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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Barber Shop costs CC. Why so shocked?


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Large MMO's that have it (for free):





SWG (dead but still..)

TERA iirc


Large MMO's that dont:


<insert name here>


Add GuildWars to the list of do too. Now what part I had to pay for was allowing me to use other options at the barber. But the barber itself was in-game currency.


Even though now defunct, CoX same thing.

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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I think the real problem is the one question: "Where does it stop?"


Ever since the game has gone free to play, there have been promises made regarding content and few deliveries. Well that seems fine, as long as they are taking the time to make it better. But then you see this new "expansion" and realize that most of it contains some of the promises that were made. Okay....an expansion makes sense, so many pay for it even though the description is vague. And then there is the Cartel Market. All of these "cosmetic" items that do not allow you to "pay to win" are added, the biggest issue thus far is the barber shop, which has been asked for since the start of the game.


Now the question arises. If I am paying a monthly fee towards the game, why is virtually everything except maintenance costing me extra money? Sure the cartel market is mostly cosmetic, but what we have asked for that is not cosmetic seems to have been thrown into this "expansion". So is this the new norm? Are we supposed to be satisfied with a subscription that offers relatively little new content updates? A subscription that pays for the development of new content that is resold again? I suppose it really just boils down to how many sheep are willing customers to this kind of strategy

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I think some people are confused since they keep claiming "many games do it" but yet haven't named one.


If there is a new hairstyle, then unlocking said hairstyle via the CM that is what "many games do". But going to the barber shop is in-game currency or even free to subs as a sub perk (I believe DCUO does this as a sub perk but I could be wrong not having a sub there).


How Eric posted it, it makes it sound like every change you want even items unlocked are CM only.


Now name one big game that does that.

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Subscription = paying Bioware to play the game.


Asking subscribers to pay more for additional in-game content (Expansions aside) is BS. Doesn't matter what the content is, be it barbershop/mounts/whatever. At the moment almost everything is available on the GTN. I don't use Cartel Coins because, as a Subscriber, I get unfettered access to the game and can afford to buy all these things off the GTN.


The issue I have with the Barbershop announcement is that there was no mention of whether or not subscribers can get this as a legacy perk/off the GTN or some other way OTHER than Cartel Coins. As long as there is an alternative option for subscribers, as with everything else, then there isn't a problem. At the moment, the announcement only said CC, and for me personally, that's an issue.

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Let me stop you right there ... I've been begging my wife for a threesome for 15 years. I have no delusion that should I get a threesome it is going to cost me a helluva lot more than a few CC.:p:p:p:p:p


You win :D

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Hmmm.... let's see. Maybe almost EVERY single other MMO out there has this feature for ingame currency instead of real money currency.


Meh... I've come to expect this kind of money-grabbing from EA. Not surprised in the least. Just VERY, VERY, disappointed.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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I honestly want to know why people are so amazed that the barber shop is going to cost us Cartel Coins. I havent played loads of MMOs but every one that had this feature charged RL money. Why should SWTOR be any different. This is also a convince/quality of life thing, not a game breaking piece of super rare P2W loot. This feature will probably also sell on the GTN for a cheap amount of creds so there is even less to cry about.


So what is the deal, are people just that cheap/entitled or is there a real reason for this be a sub feature?


I don't know what games you've played but the ones I played used ingame currency rather than real money.. games like WoW and SWG.. hell, SWG even had an profession dedicated just for that.

Edited by Skorz
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IBut I think what they expected was to be charged CC for NEW appearance options. NEW Hairstyles. NEW Cybernetics. NEW Jewelry options. No one expected that they would charge us for making changes to options that ALREADY EXIST.


That's like charging us CC to change which Lightsaber or Speeder we use. That's like charging us CC for using the GTN. The in-game Barbershop system should charge credits. The Cartel Market should charge CC for NEW options to use in that system.


This game has been out for 15 months and we've all survived without being able to go back and change our character creation options. Giving someone the ability to go back and change the eye color of a character from brown to blue after they have been playing that character for 8 months and 50 levels isn't exactly a high priority "improvement" to the game. If anyone was THAT concerned about their character look, then they would have gotten their character creation options right the first time or deleted their character soon thereafter and fixed the character's look.


Maybe they should just get rid of the whole Cartel Market and Cartel Coin thing and the game can go under and everyone can find a new game to complain about. They've already said that the monthly stipend for subs would be taken into account in regards to pricing. There's really nothing that a sub needs to spend their monthly Cartel Coins on. How many times a month does someone need to change their character creator options? If we were talking about new options being added, that would be a different story. But if this about people having the ability to change their character creator options every day, then the whining is ridiculous. If someone is THAT concerned about their character look, I can't see them really having a reason to change the original options more than once or twice in the entire life of the character. But again, someone can't honestly say that character look is THAT important to them if they have reached level 50 with the character and they are claiming they now need to go back and change the hair or eye color, or whatever it may be. Because if that's the case, then it turns out character look wasn't very important to them at all.

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disagree with 2,

as long as CC sold items don't affect endgame pve or pvp,

we,subers, don't care about it,


if subers get Barber Shop for free, then BW should put char transfer system for free B4 Barber Shop active in game,

if players wanna Barber Shop without CC, go UO, last time i was there, i remember it didn't cost real money.


Take a look around the forum.

I think you'll find subscribers who don't agree with what you just said.


Heh... and I think you will find subs that totally agree. And more in game players who don't frequent the forums who couldn't care less. We get drowned out by the Cartelphobia. "Oh no, more fluff is being added to the CM store. This game is over! We got screwed!" It was comical and now it is just old. I'm convinced now that some people don't really care about what is added or how it is done. All they want to do is come here and QQ about it.


I mentioned earlier in one of the previous threads that we should wait and see. We don't even know what this will mean to subs yet. But somehow... that is of no relevance. Lol! Whatever man... I'll just keep playing. Let me know when it is all clear and you have your Chiss with a Mohawk, because that is going to be really important when we gear check for Level 55 HMs.

Edited by Rafaman
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