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Leveling Gear


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this is the best Pay ME TO WIN pl can give. i wounder why you are still playing the GT is the same thing you pay for what you wont

iv learned how to play the i just cant stand to play with the rude MMO crowd so im a solo player like 60% of the players


I am the solo type player, I do group up when I need to, for flashpoints and heroic quests, otherwise I am on my own, its more fun that way and the chances of getting into groups with insanely stupid players puts me off of grouping up when I don't need to.


I have met some decent players, but those types are rate and too far between to be remotely interested in grouping up solely for the social points.

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I am the solo type player, I do group up when I need to, for flashpoints and heroic quests, otherwise I am on my own, its more fun that way and the chances of getting into groups with insanely stupid players puts me off of grouping up when I don't need to.


I have met some decent players, but those types are rate and too far between to be remotely interested in grouping up solely for the social points.


The funny thing is most pl that play these type of games are just like you and I, solo players. For this reason or the fact they don't like to have to play at a dead run from start to finish. But for the most part we are a silent majority.

The loud 10% that rarely play the game at all more then 2 raid nights a week drives the focus of developers to push new raid content, when if they just focused some time on accessibility to whats there for the whole community the game would thrive. I'm going to stick around a bit longer in the hopes that BW have there foot in the door with the cartel market and will soon start selling more then just cosmetic trash.


BW if you just have the courage to put out a mod set or real nice legacy gear you would see pl will eat it up and you would make more money then you have with any cartel item yet. Sure general chat will explode for a day or 2 but that will stop when 90% of players are wearing them. Most people would be completely satisfied if they could just grind out good gear some other way then just raids. You must have the numbers look at how few players are actually gaining access to end game content.

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