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Cartel Market Certificates: Bind to Legacy Please!


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I would humbly suggest that you make the Cartel Market Certificates "Bind to Legacy" rather than simply "Bound" to the character that happens to open the Cartel Pack. This way you don't penalize your most loyal customers simply because they open a cartel pack on one character instead of another.


I have many different characters and STORAGE IS A HUGE ISSUE. I have already purchased 5 account-wide Cargo Bays (PLEASE ADD MORE!) and my inventory is full on most of my characters. Apparently I am a Virtual Hoarder ...


Anyway, I would like to be able to pool my Cartel Market Certificates. After all, reputation with The Contraband Resale Corporation is supposed to reward your most loyal players.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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This, I have 6 cert's across 4 toons and can't buy a damn thing.


So yes, bind to legacy or increase the drop rate and retro toons certs based off the new %


Another thing you could do is make them purchasable directly from the Cartel Vendor on Fleet once you hit Champion rank... be a nice reward for spending a **** ton of cash in game & out.

Edited by Chesty_Jake
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  • 4 months later...
Uh guys....did you see the date of the last post before this was necroed? it says march 2013. By that time maybe they wasn't BtL, now, they are.


I was about to say, with a small handful across three toons (I spend the coins on whoever has inventory space. Logic), they do seem to be be bound to legacy.

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Uh guys....did you see the date of the last post before this was necroed? it says march 2013. By that time maybe they wasn't BtL, now, they are.


I read the 3 as a 6. thought it was a month ago when they were bind to character. my bad

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