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Artifce Level 400


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I am at Level 400 on Artifice my question is when you go to the vendor and buy the schematics to build a lightsaber (not the custom, it has different names) there is a requirement to have a lvl 7 gemstone. Is that something you can only get on GTN since my TH skill only gets lvl 6 gemstones or is it on a certain planet that i have not been to yet?


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Level 7 mats are rare drops from ops, flashpoints, and World bosses. You can't obtain them from vendors or missions. Sometime rares are sold on the GTN but a lot of people will craft if you supply the mats so they are somewhat rare on the GTN. (Also some rare crytals, like for the Magenta lightsaber come from a puzzle quest which you can read about on Dulfy.net.) It's what makes end game crafting pretty worthless unless you have an ops group. If you PvP or solo, there is no end game crafting to speak of. You end up crafting for alts unless you are bio med or cyber where you get reusable meds and gernades, and can craft consumables. As far as gear, you can't get any +50 schematics from vendors either. It really sucks. This game is not crafter friendly unless you are in a guild that runs ops. Impossible to RP an engame solo crafter in this game. Edited by BebeLeBozo
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ok thanks, yea hopefully that will change when the new expansion comes out because if those lvl 7 gemstones are that hard to get im not going to spend boat loads of money on the GTN. i am lvl 49 halfway to 50 on my xp bar so i was hopeing to craft great material for my guy but sounds like it wont happen
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ok thanks, yea hopefully that will change when the new expansion comes out because if those lvl 7 gemstones are that hard to get im not going to spend boat loads of money on the GTN. i am lvl 49 halfway to 50 on my xp bar so i was hopeing to craft great material for my guy but sounds like it wont happen


Once you hit 50 you need to get commendations to buy equipment (botth PvP and PvE) or get drops from bosses. Nothing you can craft will equal what you get from running raids or buying via commendations.


At 50 it becomes a totally different game and it doesn't include crafting. You get enough free commendations to buy starter gear and that is by far better than anything you can craft. Crafting is mostly for alts and sub 50 chars. :(


BTW all top level crystals are 41 Endurance, Power, Crit, etc. The only diff is the color and that is purley a vanity issue. Right now, you cant get better than a 41. That schematic that uses a lvl 7 rare mat isn't any better than the ones that don't use a lvl 7 rare. It only looks different.

Edited by BebeLeBozo
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