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7/10 - the statements genuinely rustled my jimmies.


but seriously, please go to bastion; those left on mdn range from sub-mediocre to gawdawfulterribad :/


I would be tempted to say that you have turned into an elitist douche but then you would actually have to be part of the elite. Beat terrytate in 1v1 and maybe you can justify all your comments. I have never seen you carry a team of pugs like i have with other "godawfullterribads" like many people can on mdn. Never have i ever gotten into a warzone and seen you on the other team and thought "awww *****iii we're fu***" like i have with the rest of Midian.


Have no idea where all of these comments have come from but i guess someone on MdN must have hurt you pretty bad ;(.


Looking forward to heading to harbinger just to piss you off. Maybe it will annoy you enough to make you reroll cause that will be hilarious.

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