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What Mercenaries really need


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First of all: :rak_03:


I recently put my mind into the Mercenary Advanced Class and was astonished by the overwhelming utility it has. I was already told that Mercenaries easily outperform Operatives and Sorcerers, but after having experienced the Heavy Armor blessing or 'Immortal Healers' myself, I couldn't help but tell the whole world of my discoveries.


Before I get into details, I want to stress that Mercenaries use Heavy Armor. Yes, you heard right. Healers with heavy armor. What **** is this, you ask? That's only the beginning, my friend. Due to that world-changing fact every healing spell should have a chance to have a malfunction and cause a global cooldown in order to restart your systems. This malfunction also generates a high amount of heat and reduces the durability of your gear by 1%, but that's no problem since Mercenaries have Heavy Armor.


I'll be going into the specifics of the healing abilities now and what I think would be an appropriate change to them:

1. Kolto Missile: Kolto Missile should apply a slow effect on yourself and every allied player aswell, because Mercenaries wear Heavy Armor and otherwise they would easily outmaneuver melee classes.

2. Kolto Shell: Kolto Shell should have a 50% chance of healing everyone that attacks the target of your Kolto Shell, otherwise the target of your Kolto Shell is easily rendered immortal. Additionally, when you have Kolto Shell on yourself, shooting an enemy has a 50% chance of healing him and penalizing yourself with a 3 seconds root-effect. That change is necessary due to the Mercenary's natural high mobility and, I can't stress it enough, his Heavy Armor.

3. Emergency Scan: I propose a redesign to a health funnel-like effect, removing the Mercenary's health and transfering it to the target of your choice as the Mercenary can easily heal himself up without generating too much heat and his natural resilience due to his Heavy Armor.

4. Healing Scan: Due to the nature of this ability I sincerely recommend a longer cooldown on it. Currently you can use it way too often and it heavily imbalances the gameplay for other healers.

5. Rapid Scan: As the name already suggests, this ability is way too quickly cast - literally out of order already. 1 more second cast time should solve that issue.

6. Energy Shield: Or the big problem in my humble opinion. Energy Shield should apply a penalty to movement and healing done - both by 25% - justified by the Mercenary's natural immense healing output. For the PvPers it should also be visible to when it's fading, elapsing in a flashing light that makes every enemy within 30 meters automatically target the Mercenary. Again, I justify these changes with the Mercenary's natural Heavy Armor and resilience/close combat utilty.

7. Supercharged Gas: It's like a Marauder's Fury, just for Healers. Wow, you say? Indeed, it's overpowered. Tweaking it is direly needed. Whenever a Mercenary is using Supercharged Gas, he should get a 20% damage vulnerability. That should do the trick and the Mercenary can still easily dispatch of this minor inconvenience by quickly healing himself up and relying on his Heavy Armor.

8. Rapid Shots: Just when you thought an offensive ability can't be used defensively, the Mercenary strikes yet again with another unique and overtuned ability, which is why I propose Rapid Shots to generate heat when used to heal an ally. On top of that, you can't use Rapid Shots on yourself which leads me to think that this was actually intended to be this way - with reason. Don't forget that Mercenaries use Heavy Armor so their healing won't be penalized as much as you might think now.

9. Electro Dart: Just when I thought I have discovered so many overtuned abilities, I find this treasure. The natural high range on this ability leads me to think that Mercenaries should be in melee range more often, which would also explain their Heavy Armor. I'm getting sidetracked, so back to the ability.. A Mercenary shouldn't need to rely on this excellent ranged ability and thus I propose a debatable chance to backfire and stun yourself for the duration of Electro Dart.


That's not enough, you say? I agree! Overtuned class is overtuned! Here's 2 more changes which I find worth mentioning;

1. The Recuperate ability of Mercenaries should generate heat equal to the health regenerated in order to bring the Mercenary in line with other classes.

2. Getting rid of heat should only be possible by unequipping some Heavy Armor pieces as these are definitely the Mercenary's toughest defensive barrier. Logically, less weight will result in less effective heat generated.



I hope this shed some light on the matter of the state of the Mercenaries right now and in 2.0.

Additional credits go to Aore and Zynth.


Your valuable customer,


Edited by XeFoneX
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Finally someone that knows what he's talking about. May I suggest an additional thing? They should make Concussion Missile CC both the target and yourself because of the Heavy Armour, I mean it's unfair for such a healer to have an additional CC tool with Heavy Armour and their mobility.


Dude u're ******* serious? you're poor excuse is Heavy Armor? Dude look on the balance and later start writing. This is just Sad.


Not sure if serious or just ..... yeah..

Edited by Zyntharion
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I think the listed changes by Sir Val are just what the class and this game in general needs to make pvp more fair for other classes, it is clear that the commando/ merc class is far superior to the other classes and these changes are in dire need should balance ever be restored to pvp.
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I think the listed changes by Sir Val are just what the class and this game in general needs to make pvp more fair for other classes, it is clear that the commando/ merc class is far superior to the other classes and these changes are in dire need should balance ever be restored to pvp.


I couldn't agree more with this statement. mercenary are overpowered, the team who has the most mercenary/commando is pretty much guranteed a victory in war zone, its just rediculous.

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Dismantle all talent trees, remove major attack/healing skills.


Mercs/Mandos are OP enough with Heavy armour healing and damage - all at the same time. Their healing is truly OP because they have unlimited, free healing in Support cell, I mean what the HELL? They have Heavy armour and they can spam healing on their allies while running at full speed!



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Dismantle all talent trees, remove major attack/healing skills.


Mercs/Mandos are OP enough with Heavy armour healing and damage - all at the same time. Their healing is truly OP because they have unlimited, free healing in Support cell, I mean what the HELL? They have Heavy armour and they can spam healing on their allies while running at full speed!




mercs overheat after about 4 rapid scans maybe 5, and you try being a healer and shoting bright green snot which EVERYONE knows is heals across a WZ, see how long you last before your focused. i would love so much to heal on my merc but the only person im ever healing is myself while im gang raped by at least 3 players and i don't last very long. crunch the numbers instead of just seeing and crying and youl find that merc healers are mathematically inviable for pvp. Further more support cylinders do like 5-800 per GC big woop its our passive heal not like we can do it to everyone at once while doing other abilities and/or stealthing ehem Ops ehem or just put HOTs on everyone and a big healing circle of life down and then red bare whoever we like. its not like we can just sit on a node and spam down our health and heal it up infinitely like every healer sorc i have seen does. you need to get the fck real kid you know nothing.


also what do you think heavy armour does? and i will gladly trade it for the mara/sin's invincibility, or entrench, or an in combat stealth, not like we have offhand shield generators, leap and pulls and twice the damage from elemental/energy abilities like rail shots and space marine melters ehem-PTs-ehem/


I think what this thread is translating to is "QQ our free kills will be able to fight back soon OMG now who will we get to attack :O"

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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This thread is a satire of Bioware's incompetence of giving the least effective healer a hand while the other 2 healers are becoming stronger and stronger.

2.0 gives the Mercenary Healers so little that it borders bully while e.g. the Sorcerer almost gets back to the stage he was pre-1.2 and don't even make me start talking about the sugar flavored unchargable Surgical Probe stealthers that get to play Indiana Jones in 2.0. ;)


There have been several detailed threads on how Mercenaries could be buffed/other classes could be nerfed so the regular Mercenary healer wouldn't rely on a good tank holding his shaking hand throughout whole warzones. I honestly didn't want to jump the train of whiners (although it's justified that they whine) and instead give people a push into the same direction but from a different angle.

I would even offer help in coding those tweaks and balancing them or at least remove the inferior feeling you have while playing a Mercenary healer..


Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon.


Everyone taking my original post seriously should read up on sarcasm and - while at it - common sense.

See it as it is. A criticism of class balance.

Edited by XeFoneX
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oh sheeesh *** BW? your telling me ops and sorcs get to run away with healer score further while we get one or 2 cookies that we aught to have had from the start :o aint that just like EA keep the swishing kids happy with their fave punching bags permanently nailed to the ground.
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oh sheeesh *** BW? your telling me ops and sorcs get to run away with healer score further while we get one or 2 cookies that we aught to have had from the start :o aint that just like EA keep the swishing kids happy with their fave punching bags permanently nailed to the ground.


at least your avatar is qt, who really cares about winning in pvp anyway? losing is fun too! :D

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