coruscant. So from a new player's perpective, this can be a jarring experience.


The thing is, the underlying problem exists whether or not there is double xp. A typical RPG player (I'm assuming here, so bear with me) is going to see a number of quests available and want to do them. Even the non-completionist that likes story is likely to want to see "what happens if I run the bonus series"


For example, I liked the Tatooine Bonus Series better than the regular planetary quest line, as I really felt like I was sticking it to the Empire.

As mentioned earlier in this thread, my first toon (leveled 13 months ago before any xp bonuses existed, and usually without rested xp) I spent most of the game 5-6 levels over, as I wanted to experience as much as possible. In addition to things being super-duper-easy-mode, it ended up being a disservice to my skill as a player. When I ran the Ilum story and confronted Darth Arho, he kicked my *** 17 ways from Sunday, because I truly had no idea how to play my character.


However, as I began to run more class stories (my brand of completionism) it got to the point where I didn't want to see the same quests anymore. When my Sentinel hit Taris, I abandoned him for 6 months. My guildies used to joke about it because I had all the class buffs but Knight. When the Cartel Market started selling the XP boost consumables, and I combined it with the legacy XP perks, it was truly a godsend. I finally went back to my Sent and finished the class quest.


Whether it's good or bad, the leveling experience in this game truly favors the player that runs multiple alts, splitting side quests between them so as to not run the same things over and over. Had this been clear to me when I first started, I would have played quite differently and ignored some of my "triangle OCD"


I will also add this -- up until TOR I had no interest in MMOs. Some of the posters in this forum have reminisced about how great it was when it took a very very long time to get to max level in other MMOs. I believe Everquest is cited as an example. It is that exact phenomenon that kept me away from MMOs. Kill 10 rats is annoying enough. Kill 10,000 rats makes me want to find another game.


For me, it's not about the rush to 50. I've logged a truly obscene amount of hours in this game, and unlocked the "Needs to Go Outside" achievement. For me, it's about actually seeing everything the game has to offer, which can only be done by running all 8 class quests. Truly this would include trying the alternate ACs to see how gameplay differs, but I'm not about to do that. Running all 8 class stories, if I had to redo every single shared quest, every planetary quest, every bonus series 4 times? I'd never make it through.


Does this mean I want 200% xp all the time? Don't be silly. It does mean that the 200% xp for 4 weekends actually allowed me to do something I didn't think I'd do: Make another alt to see what Vanguard gameplay was like.


Anyway, I think I'm rambling now.

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I love the double XP and I vote it stays in some form, preferably tied to legacy in some way. I have 6 max level characters and I'm over the side quest/bonus mission grinding. All I want to do is play the class story quests over and over again, I would probably never unsubscribe if I were able to do that. As it stands I'll probably buy Makeb (yes it's won me over), play through it once for Empire, once for Republic, then re-unsubscribe.
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This is a silly argument, and one that is easily remedied. They already have complementary experience boosts in game, it would be a simple matter to increase the duration and percentage of the boost to accommodate those players who wish to level rapidly while at the same time giving those who want to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the content the discretion to opt out of using them. To each their own, and everyone is happy. :rolleyes:
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Heh. Our guild has had a big influx of new players to the game the last couple of weeks and they love double xp weekends which I don't' think is coincidental. It doesn't seem to be ruining their game play and they are running through everything. As new players, they really appreciate it as they can run more flashpoints with the guild in quick progression.


So... I will generalize and say that new players, from my experience, are fine with it.


Oh well, to each his own. One more weekend and the QQ will turn into not having double xp weekends.

Edited by Rafaman
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This is a silly argument, and one that is easily remedied. They already have complementary experience boosts in game, it would be a simple matter to increase the duration and percentage of the boost to accommodate those players who wish to level rapidly while at the same time giving those who want to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the content the discretion to opt out of using them. To each their own, and everyone is happy. :rolleyes:

See, I agree with this, that's a great idea.


Too bad the OP (and some others in this thread) couldn't express themselves as clearly and instead started whining about how his weekends were being "ruined"

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This double exp buff every weekend sucks. I mostly only get to play on the weekend and now for 3 weekends I can't because of this double exp weekends. You already out level the game content with normal exp, double exp is completely ruining the game for me.


Why have you not included an option to turn it off? I want to play the game and I am a subscriber I am sick of doing all grey missions because I am level 35 doing level 24 missions because of this double exp crap.


What??? You can play thru any mission at any level to unlock the story in it. Your post has no valid argument.

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I can understand that point.


I can even understand how people with multiple 50's might like the opportunity to speed level alts.


If you want to know why 2x experience is not a good idea, try making and levelling a new character while pretending it's your first character. It's easy mode turned up to 11. It's going to ruin the game for anybody just starting out.


You think that's bad? Check out Blizzard's RAF. It's great for friends recruiting friends if both players already have accounts. If you recruit a friend that's never played before and you both group up, you could be 80 before your friend has even had a chance to blink. And while you can recruit people that already have accounts, it is designed to bring new players into the fold.


As I said, I really think instead of doing an always on boost during the weekend, the boost should be provided by an optional item in the cartel market. That way, it's the best of both worlds.

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