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APAC Announcement


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#racist :rolleyes:


I'm not even sure how I'd artificially throttle my connection for a single application to test that in the first place. I was just trying to offer a different perspective, as I have several Aussie friends who're fantastic players on my server, who've never mentioned the difference affecting them in any sense besides time-zone differences. But, you're at least right in the sense that it's not my fight, so my apologies for sharing their experiences and attempting to be welcoming.


lol racist... because being an american is a race.

I don't need a different perspective when the grass is literally greener on your side, low ping and high population, while we end up with high ping and relatively similar population if hypothetically most of the people from dalborra went to harbinger, due to time zone differences. Did I mention high ping since it is a real game breaker.


And obviously Aussies are going to be better players, they play with a freaking handicap most their abilites are delayed by a second, so they have to quicker reactions, think out games ahead of time, plan how to use cc effectively when a aoe mez could simply miss everyone because they are not there anymore.


And most if not all MMO playing Aussies have just learnt to put up with the ping and accept their handicap, hence why they do not complain, I know I would be one of them too if we didn't have the oceanic server to begin with.

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Really feel sorry for you gentleman/ladies losing your own servers. But I'm wondering if the rp'ers and pvp'ers would have complained or unsubbed if you were all transfered onto an apac pve servers.


The PvP server was all for ONE APAC Server the RPers on the otherhand ... they cried and cried and cried to keep their own server and look what happened

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Exactly this Snivy playes at 600~ ms atm and same with Dafy people crying over 200 ms make me laugh.


It makes me laugh that someone would continue to play at 600~ ms and make it sound legit. 600 ms is almost unplayable in any game.


Good on daffy for putting up with a handicap then, she is a good player so to think there has been a handicap only means she even better on an american server, but then again this merge is only so positive (better ping and better population) for a minority, which happen to be americans playing on the APAC servers.

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It makes me laugh that someone would continue to play at 600~ ms and make it sound legit. 600 ms is almost unplayable in any game.


Good on daffy for putting up with a handicap then, she is a good player so to think there has been a handicap only means she even better on an american server, but then again this merge is only so positive (better ping and better population) for a minority, which happen to be americans playing on the APAC servers.


Well exactly if ppl can play on 600ms there is nothing to worry about 200 then

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This is the dumbest ****in idea I have heard from your dev team so far, any chance u can show us how all the APAC subs don't cover the power costs for one server?


And as stated the peak times we will play the pop will stay the same anyway


Really I think it's time to listen to the community or loose it


This game has so much potential but your team seems to want to do everything it can to hamstring it

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This is ********, If i dont keep my names i will not play...

Not to mention Different time zones, ping at like 300ms and Que times which WILL happen with influx of APAC players



I didn't think Bioware could get any worse!





Edited by AuZZieCxC
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Thank you for taking the identity of every single player on the APAC servers.


How would consolidating them not solve the problem? there would be enough PVP players from the PVP server to make PVP pop more often. lack of consideration for players in APAC is ridiculous, first the delay in release, then the peak hour maintenance frequently, AND NOW we get thrown onto US servers where all of our names will be taken, our guild name will more than likely be taken and the game will be rendered near unplayable!



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unsure about this announcement


Just went to harbinger to create a toon and was getting 211ms Ping as opposed to 20 - 30ms.


Dont think my names will be taken but I am sure that "It's A Trap" Guild already exists on Harbinger :(


So my initial excitement this Morning about 14th April expac release was soon deflated by thoughts of Merger.


Early days yet though am sure BW will try to do the right thing

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Thank you for taking the identity of every single player on the APAC servers.


How would consolidating them not solve the problem? there would be enough PVP players from the PVP server to make PVP pop more often. lack of consideration for players in APAC is ridiculous, first the delay in release, then the peak hour maintenance frequently, AND NOW we get thrown onto US servers where all of our names will be taken, our guild name will more than likely be taken and the game will be rendered near unplayable!




I agree consolidating PvP and PvE in this region and let the RP choose to go to the US or join us.


RPing is a really differnt culture i can understand them wanting an RP environment so they can do their thing - but if we voted im sure the majority would of total players in this region would prefer to stay here.


playing at 250 or 300 lag is like sprinting through knee deep water - you guys saying its fine have either never done it

or only ever done it so dont know what your missing.

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It makes me laugh that someone would continue to play at 600~ ms and make it sound legit. 600 ms is almost unplayable in any game.


Good on daffy for putting up with a handicap then, she is a good player so to think there has been a handicap only means she even better on an american server, but then again this merge is only so positive (better ping and better population) for a minority, which happen to be americans playing on the APAC servers.


hi , i play at the lowest of 430ms all the way upto 610 ms range, but average around 480ms, fyi when i started i wanted to punch my monitor, but over time you get used to it, the cool thing about swtor is if you press your next button during a cast or during a current action it IMMEDIATELY goes off with no lag, be cause the server gets the command at the end of previous one.


EX: on healer: cast underworld medicine, at 1 sec into cast, press emergency medpack, at the end of cast both abilities go off one after another with no lag, if you learn to compensate for your ping handicap its quite playable.


The down side: interrupting anything shorter than 1.5 sec cast time is damn near impossible , getting of near death stuns is quite hard, using the cc breaker effectively sucks balls. But again, you can learn to anticipate it.

Ex: near 40% or less i preemptively start mashing my stun breaker, anticipating a stun.

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well there goes my subscription as well i moved to swtor due to having the apac servers, so i could actually play without being laggy, its a real shame i guess we just have to start looking for a new game to play!
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I am going to join everyone else here and say that for a large amount of players from APAC this would not be beneficial to Lucasfilm/Star Wars/Disney at all. There are going to be a lot of players leaving because of this.


Shutting down servers due to maintenance costs being too high? That is just as believable as Vettel saying he didn't mean to over take Webber on Sundays race.


Guys it does not cost much at all to keep a server running.


SWTOR needs players, this wilt cause a loss.


To quote the famous Australian Yellow Pages add from the 90's, NOT HAPPY JAN!

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I would be interested to see how many Guild Masters and Officers of large guilds actually support this notion.

Being a guild master of a large, highly active guild myself, i would like to take this opportunity to put forward my thoughts that out of all the boneheaded things that have happened since the games inception, i find it hard to believe that anything could top this ridiculous ideal.

We have put up with ridiculous amounts of bugs.

Repeated Prime Time Maintenences.

The 'fixing' of things that make the game a little more fun.

And the bugs that dont get fixed that have been around for ages that just piss people off.

I am sure i am missing a few things out here. But does anyone else feel like APAC is short for "leftovers"? Do we exist? Are we worth bothering about?

Eric... Your post has made a mess of the already tenuous faith we have put in you by subscribing.

By reading the majority of the posts before me, and knowing a good portion of my guild as well (along with the "colourful" language being used in private) the game providers must face the realisation that if this actually does go ahead, they will need to be happy will a large portion of their APAC subscriptions disappearing as opposed to the minute amount of people who are complaining and leaving due to the supposedly "low server POP."

I will for one be asking for my subscription back if the merger goes ahead.


Wampa Stomper Forever.

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So, I just went and checked and NONE of my character names are available....


I have only returned to SWTOR, and even got the 6 month subscription... i wonder if i can get a refund and cancel my subscription now?


I dont want to play on an American server.. and i cbf trying to think up all new names...

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I am the guild leader of Mist Wolves. I have asked people in my guild what they think of this merger. Most, if not all, people are not happy and do not want to move to a US server. Everyone would much rather merge the APAC servers. There is also a large number already saying that they will stop playing if we are moved. To this, some have also lodged tickets asking for a refund of the money they paid for the expansion.


If BioWare really does care about their players in this part of the world (which most of us now think you don't), then you will listen to what we are saying and drop this dumb idea. I'm not sure who asked to be merged to a US server, but it must have been a very small (but loud) percentage. It is time to listen to the majority.

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I'm still hoping they change their mind; find another, better solution. I never really saw any issues with Dalborra but we all have different expectations in what we want out of a game.


I must say if something had to be done I was hoping for APAC server merges or cross-server queues but reading this announcement this morning really made me question if I wanted to carry on playing - my names were gone, some players will leave then a bunch of other unknowns ... I've played with high latency in other MMOs but since being on Dalborra for a year I've come to enjoy being around 55ms so worried that it might be a bit difficult getting used to a higher latency again.


While we don't agree with the decision, if it goes ahead me and Rouphus will be moving Corvus/Korvus forward and seeing what happens.


Fingers crossed though =)

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For all of their platitudes about wanting what was best for the player base it is pretty clear that the reality couldn't be further from the truth.


If they had really actively sought, and listened to what the players really wanted we wouldn't have this solution. The response to the announcement makes that abundantly clear.


The reality is that this decision is what is most convenient and economically beneficial (in EA's warped world view) to the company.


Three less servers to maintain in the arse end of the world. Coz you know, if it doesn't bleed red, white and blue and **** 52 stars then its not really worth considering after all is it....

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