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IMO, the other two falling-back-ins were not canon. Only Dengar rescuing him is canon, at least in my personal opinion. And does "best bounty hunter in the galaxy" not mean anything? Cad Bane held his own fairly well against Obi-Wan and Quinlan Vos, two very powerful Jedi, and Boba is arguably a better fighter than Bane. Therefore, it is not a stretch that he could actually beat a lower-tier Jedi or two.


Its a stretch, because he went right directly to a guy that was wielding a blade and having mass amounts of power at his command. He clearly had the range advantage with his blaster, and yet he decided to fly directly in range of a lightsaber....how is that for the best bounty hunter ever? Though not saying he couldn't beat low-tier Jedi like Padawans.


Though honestly, the fighting that happened between Obi-Wan/Vos and Bane could have ended a lot sooner, that and Bane also had help from that droid he had with him.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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he went right directly to a guy that was wielding a blade and having mass amounts of power at his command. He clearly had the range advantage with his blaster, and yet he decided to fly directly in range of a lightsaber....how is that for the best bounty hunter ever?


Clearly he knew that if HK saw him open fire on a Jedi, using a blaster like another idiot, the droid would kill him itself.

Edited by MyDarkSunshine
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In the books. You know, the version of the PT that wasn't terrible. Read em some time if your gonna argue about the characters.

Oh, really? And what wise decisions did Yoda make in the books? What shrewd investigations did he carry out to determine why this seriously sketchy Clone Army had just shown up magically right when the Separatists left the Republic?

Also, simply by stating Sidious is no better then Boba, you are propping Boba up on a very tall pedestal.

What part of me not caring about Boba Fett are you missing? You keep bringing him up as if he somehow matters. You need to realize that I'm exclusively trash talking Sidious and his so-called opponents.

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Oh, really? And what wise decisions did Yoda make in the books? What shrewd investigations did he carry out to determine why this seriously sketchy Clone Army had just shown up magically right when the Separatists left the Republic?


What part of me not caring about Boba Fett are you missing? You keep bringing him up as if he somehow matters. You need to realize that I'm exclusively trash talking Sidious and his so-called opponents.



A) You can read the books and find out for yourself if you actually care (I don't think you do). I'm not gonna sit here and play that game with you.


B) You said Sidious isn't any better then Boba just one page back. Thats where I'm getting that from. Maybe you forgot what started this conversation in the first place, short term memory is a drag.

Edited by Doctoglethorpe
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I find it really sad Obi-wan lost from Yoda. He is such an interesting character, considering his past before the Clone Wars. In my eyes, while Yoda is a more powerful Jedi than Obi-wan, he also a more simple character.


Well, from the six that are left, Yoda is my runner-up though or perhaps Boba. There are many interesting Sith, but frankly Vader and Sidious I dont consider among them.

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I find it really sad Obi-wan lost from Yoda. He is such an interesting character, considering his past before the Clone Wars. In my eyes, while Yoda is a more powerful Jedi than Obi-wan, he also a more simple character.


Well, from the six that are left, Yoda is my runner-up though or perhaps Boba. There are many interesting Sith, but frankly Vader and Sidious I dont consider among them.


I was also quite disappointed. Yoda is a dull character and Obi-Wan is arguably the lifeblood of the prequels.

Read Darth Plagueis and try to make that statement again with a straight face.

Sidious is a boring character. His gig is orchestrating an obvious and unsubtle takeover of a crumbling Republic and then going on to rule an equally uninventive and dull GALACTIC EMPIRE OF EVIL IMPERIALNESS. Yay.


Sidious makes Hitler look like a mastermind, to be quite honest. At least Hitler had to put forth some effort convincing milliions of people to back his ideology. Sidious just kind of got himself elected and then built a secret army of Clones and took over.

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Read Darth Plagueis and try to make that statement again with a straight face.


Perhaps his training as an acolyte/apprentice was interesting, but his plots to turn the Galactic Republic into a Galactic Empire are not too well conceived in the Films/TCW series. I am still curious how none of the thousands of Jedi doubted the intentions of the Clone Wars more than "Oh, some Jedi called Sifo-Dyas who we have barely any records of instigated a vast Clone Army. Nothing special here." Sidious story in the Clone Wars was dull because the reason why the Jedi couldn't uncover his plot was not explained well enough. And unless Sidious can perform mind-control, you need more than being a powerful Sith lord and tough luck the Jedi are stupid to perform what he did. The lack of that 'more' is what makes Sidious in my eyes an uninteresting character.


Now, if that book you prescribe explains all of that, I might indeed change my mind.

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Perhaps his training as an acolyte/apprentice was interesting, but his plots to turn the Galactic Republic into a Galactic Empire are not too well conceived in the Films/TCW series. I am still curious how none of the thousands of Jedi doubted the intentions of the Clone Wars more than "Oh, some Jedi called Sifo-Dyas who we have barely any records of instigated a vast Clone Army. Nothing special here." Sidious story in the Clone Wars was dull because the reason why the Jedi couldn't uncover his plot was not explained well enough. And unless Sidious can perform mind-control, you need more than being a powerful Sith lord and tough luck the Jedi are stupid to perform what he did. The lack of that 'more' is what makes Sidious in my eyes an uninteresting character.


Now, if that book you prescribe explains all of that, I might indeed change my mind.


Well if you want to get into Clone Wars stuff, then Labyrinth of Evil and the novelization of Ep3 do a pretty good job of showing the Jedi's mistakes and how close they were to actually unraveling the whole thing. Of course by the time they were close, it was already too late. Sidious knew this and planned for this so well he basically just said "Hey Jedi, guess what? I'm a Sith. Come get me." and when they did, the populace sided with Palpatine because he had just spent years turning favor against them. But yeah, the Jedi weren't completely oblivious, they weren't sitting on their hands. The major mistake they made was in assuming it was not Palpatine himself that could be a sith lord (parish the thought!) but rather somebody who had infiltrated his circle to influence him, a top adviser or maybe another senator. It was a dumb and stubborn assumption, but they were otherwise right on his doorstep by the end before he just made the investigation pointless and revealed himself anyways. (Though he did speed up his end-game because of how close the investigation got to him)

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How the heck did Palpatine lose to Boba Fett!? Fanboys! Dangnabit! :mad::mad::mad:


I don't see how this is surprising. This tournament is run on "Rule of Cool", and Boba Fett is the author.


No one actually likes Palpatine, as evidenced by his crushing defeat. He lost worse than Jabba the Hutt.

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No one actually likes Palpatine, as evidenced by his crushing defeat. He lost worse than Jabba the Hutt.




It was 47% to 53%.....the 2nd closest of the whole thing...


Actually, if Palpatine came that close to beating Boba, I have no doubt Vader will beat the bounty hunter.

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How the heck did Palpatine lose to Boba Fett!? Fanboys! Dangnabit! :mad::mad::mad:




Palpatine has his "fanboys" as well.


Oh look! Here comes one right now:




Can't believe Mr. Stand-and-look-cool beat Palp. Well, I can believe it, because people are dumb, but still...


Well, I give up on this stupid competition.


Oh jeez. :rolleyes:


Yes because Boba Fett doesn't have an interesting back story and a detailed character. All he does is stand and look cool. He never does anything other then stand and look cool. :rolleyes: All of Boba Fett's fans are "dumb." ;)


/end sarcasm


But anyway, I'm sad Chewbacca lost. I'd take his incomprehensible roars to R2's beep-boop's any day. :D

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It was 47% to 53%.....the 2nd closest of the whole thing...


Actually, if Palpatine came that close to beating Boba, I have no doubt Vader will beat the bounty hunter.


Hmmm, looks like I mistakenly looked at the 78% Boba pulled down in the previous round. Still, 'Ol Palpy got schooled, and rightfully so. This IS a popularity contest, despite what doctoglethorp appears to believe...

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Yes because Boba Fett doesn't have an interesting back story and a detailed character. All he does is stand and look cool. He never does anything other then stand and look cool. :rolleyes: All of Boba Fett's fans are "dumb." ;)


/end sarcasm


You know its funny, your being sarcastic, but what you said is exactly whats true. He doesn't do anything except stand around looking cool.


I simply find the idea that a dude who has no other purpose wins out against one of the biggest, most detailed and interesting characters of the entire franchise.


Leave it to the space marine generation.

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You know its funny, your being sarcastic, but what you said is exactly whats true. He doesn't do anything except stand around looking cool.


I simply find the idea that a dude who has no other purpose wins out against one of the biggest, most detailed and interesting characters of the entire franchise.


Leave it to the space marine generation.


ROFL. We are talking about the same Palpatine, right? "POWAH UNLIMITED POWAH!!!" 'Palpy, right?


Most detailed and interesting? His sole motivation is fear of death and desire to control the galaxy. He isn't an interesting character at all, he undergoes approximately zero character growth and has a miserable cliche of an origin story.


Prior to this contest, I didn't even think it was possible to be a Palpatine fanboy...

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When I saw Luke lose to Yoda, Tarkin lose to Dooku, and Han to Obi-Wan, I figured that this is a movie and TV show popularity contest and not everything else considered. Personally I would've thought that Wedge would have had a better standing compared to Luke, guess I was wrong. And I feel like IG-88 was under-appreciated, its not everyday that something hijacks the Death Star.


I say Vader wins because he's possibly the most ****** antagonist in like all of cinema!

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