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I need clarification on a 1.1 anni/watchman talent.


I am 100% sure this ability and what it did in 1.1 but parties unknown insist otherwise. Maras/sents from this era are hard to come by so I want justifiable and public clarification.


*Anni/Watchman Force Camo.

The marauder talent phantom in the anni tree in 1.1 gave the mara/sent 99% if not 100% damage reduction while in force camo.


Am I wrong?


They nerfed it in 1.2 to what it is now. I just want clarification for this party i will not mention.

Edited by Arocsimus
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I still believe sent/maras force camo should be changed to a speed boost as IMO this skill is one of the reasons that makes sent/maras so overpowered.


Just my opinion but to bring the sent/maras more in line with the other glass cannons I would change force camo to be a speed boost (as no force user should be using stealth) and change smash so that it only adds a buff to armor penetration and not the extra damage. This would then make other advanced classes more viable as damage dealers in PVP.


However I must admit there is a huge difference between a sent/mara who knows how to play their class and one that doesn't.

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I still believe sent/maras force camo should be changed to a speed boost as IMO this skill is one of the reasons that makes sent/maras so overpowered.


Just my opinion but to bring the sent/maras more in line with the other glass cannons I would change force camo to be a speed boost (as no force user should be using stealth) and change smash so that it only adds a buff to armor penetration and not the extra damage. This would then make other advanced classes more viable as damage dealers in PVP.


However I must admit there is a huge difference between a sent/mara who knows how to play their class and one that doesn't.

You really overthink this. Each AC can put out just as much damage as a sentinel or a smasher.

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Just not with the same level of protection :)


Look at how many sent/maras there are compared to other classes (especially in ranked matches). For every glass cannon there appears to be shutdowns, MM snipers need to be line of sighted (luckily the WZs are designed in such a way that you can always do that), Hybrid snipers just need their dots cleansing (I am surprised most healers still dont know where their cleanse is) Mercs just need their rapid shot interrupted, Stealthies need to be dotted.


However, I have yet to learn a good strategy at taking down a sent/mara (without being one). Maybe I am just a really bad PVP player, if any of the sents/maras or other PVPers want to share a good rock->paper->scissor counter to them I am all ears. I hear all about snipers being their foil but I have yet to see a sniper consistently out damaging a sent/mara unless they are left alone the entire game.


Maybe I am over analyzing it, maybe it is just a coincidence that sent/maras make up the bulk of 50 WZs

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GD only has 1 marauder on their RWZ team and that's aroca. I'm the only sent on the ASB team, so no there aren't a huge bulk of them on the RWZ teams. And from personal experience, I think the best counter to a marauder is a sentinel or a marauder. Or just have skyblaze/valya on your team. :p Edited by JamesBalla
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(I am surprised most healers still dont know where their cleanse is)



When I'm on my operative I get a sick, perverse joy out of cleansing all those glorious tech abilities. Mostly because I've gotten so used to having to eat them on Jaadis.

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Actually JK Tanks counter marauders and sentinels pretty well. That and slingers/snipers. They are not unbeatable they just do well against certain classes as we all do. I can hold my own against any dps....put something that can heal...even a class that can offheal around a corner and I will never ever kill it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Marauders/Sents are good, but not OP in anyway.
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As a combat sentinel I don't have any issues with snipers (unless it's a lethality and my defensive abilities are on cooldown). Pyrotechs are close battles (could go either way), and hybrid assassins will usually outlast me. IMO most well played watchman will win against a well played combat. As far as guardian tanks, I couldn't really tell you since the battles usually last too long to not be interupted by someone else.
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Actually JK Tanks counter marauders and sentinels pretty well. That and slingers/snipers. They are not unbeatable they just do well against certain classes as we all do. I can hold my own against any dps....put something that can heal...even a class that can offheal around a corner and I will never ever kill it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Marauders/Sents are good, but not OP in anyway.


Combat and smash you shouldn't really have difficulty outlasting, especially with well timed stuns. But watchman, not so much. But I agree, the class isn't OP at all. There are ways to counter us, some specs more than others.


As a combat sentinel I don't have any issues with snipers (unless it's a lethality and my defensive abilities are on cooldown). Pyrotechs are close battles (could go either way), and hybrid assassins will usually outlast me. IMO most well played watchman will win against a well played combat. As far as guardian tanks, I couldn't really tell you since the battles usually last too long to not be interupted by someone else.


Feken can tell you of his experience with guardian tanks. While combat isn't exactly a dueling spec, people use what they're used to playing.

Edited by PoliteAssasin
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