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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Skip conversation option for group finder


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Please include a groupfinder toggle option for "skipping conversations" in flashpoints. Pairs you with other members willing to skip conversations. Develop work-arounds for conversations that impact objectives. I do a fair bit of leveling in flashpoints and can't bear the conversations after a millionth time and don't feel cool pressuring people into space-barring.
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I have grown a serious hate towards "skippers".


And for me the hate goes the other way around.

I will never do another esseles/black talon run again where someone doesn't skip.


Wonder how much something like this would increase the wait time in your que over the few lines during a cut scene ?


Esseles/BT do take about 15 minutes when everybody skips.

When someone doesn't they take about one hour



Edited by Never_Hesitate
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