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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Merge


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Maybe they'll bring over a few more RWZ teams, I'm all for that. I haven't been crashing lately so I'm not too concerned. Hopefully it doesn't imbalance the factions any further.


True and we have a couple players from Japan who don't seem to lag in matches.

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Hey guys,


Konx from Master Dar'Nala Here :)


We'll if everyone from our server keeps their subscription you'd be seeing around 6-10 ranked warzone team joining the nightly lineup of ranked warzone games. A lot of our better PVP players are already here (rerolled here back when our server concerns started up).


I dont think you'll have much of an issue with people dropping from warzones as the Ping isn't so bad. Just a tad more than what we're used to.


We also have a couple of Big PvE guilds which are gonna also aim for those server firsts with Suckafish and others :)


Looking forward to playing with you guys



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This is actually awesome news. More good PVPers hopefully, more Rated teams.... a breath of fresh air. Plus lots of Aussies are cool people.


Maybe this will make The Bastion THE PVP server, in terms of activity and (hopefully) quality, leave Pot5 in the dust.


Though it does seem a lot of the APAC players dont like this. Lag, ping, etc. I can kinda understand, having been moved to an East server before, let alone to another continent.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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sry i did get a bit ahead of myself, just got up when i did my original post.


looking at around at least 5-6, 1 from each of the PvP guilds




<Strike Team>

<Ewok'alypse Now>




Plus i'm pretty sure one or two of those have 2 teams..

Edited by GrudgingOpiate
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Quite a lot of the PVPers wont xfer across. High latency means you cant compete, so why bother? Wish the best to those that do xfer.


I understand that some ppl especially ppl in Perth and West coast Australia have very high ping which makes extremely hard and it makes it all but impossible to be competitive.


For the rest if your getting a 180-200 ping you can be more then competitive. You are def at a disadvateage but good players can make it work.

2 of the top Rated teams on the server MVP and Synergy both have Aussies in there guilds and run them in rateds.


We (The Elite) also have been running Rateds and have been competitive in all our games.


Sorry but bad's like to make excuses about ping to cover for their own short comings.


Its a disadvantage i agree but its not so bad that you automatically begin to suck as a player.


Good players can make it work.

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rage quit when ?


when you get xfered come duel me and if you lose don't blame the ping


Rage quit now cause they shut down the server.


Man everyone knows its not about the 1v1s. I gear and practice for 8man ranked. No nub is going to go vigil spec for a ranked game. I only have tank gear and smash gear anyway


EDIT: stavros you are aweessoommmeee. But I tried playing on the pts and it was a joke, although it's possible that I could get use to it - I'm not going to bother

Edited by Obirayy
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