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Add ignore-list exclusions to warzones please!


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For warzones, add the exact same group-forming mechanic that we have for flashpoint groupfinder, so we don't get grouped with people on our ignorelist.


Now why? Simple: it's the same people I see leaving warzones over and over, because the team didn't cap both turrets within a minute or something like that. If I could add these quitters to my ignorelist, I wouldn't suffer playing with them anymore. Ideally, many more people would start to put quitters on their ignore list, untill all the quitters can eventually only get grouped up with eachother. They're all lousy players anyway, so other players would only benefit if this were implemented.


Ofcourse, I wouldn't mind if they were charged some 50 commendations for leaving instead. Either solution works for me.

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For warzones, add the exact same group-forming mechanic that we have for flashpoint groupfinder, so we don't get grouped with people on our ignorelist.


Now why? Simple: it's the same people I see leaving warzones over and over, because the team didn't cap both turrets within a minute or something like that. If I could add these quitters to my ignorelist, I wouldn't suffer playing with them anymore. Ideally, many more people would start to put quitters on their ignore list, untill all the quitters can eventually only get grouped up with eachother. They're all lousy players anyway, so other players would only benefit if this were implemented.


Ofcourse, I wouldn't mind if they were charged some 50 commendations for leaving instead. Either solution works for me.


Don't like that solution as 75% of my ignores are loot whores in flashpoints/ops so it would slow down warzone pops a lot. I think a lockout would be better like in FPs because people who bail when its a wz they dont like or because the team had a bad start cripple the team by leaving and hoping to get into the next warzone while ours continues so a lockout of 15-20 mins would ensure leavers cant do this.

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I'm having a crap PVP day because I keep getting grouped with one player who is having some serious issues, constantly complaining about the teams in chat and then intentionally giving up the games to cause problems. Huttball, running the ball to the wrong end and letting them kill her and take it, and the latest wz walking away from defending a node to go /dance. Leaving the other person to get slaughtered.


Now as soon as I see the name I leave the WZ, but it's a pain, and it's killing the game for me today - get some sort of block in, make it optional if people are afraid of limiting their queue numbers.

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