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Wow nice burst Hurrican'e!!


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Hello everyone, I feel like posting something pve-based on this forum just for fun.


So I did some math and some testing today, and I found out i can burst heal 21-22 thousand HP in 4.5 seconds!

This is with fully Dread Guard geared and augmented commando, Elite war Hero relic and DG click power relic. When i tested it I had a exotech aim stim and thats it, didnt click the relic or use any adrenal. Just some fun numbers for everyone.


The burst rotation I used was Advanced Medical Probe, Supercharge Cells, Kolto Bomb, Tech Override, Medical Probe, then a Bacta Infusion. In total if everything is RIGHT on dot then it would be 3 gcds=4.5 seconds. But there is a little server lag etc involved so it probably is around 5 seconds. But pretty cool show of commando burst healing, even without the clicky relic being used!



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Was this on yourself?


Yes it was actually it was, so I had that 2% extra healing for myself so that accounts for a little.


Here is my build that I was running when I did the tests so you can take a look. Reactive shield wasn't up either so yeah.

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If you are looking for the most plausible burst as a commando heals wouldnt you use supercharged cells first being that it increases all healing by 5%?


Yeah most likely, the reason the above burst rotation is my favorite though I don't need to use it ever is because Supercharge Cells resets the cooldown on Advanced Medical Probe so that is convenient to have it reset right after I use it.

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