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LF1M Healer HM TFB Jedi Cov Tue Midnight weekly


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Hello JC community,


I'm a raid leader in Dominus Nihil on Jedi Convenient and we have a need for a permanent geared healer for our weekly operations in our midnight raid group. This group is currently on the second boss of HM TFB; though about half of us have cleared HM TFB running as substitutes with our earlier raid groups. Our progress has been delayed due to inconsistent raid groups and people having to run on Alts and not playing the same role each week.


We are a semi-relaxed raiding group who mixes a desire to clear content with having fun; i.e., we joke around and tease each other to a point but expect people to be focused and keep mistakes to a min throughout the operation.


We are not looking to help catch someone up in gear; we want someone already similarly geared and ready to go. While not required, we prefer the player become a member of DN; players willing to do such would be given preference over others.



Fully geared for HM TFB; min gear Full BH/lvl26 custom or better.

Has cleared HM EC with your healer

Has Cleared SM TFB with healer

Willing to install Mumble for voice communication and has a mic to speak.

Availability Midnight to 3am Eastern (9pm to midnight PT)

registration on guild forms for operation schedule


The following are not required but considered a plus:

experience with HM TFB as a healer

experience with HM TFB in another role

unguided or looking for another guild


If you meet the requirements and are interested in applying, please reply to this thread to get more information.


Or visit us at dominusnihil.com/forums

Edited by Olicc
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