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Going from LS to DS to Romance Jaesa?


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The question is simple, is it possible to change alignment from Light Side to Dark Side in order to romance Jaesa Willsaam?


Or is she only romanceable if you already were Dark Side when aquiring her?


Thank you.

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your alignement doesn't matter, you deciede if she is light or dark side, when you tell her to kill her master or not to do so

I didn't get that option, as far as I understand it depending on your choices leading up to that moment that decides the outcome of her master.

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To clarify:


1. Your overall alignment has nothing to do regarding if you can romance Jaesa or not.

2. Jaesa, however, has to be darkside in order to be romanceable.

3. Jaesas alignment depends on the choices you made as part of your class quest which dealt with acquiring Jaesa. Darkside choices lead to darkside Jaesa. Which choices exactly matter in the end (is it only about killing her master or not?) I do not know.

4. Afaik, you cannot change the alignment of Jaesa after you have acquired her. I.e. if you have a light side Jaesa, no romance with her is possible at all.

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