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Bioware justify your reasoning for APAC - Facts dont support your theory.


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Yeah Bioware..... a huge improvement for us.


Just look at that. The same number of people in fleet as normal(Before the APAC closure announcement), but 4 times the lag.


You guys are awesome.....


Who ever makes your decisions should be fired, cos he is bad at them. This solution hardly benefits people on master darnala. A merge with Dalborra is obviously the best choice.


Bastion at 11:45pm NZ time which is 9:45pm Australian time. Notice how there are practically no 50's on.




Master Darnala (after APAC Announcement) Mostly 50's on fleet.







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Yeah Bioware..... a huge improvement for us.


Just look at that. The same number of people in fleet as normal(Before the APAC closure announcement), but 4 times the lag.


You guys are awesome.....


Who ever makes your decisions should be fired, cos he is bad at them. This solution hardly benefits people on master darnala. A merge with Dalborra is obviously the best choice.


Bastion at 11:45pm NZ time which is 9:45pm Australian time. Notice how there are practically no 50's on.




Master Darnala (after APAC Announcement) Mostly 50's on fleet.








Well firstly they havent implemented the improvement yet. (merging us with the us so we can have a population in game)


Your screenshots only enforce their reasoning to do what they are certainly doing (A useless crud petition isnt going to save anything sorry QQ more)



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Well firstly they havent implemented the improvement yet. (merging us with the us so we can have a population in game)


Your screenshots only enforce their reasoning to do what they are certainly doing (A useless crud petition isnt going to save anything sorry QQ more)




That's a wrap people..



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Bioware needs to understand also that a merger of the APAC servers will bring back more population to the game then 2.0. (APAC servers)


If we go to NA you lose subs, if we merge APAC you gain subs. MDN are all pvp'rs and the ping matters greatly to us.


We also do not want to lose our community and our CORE RANKED PLAYERS WILL NEVER BE ON AT THE SAME TIME AS THE NA CORE RANKED PLAYERS. yes there will be regular pops but they get boring.


Try the APAC server merge, let NA merge be the last resort.




I have many friends who would resub to the game if there was an APAC merge who left over 6 months ago. Just give it a shot, and those of us who wanted to make characters on the bastion already have.


And to the trolls, if you don't have characters on APAC servers you won't have an opinion worth reading.

Edited by Discoteck
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Bastion is one of the lowest populated servers on the north American list, but it's the only west coast PvP server. Harbinger and Begeren Colony are a different story. I frequently play at night, which is the same time aussies play. Even in the middle of the night there are around +100 players on each faction's fleet. Currently, there are around +120 people on imp fleet and +110 on rep fleet. However, during regular daylight hours there are multiple fleets on both faction sides and the same is true on leveling planets. Today I was leveling on Tatooine and there were 5 instances. Thus, a merge with Harbinger will substantially increase the populations for the pve APAC only server. I imagine Begeren Colony will have a similar effect since it's also one of the most populated servers.


It's only Bastion that isn't very populous so why don't you compared to Harbinger or Begeren Colony instead of cherry picking Bastion?

Edited by Knockerz
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@Moderator: The same two trolls, trolling legitimate questions and forum threads. Please reprimand these users. Its the same useless info they are contributing to the threads. I've seen others banned for less than what these two are doing.


On track: A response would be nice from Bioware/EA

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@Moderator: The same two trolls, trolling legitimate questions and forum threads. Please reprimand these users. Its the same useless info they are contributing to the threads. I've seen others banned for less than what these two are doing.


On track: A response would be nice from Bioware/EA


Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean its useless info and that they are trolls. Sticking your fingers in your ears yelling "Lalalalalalalala" isn't exactly useful either using your own logic maybe you should be reprimanded too no?

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@Moderator: The same two trolls, trolling legitimate questions and forum threads. Please reprimand these users. Its the same useless info they are contributing to the threads. I've seen others banned for less than what these two are doing.


On track: A response would be nice from Bioware/EA


According to the rules set by ea/bioware, (if you are referring to myself and jack) we have done nothing wrong to be banned, we simply disagree with you people and are getting hate put on it for us.

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According to the rules set by ea/bioware, (if you are referring to myself and jack) we have done nothing wrong to be banned, we simply disagree with you people and are getting hate put on it for us.


And if anything we're defending EAWARES actions..which was to fix the important problem population issues


So really you guys should be banned for spamming hate threads

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@Moderator: The same two trolls, trolling legitimate questions and forum threads. Please reprimand these users. Its the same useless info they are contributing to the threads. I've seen others banned for less than what these two are doing.


On track: A response would be nice from Bioware/EA


They have already responded at least once, check the dev tracker.

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How can it be a hate tread/comments? In order to hate you have to specifically target a person, but people are given counter augments. That is not a hate comment or post nor is it trolling. People are only disagreeing. APAC players are starting to cross the line and accusing any one who disagrees with their merge apac idea/recommendation a troll.
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Speaking of spam. APAC players should stop spamming the forum about this topic. There is already one large thread specifically about this topic. If any thing making more threads about this topic is borderline spamming. Edited by Knockerz
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How can it be a hate tread/comments? In order to hate you have to specifically target a person, but people are given counter augments. That is not a hate comment or post nor is it trolling. People are only disagreeing. APAC players are starting to cross the line and accusing any one who disagrees with their merge apac idea/recommendation a troll.


Oh wow Thankyou! ^^^ this. I disagree = "Get off the thread you troll omg"

me = :s okay wont voice my opinion

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Speaking of spam. APAC players should stop spamming the forum about this topic. There is already one large thread specifically about this topic. If any thing making more threads about this topic is borderline spamming.


This person has logic!


Good Post :D

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Bastion is one of the lowest populated servers on the north American list, but it's the only west coast PvP server. Harbinger and Begeren Colony are a different story. I frequently play at night, which is the same time aussies play. Even in the middle of the night there are around +100 players on each faction's fleet. Currently, there are around +120 people on imp fleet and +110 on rep fleet. However, during regular daylight hours there are multiple fleets on both faction sides and the same is true on leveling planets. Today I was leveling on Tatooine and there were 5 instances. Thus, a merge with Harbinger will substantially increase the populations for the pve APAC only server. I imagine Begeren Colony will have a similar effect since it's also one of the most populated servers.


It's only Bastion that isn't very populous so why don't you compared to Harbinger or Begeren Colony instead of cherry picking Bastion?


Because if you read the intial post you would know that Master Dar'Nala is being merged with the Bastion.


MDN people started the massive thread about population to begin with. We asked for the option to move to Dalborra from day one. Now we are told they are listening and moving us based on our prefered play style. Problem is, the Bastion, has the same population woes as MDN does and is no different in population numbers at our time of night as it was on MDN, and comes with higher latency.


Put that together with the majority of active PVPer's opn the server stating they are quiting, the remaining people are likely to take a transfer option to the Harbringer. I know thats the option I would take.


So you see, they will still change server types, they will still be worse off latency wise, and this whole debarcle does nothing but hurt Biowares brand and image in the APAC reigon.


Id be dreading the numbers come this time next year on their game sales.

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According to the rules set by ea/bioware, (if you are referring to myself and jack) we have done nothing wrong to be banned, we simply disagree with you people and are getting hate put on it for us.


You dont need to reply to every.single.persons.comment.in.every.single.thread.


This ^^ is against the forum rules and is harrasment.

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Because if you read the intial post you would know that Master Dar'Nala is being merged with the Bastion.


MDN people started the massive thread about population to begin with. We asked for the option to move to Dalborra from day one. Now we are told they are listening and moving us based on our prefered play style. Problem is, the Bastion, has the same population woes as MDN does and is no different in population numbers at our time of night as it was on MDN, and comes with higher latency.


Put that together with the majority of active PVPer's opn the server stating they are quiting, the remaining people are likely to take a transfer option to the Harbringer. I know thats the option I would take.


So you see, they will still change server types, they will still be worse off latency wise, and this whole debarcle does nothing but hurt Biowares brand and image in the APAC reigon.


Id be dreading the numbers come this time next year on their game sales.


Not trying to be a pain but trying to understand your total logic there. You say your going to leave the game if you dont get to merge with the server you want. Yet its ok to leave the other low pop server to dry up and die cause it doesnt affect you if you get to go to the server you want? or am I reading that wrong?


If you have TWO low pop servers the smart thing to do is merge them to get a higher pop server. Not merge a low with a high and let the remaining one die off and lose those subs to appease the FEW ( and those are your words since you say you have a low pop server) than to merge two low pops and try and keep all the subs.

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The problem is that most of us really have do not understand what the main issue is. Cut all the double talk, is it just the latency issue? Is that the whole reason you do not want to be merged is that you think this will ruin your gaming? Because if that is it than you should be posting about how latency will affect you and not anecdotal comments but actual facts.
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APAC players are starting to cross the line and accusing any one who disagrees with their merge apac idea/recommendation a troll.




On a happy note.... I know from my experience on Harbinger that most Aussies are not like this vocal demanding minority. So I refuse to let this antagonisitc and vocal minority represent the larger Aussie playerbase (many of which moved to US west servers months ago frankly).


And frankly... if the negative ranters decide to unsub rather then take the server merge, I'm not seeing what the negative is to the US servers (or the game as a whole) from that choice on their part.



Edited by Andryah
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I think people need to try and adapt their thinking a bit.


TOR is no longer a 'subscription based' game. While I'm sure they don't mind having a large subbed community, their efforts are no longer to drive to higher sub numbers. It's to maintain a high profitability with each quarter.


Meaning, they're not going to go out of their way to spend a considerable amount of time(money) and money maintaining a minor aspect of their server efforts for a small group of players. It's not profitable, they're not going to do it.


The money that they save long-term with the closing of the APAC servers can and will be used to greater effect and to greater benefit to the larger NA based player base.


Personally, I'd encourage all of the APAC players to integrate themselves into the West Coast servers as soon as possible to make it easier to transition over.

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Every1 knows this is a purely financial decision. I just wish they had the balls to admit it!


IF is was strictly financial, they would just close up APAC and not provide a merger pathway.


So, yeah the business decison has a financial element to it (what for profit corporation does not look at the financial end of everything it does???) BUT they also needed to solve the core problem for the APAC player base: low server populations.


It is the synthesis of the business need and the customer need that formed the solution they chose. Neither one is considered in a vaccuum.

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