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Help me fix my marauder please? :(


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Hello all.

Sorry in advance for yet another "what stat" thread, but I can't seem to find a relevant answer out there. I'm trying to get really big damage from my marauder (who is carnage specced). I had a level 50 jugg in War hero gear; I took the armouring, mods and enhancements and put them into the armour my marauder was wearing (a mix of legacy/adaptable armour). i then bought the War hero weapon master sabres, ear piece, implants and relics of boundless ages. Then I added power augments to everything. But I still seem to be doing crappy damage. Could someone explain how to improve my gear set up? And should I go for all strength augments? Finally (and again, sorry for bugging everyone with these questions) can anyone suggest a really effective rotation? I have looked at other threads but I'm obviously doing something wrong and/or not undertanding it correctly. I don't want to be "the best" but I do want to feel like I'm doing a good job and contibuting as best I can in WZ's and FP's. That currently isn't the case :(

Edited by Toxxo
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Dude front page thread, Carnage pvp gear guide. Carnage pve guide in here too. Search.

Did you read my post? I said I have already read the threads. Obviously I don't understand them (i'm disabled and have a few difficulties interpreting stuff) which is why I'm hoping someone will be kind enough to take the time to help me out.

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Hello Toxxo again(i think i remembered answering something from you before).


For starters to pay a Carnage mara, you need some know how to put up good numbers but the potential for greatness is there.


For gear you'd want your gear to be pretty similar to Rage spec, stack Power and Surge, plus around 95-98% Accuracy. You'd want your Force Scream hitting 5-6k. Power Augments all the way.


For rotation priotize your hard hitters. Gore -> Ravage or Massacre(on Berserk) + Force Scream. Ideally you want to use gore whenever it's up, but that's not gonna happen, so use it when you know you can make full use of its duration. Like bait them to use their KB or CC on you so you can get off a full Ravage after, or have ALOT of rage to spam massacre and force scream(only scream on proc btw). Don't jump in and start hammering at bubbled targets(have teammates break em or force scream, because being stun locked isnt fun). Against kiters/healers Deadly Throw is your best friend, use it use it and use it. If it's not specced to root then maybe you shouldn't be playing Carnage(just kidding.... maybe im not).


A major part of playing Carnage Mara is you CDs. You manage it well, you do well. More so than any other class I believe. Lets see here.


Force Camo breaks roots/slow/reduce dot damage ---- Gap Closer/Opener, face melter, getawayskill. It does it all.


Cloak of Pain ---- Use it, don't ask when. If you're taking damage or in a group fight pop it, best popped when you're ht with a dot


180% Speed on Predation....... No need for explaination here.


Specced into Annhi for +2 Furry per skill = UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAA.. well almost.


Saber Ward is your friend against anyone who carry glowsticks that gets in your face.


Ohhhh you see that Carnage Mara? Did he jump you? Throw Obfuscate then gore and Ravage, hell likely go *** HAXXXX I DID NO DAMAGE AND HE ALMOST KILLED ME. WE BE SAME CLASSS WTFX.



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Hello Toxxo again(i think i remembered answering something from you before).


For starters to pay a Carnage mara, you need some know how to put up good numbers but the potential for greatness is there.


For gear you'd want your gear to be pretty similar to Rage spec, stack Power and Surge, plus around 95-98% Accuracy. You'd want your Force Scream hitting 5-6k. Power Augments all the way.


For rotation priotize your hard hitters. Gore -> Ravage or Massacre(on Berserk) + Force Scream. Ideally you want to use gore whenever it's up, but that's not gonna happen, so use it when you know you can make full use of its duration. Like bait them to use their KB or CC on you so you can get off a full Ravage after, or have ALOT of rage to spam massacre and force scream(only scream on proc btw). Don't jump in and start hammering at bubbled targets(have teammates break em or force scream, because being stun locked isnt fun). Against kiters/healers Deadly Throw is your best friend, use it use it and use it. If it's not specced to root then maybe you shouldn't be playing Carnage(just kidding.... maybe im not).


A major part of playing Carnage Mara is you CDs. You manage it well, you do well. More so than any other class I believe. Lets see here.


Force Camo breaks roots/slow/reduce dot damage ---- Gap Closer/Opener, face melter, getawayskill. It does it all.


Cloak of Pain ---- Use it, don't ask when. If you're taking damage or in a group fight pop it, best popped when you're ht with a dot


180% Speed on Predation....... No need for explaination here.


Specced into Annhi for +2 Furry per skill = UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAA.. well almost.


Saber Ward is your friend against anyone who carry glowsticks that gets in your face.


Ohhhh you see that Carnage Mara? Did he jump you? Throw Obfuscate then gore and Ravage, hell likely go *** HAXXXX I DID NO DAMAGE AND HE ALMOST KILLED ME. WE BE SAME CLASSS WTFX.




Thank you, thank you, thank you! After I made my last post I did lots more reading, particularly about skills, then shuffled my rotation around. There was an immediate improvement. Gear wise, i'll have to get the vindicator sabres (i bought the weaponmaster ones) bracers and a belt - my bonus damage is only 495. I also need to collect a few more datacrons (inc the +10 one). The info yo have provided above is AWESOME - just what I needed, so man many thanks! :)

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No problem, and for armorings make sure u use the 4 set piece bonus from Vindicator's(heavy armor for Juggs) you cant use those armor, but rip out the Armorings for each piece and put in on custom gear. The bonus gives 10% damage for 10 secs after a charge i believe. You're gonna see improvements just from that.


Another thing I should note is NEVER STAND STILL. Strafe and jump is your best friend you should always be trying to get behind or to the side of ur target. Literally run circles around them, this will not only disorient them, but will cause alot of conal skills to miss. Nothing is more hilarious than seeing a sorc stand there scractching his head, while i shred his light armor.


And yes you have to stand still for Ravage, but when you Ravage someone from behind or sideways their first reaction is "*** I CANT MOVE", before they know they're getting ravaged it's usually too late.

Edited by piSith
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