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New 50s after 2.0


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At launch, you didn't get anything for hitting 50. But MMOs have to try and enable new players to catch up to older players, so eventually new 50s started getting free Tionese and PvP gear.


With 2.0 dropping, there won't be a Tionese vendor anymore, nor Tionese gear. The new lowest level 50 gear will be Black Hole, and supposedly level 50 daily missions are being adjusted in difficulty.


I've seen two schools of thought on this.


1. New 50s won't get anything anymore. In fact, almost every player I've spoken to is convinced of this.

2. New 50s will get enough of the new Basic coms to have perhaps a half set of Black Hole gear. There is still incentive at this point for them to get Basic coms to finish their set of Black Hole gear, but they won't be completely overwhelmed by level 50 HM FPs.


With these double-xp weekends, I'm wondering if I should hit 50 now and take Tionese coms on my alts, or stop at 49 and ping 50 after 2.0 drops.


It would be nice to know how Bioware intends to handle new 50s.

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New 50's go straight to makeb to keep leveling. There is no gear set at 50, it's simply part of the next step, you hit 50, you go to makeb instead of ilum and keep leveling from there, I'd say get to 50 now, I have a feeling tionese gear will be replaced by 50-51 level makeb greens but at the very least you'll be ready to go in that gear rather then say 47-49 quest rewards.
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I though you can't get to Makeb without at least BH/Dredguard gear.


Since Makeb is in closed beta only with no knowledge leaking out, no one knows.


Makeb either is difficulty adjusted for new 50s in green gear (rated 106 perhaps) or the new lowest tier of 50 PvE gear, Black Hole (146).


There is a huge gap there. If 50s can't play Makeb until they get Black Hole gear, then they are forced to do hardmode flashpoints with perhaps less than Tionese gear.


I'm in the minority, but I really think option 2 makes more sense, to allow new 50s to get some Basic coms for at least a few pieces of Black Hole gear.

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New 50's go straight to makeb to keep leveling. There is no gear set at 50, it's simply part of the next step, you hit 50, you go to makeb instead of ilum and keep leveling from there, I'd say get to 50 now, I have a feeling tionese gear will be replaced by 50-51 level makeb greens but at the very least you'll be ready to go in that gear rather then say 47-49 quest rewards.


What this person said. This is how MMO's deal with an expansion and a new level cap. You don't need current raid gear once you hit 50. The only thing that current raid gear will do for you in the expansion is make your leveling process to 55 easier, that's it.

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Since Makeb is in closed beta only with no knowledge leaking out, no one knows.


Makeb either is difficulty adjusted for new 50s in green gear (rated 106 perhaps) or the new lowest tier of 50 PvE gear, Black Hole (146).


There is a huge gap there. If 50s can't play Makeb until they get Black Hole gear, then they are forced to do hardmode flashpoints with perhaps less than Tionese gear.


I'm in the minority, but I really think option 2 makes more sense, to allow new 50s to get some Basic coms for at least a few pieces of Black Hole gear.


It's simply the next step up in the leveling curve, they just said that dread guard/bh gear won't be replaced until 54-55, which means the xpac isn't a hard gear reset, it's not that new greens will be superior to DG/BH, just not very useful to those like myself that are in full DG. There is no Basic comms, corellia -> finish class story -> makeb, level to 55. That's it, you get greens while leveling in makeb then get basic comms at 55.

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they.. seem to be going for leaving some endgame to do for people who might not buy expansion right away, so I honestly hope, they are neither doing away with some sort of starter gear, nor increasing the difficulty of lvl 50 dailies (since some of them can be picked up at lvl 47 and serve as a nice alternative to planetary quests for leveling.)


that said at this point? I wouldn't be surprised if they do in fact decide to .. not so gently nudge everyone into buying Makeb in order to be able to do anything high level at all.

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that said at this point? I wouldn't be surprised if they do in fact decide to .. not so gently nudge everyone into buying Makeb in order to be able to do anything high level at all.


Leaving the level cap as is unless you buy the xpac is pretty standard for most games. I wouldn't be surprised.

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