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The Fandalorians are out in full-force. I don't get how such an overrated character such as Boba Fett can best the man who patiently took down the Republic over the course of decades. Edited by TheBBP
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You know its funny, your being sarcastic, but what you said is exactly whats true. He doesn't do anything except stand around looking cool.


I simply find the idea that a dude who has no other purpose wins out against one of the biggest, most detailed and interesting characters of the entire franchise.


Leave it to the space marine generation.


Read up. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Boba_Fett


Did much more then stand around. :D Even in the movies he did more then stand around. :p


In fact, the list of his activities are almost as long as Palpatine's. ;)


The Fandalorians are out in full-force. I don't get how such an overrated character such as Boba Fett can best the man who patiently took down the Republic over the course of decades.


Oh boy. :rolleyes:


Uh huh. You know why the "Fandalorians" are out? There are more "Fandalorians" then [insert combination of the words "Palpatine" and "Fan" here]. ;) Just look at the evidence. :p


But in all seriousness, when the word Fanboy (or any adaptation of it) is thrown around, it just shows a lack of an argument or (dare I say it) immaturity.


I can call you a Palpatine Fanboy all I want, but that does not strengthen my argument, diminish your argument (if you had one, that is), or progress the discussion in anyway.


All that said though, you have a brilliant signature!! :D


Oh, and just so you know, I would consider myself a Palpatine "fanboy" just as much as a Boba Fett one. I love Palpatine, and the way he is portrayed in the films is superb. Ian McDarmid is brilliant.

When I saw Luke lose to Yoda, Tarkin lose to Dooku, and Han to Obi-Wan, I figured that this is a movie and TV show popularity contest and not everything else considered. Personally I would've thought that Wedge would have had a better standing compared to Luke, guess I was wrong. And I feel like IG-88 was under-appreciated, its not everyday that something hijacks the Death Star.


I say Vader wins because he's possibly the most ****** antagonist in like all of cinema!


Love your post :D These were the biggest upsets to me. Was appalled at Tarkin's resounding defeat. :(

Edited by Swissbob
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Read up. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Boba_Fett


Did much more then stand around. :D Even in the movies he did more then stand around. :p



You're right. In the PT he got a couple shot of acting like a brat, and even got to say a couple bratty things too. His only spoken dialog in the entire series. :rolleyes:


ROFL. We are talking about the same Palpatine, right? "POWAH UNLIMITED POWAH!!!" 'Palpy, right?


Most detailed and interesting? His sole motivation is fear of death and desire to control the galaxy. He isn't an interesting character at all, he undergoes approximately zero character growth and has a miserable cliche of an origin story.


Prior to this contest, I didn't even think it was possible to be a Palpatine fanboy...


I take it you haven't read any of the books.

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I don't like Boba Fett because he's a mandalorian.


I like Boba Fett because he's a criminal.


Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett represent two very different types of criminals. I love them each in their own right for it. Boba Fett is the bounty hunter. Like, THE bounty hunter. The Star Wars universe has always fascinated me in that there are, effectively, three factions. Two governments of opposite views, and the lawless. The criminal underworld is one of my favorite parts of Star Wars, and a vital part too. It's showcased in (I think) three of the movies. The underworld that brought us Pod Racing. Cantinas. Carbonite. Rancors. Dancers with six breasts. Star Wars would not be the same without it. And who's the underworld's top hit-man? Boba Fett. Did he get much screen time? Quality writing? No. But he represents everything the underworld faction stands for in a ominous, BA package. Similar to Obi-wan for Jedi or Darth Vader for Sith.


You can claim all Boba Fett did was "stand there," but in reality he symbolizes a unique aspect of Star Wars that is just as sketchy and deadly as he is.

Edited by Warren-Stride
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I don't like Boba Fett because he's a mandalorian.


I like Boba Fett because he's a criminal.


Jabba the Hutt and Boba Fett represent two very different types of criminals. I love them each in their own right for it. Boba Fett is the bounty hunter. Like, THE bounty hunter. The Star Wars universe has always fascinated me in that there are, effectively, three factions. Two governments of opposite views, and the lawless. The criminal underworld is one of my favorite parts of Star Wars, and a vital part too. It's showcased in (I think) three of the movies. The underworld that brought us Pod Racing. Cantinas. Carbonite. Rancors. Dancers with six breasts. Star Wars would not be the same without it. And who's the underworld's top hit-man? Boba Fett. Did he get much screen time? Quality writing? No. But he represents everything the underworld faction stands for in a ominous, BA package. Similar to Obi-wan for Jedi or Darth Vader for Sith.


You can claim all Boba Fett did was "stand there," but in reality he symbolizes a unique aspect of Star Wars that is just as sketchy and deadly as he is.


Great post! Very well written. :D


Much better then I could ever explain! :p

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You're right. In the PT he got a couple shot of acting like a brat, and even got to say a couple bratty things too. His only spoken dialog in the entire series. :rolleyes:


Oh boy. :rolleyes:


Anyway, you got your way! Boba Fett lost to Vader! :D

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Wow, I didn't expect Yoda to cone this far - although I voted for him all the way.


As for Boba, I agree with Warren. He's more of a symbol than a character and while I would never rate him higher than Sidious who was a symbol and a character (nor can I understand how people can say he is not dynamic when he has a gosh darn alter ego...) there is a profound element of mystery and, for the lack of a better word, bad assness, emanating from him. However I feel some people take the symbolism a little too far and simply vote for him because he's Mandalorian, because he's a bounty hunter etc. But I guess that's what he is so *shrug*


Still you can't help but laugh at how terrible he is at his job, (although he's great at his out of universe one) HK would most certainly /facepalm if he saw Boba attack Luke with a blaster. :D

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Still you can't help but laugh at how terrible he is at his job, (although he's great at his out of universe one) HK would most certainly /facepalm if he saw Boba attack Luke with a blaster. :D


Even Atton Rand facepalms at people attacing Jedi with Blasters...

I was hoping r2-d2 would win the whole thing. But alas, it is not meant to be :(

Voted for Yoda in this final round, im not sure who's going to win, he's a well liked and funny character... But it's vader!!!!!

Edited by Selenial
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I take it you haven't read any of the books.


You keep saying that like it means something. Do you mean Darth Plagueis? Which books? Because in none of the EU does Palpatine ever acquire depth of character or any motivations beyond the villainous cliche of "I want to rule the universe and live forever". And that's dull.

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You keep saying that like it means something. Do you mean Darth Plagueis? Which books? Because in none of the EU does Palpatine ever acquire depth of character or any motivations beyond the villainous cliche of "I want to rule the universe and live forever". And that's dull.
The problem here is, your arguing from a very perverse point of view. Palpatine is a far more dynamic character than Boba could ever have been, simply because he speaks. Nonetheless, I understand where your coming from but I do not agree with your conclusion. I find Sidious' archetype as megalomanical evil profoundly interesting and exciting. Star Wars is less of a sci-fi and more of a fantasy, and for fantasy to work you need those powerful archetypes of good and evil to lend a sense of magic and wonder to the story. This immensely powerful 'monster' figure gives us that. Vader provides the dynamic.


For example, which do you feel would have made a more interesting story: the original version were Palpatine was not a Sith Lord, but a puppet ruler, or were Palpatine was the all powerful mastermind and embodiment of Evil? I would always choose the latter, this 'villainous cliche' is a necessary one. People throw around 'cliche' like the word itself is a pejorative. Yet the entire original trilogy is built on the 'cliche' of the Hero's Journey and the prequels on the tragic hero. And if the sequels don't continue that theme it will fail. Sometimes, and especially with fantasy, cliches are necessary to achieve that mystical euphoria. Strip away the 'cliches' of the saga and what are we left with? A political space opera.


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I don't care what anyone says... Boba Fett is hands-down the most overrated character in the Star Wars Mythos. The guy was unwittingly dropped into the gullet of a Sarlacc by a blind and flailing Han Solo.


Palpatine carefully calculated and executed the fall of the entire Republic and destroyed the Jedi Order via decades of manipulation. Killed by his Apprentice Darth Vader who decided to save his son.


At least he got crushed by Vader.

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simply because he speaks.



I don't care what anyone says... Boba Fett is hands-down the most overrated character in the Star Wars Mythos.

Indeed, its worse than Maul...

At least Maul had some deep introduction and roles in later additions to the franchise, and there is a lot of EU on him, granted there is on Fett too, but not many like Fett because of the EU they have read on him....... They like him because of his "Bad *** armor" and "Epic mandoness" of course completely forgetting he actually got pushed into a sarlacc pit by a blind guy waving a pole.

Edited by Selenial
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The problem here is, your arguing from a very perverse point of view. Palpatine is a far more dynamic character than Boba could ever have been, simply because he speaks. Nonetheless, I understand where your coming from but I do not agree with your conclusion. I find Sidious' archetype as megalomanical evil profoundly interesting and exciting. Star Wars is less of a sci-fi and more of a fantasy, and for fantasy to work you need those powerful archetypes of good and evil to lend a sense of magic and wonder to the story. This immensely powerful 'monster' figure gives us that. Vader provides the dynamic.

Again, I'm not arguing for Boba over Palpatine. I'm simply arguing against the idea that Palpatine is some kind of mythical genius.


He is a necessary figure in the Star Wars saga, but that doesn't make him interesting. He's fun to watch, because he just genuinely enjoys being evil, but again, he's not a compelling character. Nor is he "brilliant" in his manipulations. His only moment of relatively good deception was the bit with Anakin, but that was somewhat murky. It looks like he exploited a fairly unstable young Jedi who was extremely powerful (the Chosen One), but it was hardly a masterstroke of manipulation. Without any intervention on Palpatine's behalf, he was already committing murder and ranting against Obi-Wan early in Episode II. He basically just scooped up the low hanging fruit.



For example, which do you feel would have made a more interesting story: the original version were Palpatine was not a Sith Lord, but a puppet ruler, or were Palpatine was the all powerful mastermind and embodiment of Evil? I would always choose the latter, this 'villainous cliche' is a necessary one. People throw around 'cliche' like the word itself is a pejorative. Yet the entire original trilogy is built on the 'cliche' of the Hero's Journey and the prequels on the tragic hero. And if the sequels don't continue that theme it will fail. Sometimes, and especially with fantasy, cliches are necessary to achieve that mystical euphoria. Strip away the 'cliches' of the saga and what are we left with? A political space opera.

He is a cliche. That isn't bad in and of itself, but it does make him a very flat character. He plays an important role in the story, but he is really more a piece of scenery than a dynamic character. His rise to power is the backdrop for Anakin's fall to the dark side, and eventual redemption.


Palpatine is an embodiment of Evil, but he's not an all-powerful mastermind. He's just a powerful Sith Lord methodically carrying out his stock evil plan to dominate the galaxy. No one really opposes him, he fights himself in a staged war and then abolishes the Republic with a cute little speech. He is hardly a thought provoking or original character, but he is amusing to watch, especially when Ian McDiarmid plays him.

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I don't care what anyone says... Boba Fett is hands-down the most overrated character in the Star Wars Mythos. The guy was unwittingly dropped into the gullet of a Sarlacc by a blind and flailing Han Solo.


Palpatine carefully calculated and executed the fall of the entire Republic and destroyed the Jedi Order via decades of manipulation. Killed by his Apprentice Darth Vader who decided to save his son.


At least he got crushed by Vader.


Uh huh, yeah ok. :rolleyes:


It's not like he was the only person in in the history of the galaxy to climb out of the Sarlacc's stomach once digested. In fact, he even did it twice.


I could pick out any amazing character's most embarrassing moment, but does that automatically "overrated"?

You say "killed" by Vader. In fact he was simply lifted up from behind, and very slowly walked over to a railing and thrown off without really resisting at all.


But none of that matters, because it is not their death that defines a character. (Even though the Sarlacc wasn't Boba's death. Far from it. Read up. )


But anyway... what does "Overrated" mean exactly? This word to me is like "Fanboy". An insult without really a meaning. "Too many people think too highly of him"? Who are you to determine not only which character other people should like, but the reasons they should like them in the first place? :rak_02:


Pick up some arguments from Beniboybling. He has some really great things to say.


But of course, you don't care what anyone says. ;)


They like him because of his "Bad *** armor" and "Epic mandoness" of course completely forgetting he actually got pushed into a sarlacc pit by a blind guy waving a pole.


........ and then fought his way out of the sarlacc's stomach. Being the first in the galaxy known to accomplish this feat. On his second escape from the Sarlacc, he fought against his own will being controlled, and was able to trick the Sarlacc's mind into contracting around his Jetpack, allowing him to blast his way out. After he escaped the second time, he went on to live over 40 more years, continuing to track down and defeat the Galaxy's most famous (or infamous) people. Eventually, he reunited the Mandalorians and became Mandalore, ending his 45 year long bounty hunting career. He and the Mandalorians eventually fended off the Yuuzhan Vong and participated in a battle that would cripple their offensive. Even after that he played a vital role in the outcome of the Second Galactic Civil War. etc. etc. etc.


In fact, I do like him because of the EU. Be informed next time you characterize an entire fan base, made up of thousands of people. :rolleyes:


And even if what you said is true, that we all like him because of his armor design.... So what? Who are you to determine what are valid reasons to like a character and what are invalid? :rak_02:

Edited by Swissbob
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Might be nice for you to READ my post first. "Not many like Fett". I never said "No one liked Fette"...


Nextly, wait... Never mind.

Pretty much your entire post is based off misreading one thing I said. Besides, you can't deny it, most of the people who like Fetta have never, and will never, read the EU on him.


Also "Pick up some arguments from Beniboybling" Kiss up much? :D

Everyone knows Beni and Aubere are the kings around here >.> we've indeed noticed allready the fact that their arguments are some of the few well constructed ones on the forum....

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Fett's EU was fan service because for whatever reasons, so many people thought that getting sent into a Sarlaac like a chump was cool.


He only got the accomplishments Fandalorians like to boast about because of the insanely overrated status he received just by being in the movies for a handful of seconds. That undeserved popularity allowed the authors of the EU to stroke the Fandalorians.


His achievements are not much better than Jar Jar's, who unwittingly helped put the Clone Wars into motion and became a Senator.

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Might be nice for you to READ my post first. "Not many like Fett". I never said "No one liked Fette"...


Nextly, wait... Never mind.

Pretty much your entire post is based off misreading one thing I said. Besides, you can't deny it, most of the people who like Fetta have never, and will never, read the EU on him.


Also "Pick up some arguments from Beniboybling" Kiss up much? :D

Everyone knows Beni and Aubere are the kings around here >.> we've indeed noticed allready the fact that their arguments are some of the few well constructed ones on the forum....


I apologize for misreading what you said. This was actually an honest mistake, I'm sorry. :( Disregard the first part of my post. But it wasn't really that important anyway.


The main, and most important part does matter though:


"So what? Who are you to determine what are valid reasons to like a character and what are invalid?"


Who cares if people like him for what he does in the movies. They like him, and they like him more then Palpatine apparently.


By calling him "Overrated" (and yes, you agreed with BBP, that he is "overrated") you're saying he is liked more then he should be. Who are you determine what valid reasons to like someone are? :rak_02:


Oh and "sucking up"... really? First of all, this comment wasn't even meant for you, it was for BBP. And second.... I can't compliment another poster from an opposing side without being name-called a suck-up? Jeez, I'll keep my compliments to myself then. I thought we might have a mature discussion without words like "Fanboy" and "suck-up" being thrown around.


Fett's EU was fan service because for whatever reasons, so many people thought that getting sent into a Sarlaac like a chump was cool.


He only got the accomplishments Fandalorians like to boast about because of the insanely overrated status he received just by being in the movies for a handful of seconds. That undeserved popularity allowed the authors of the EU to stroke the Fandalorians.


His achievements are not much better than Jar Jar's, who unwittingly helped put the Clone Wars into motion and became a Senator.


These are some pretty interesting accusations of conspiracy from the authors of the EU.


They are also baseless, far fetched, and without evidence. These are not an argument, these are assertions.


And even if this was true.... so what? It's still canon. It still "happened" in the Star Wars Universe. My reasons for liking Boba are still just as justifiable.

Edited by Swissbob
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