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Selecting need for loot


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Okay well I applied what seemingly the majority of this community seems to be is the general consensus in regards to need or greed

I only needed once for my smuggler while passing on everything else in a flashpoint yesterday

Ended up losing to a jedi who needed for his companion which he called doc, i assume it was his healer?

This so called general consensus is garbage as far as my experiences are concerned

I'll stick to expressing my freedom to choose rather than sticking to a so called unwritten rule that clearly from experience is not being put into practise


And best of all I didnt throw a hissy fit and demand anyone get kicked when it didnt go my way

Some of us dont have to throw all our toys in one cot and demand any revenge or retaliation in response for not getting what we believe is ours to demand

Edited by Jonrobbie
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This so called general consensus is garbage as far as my experiences are concerned

I'll stick to expressing my freedom to choose rather than sticking to a so called unwritten rule that clearly from experience is not being put into practise


There is no general consensus, it is a social rule that most of the community use.


I have argued many times that this game needs a improved lootsystem, the curent one creates so much grief, problems and drama. The 1000s of posts regarding the current lootsystem proves my point.

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There is no general consensus, it is a social rule that most of the community use.


I have argued many times that this game needs a improved lootsystem, the curent one creates so much grief, problems and drama. The 1000s of posts regarding the current lootsystem proves my point.

That I agree with, but I do not think limiting WHO can need on items, like WoW does, is the answer.

Since, whether people like it or not, needing for companions is valid as it is, whether you agree with your groupmembers about doing so or not.


So, I'll just write my 2 suggestions again, either one would be acceptable in my opinion.

1. Simply, whatever drops, every groupmember gets one.

This would fix the problem of undergeared companions, of which everybody has several. Currently, players gear up only 1 or 2 of their companions. All the other companions end up undergeared, and as a result, they NEVER have any reason to use those undergeared companions. All loot from flashpoints etc. would then be BOP and not even tradable between the groupmembers, since everybody already got something.


2. Remove the modifications from the loot, and let players roll for those seperately.

So instead of one single drop for a fully modded chestpiece, the boss would drop 1 unmodded chestpiece, 1 armor modification, 1 mod, and 1 enhancement modification. Yes, you'd have to roll more, and people could still need on everything. But the chance for them to get everything would drop significantly, and you'd be able to spot this "ninja looter" on the first boss already. Another thing that would be fixed, is those trips where ALL the drops turn out for one single class. Yes, it happens. And no, it's not fun for the other people present, when all the drops are useless to them. Seperating the item shells from the mods, would mean that the other players can still roll for the enhancements, which are generally useful to everybody. For all I care, you agree that everybody can "need" on only 1 item per boss out of the 4 items that drop (shell+armoring+mod+enhancement). Everybody has a better chance at his/her fair share, less chance to leave the place with absolutely nothing interresting dropping for you, everybody happy.

Edited by AsheraII
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That I agree with, but I do not think limiting WHO can need on items, like WoW does, is the answer.

Since, whether people like it or not, needing for companions is valid as it is, whether you agree with your groupmembers about doing so or not.


It is the current system yes, so you can roll need for your companions but it usually ends up with social problems instead, hence my suggestion to change the lootsystem. I think that 99.99% of the community can agree with that the current lootsystem creates more problem then it solves. That is my conclusion after reading 1000s of posts about this.


So, I'll just write my 2 suggestions again, either one would be acceptable in my opinion.


Great, I like constructive opinions regarding a new lootsystem



1. Simply, whatever drops, every groupmember gets one.

This would fix the problem of undergeared companions, of which everybody has several. Currently, players gear up only 1 or 2 of their companions. All the other companions end up undergeared, and as a result, they NEVER have any reason to use those undergeared companions. All loot from flashpoints etc. would then be BOP and not even tradable between the groupmembers, since everybody already got something.


This is a good idea but I think that Bioware has matched the different bosses difficulty to what they drop. If they drop many items they has to be harder to beat. I dont know the mechanics around this but I think it can be compared with different numbers. If a boss has difficulty 50 it provides a certain difficulty to beat, and the loot from it will be equal to the difficulty. If every boss drops a item for every teammember the boss has to be harder to beat. You still have a good valid suggestion though, I am not against it at all I simply think that bosses are matched with whatever they drop.


2. Remove the modifications from the loot, and let players roll for those seperately.

So instead of one single drop for a fully modded chestpiece, the boss would drop 1 unmodded chestpiece, 1 armor modification, 1 mod, and 1 enhancement modification. Yes, you'd have to roll more, and people could still need on everything. But the chance for them to get everything would drop significantly, and you'd be able to spot this "ninja looter" on the first boss already. Another thing that would be fixed, is those trips where ALL the drops turn out for one single class. Yes, it happens. And no, it's not fun for the other people present, when all the drops are useless to them. Seperating the item shells from the mods, would mean that the other players can still roll for the enhancements, which are generally useful to everybody. For all I care, you agree that everybody can "need" on only 1 item per boss out of the 4 items that drop (shell+armoring+mod+enhancement). Everybody has a better chance at his/her fair share, less chance to leave the place with absolutely nothing interresting dropping for you, everybody happy.


Whoah, so you want us to roll 10+ times for every boss :tran_eek:


Well lets say we do, I think that a player that gets a piece that is still useless will be more frustrated then one that does not get a item at all. You simply move on if you lose, but if you have something to remind you of your loss it becomes harder. I see your point with dividing the loot into pieces but I think it will create more frustration then it solves. But then again, I might be wrong and it can be a optimal solution, I simply do not see it though

Edited by Icestar
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Feed the pet, so they can hunt better and get more food for everyone!


And, seeing as how need is "for your character" I could easily see how a player would consider the companion "Their character"


It's a tool of your character, and don't you want to maximize your tools? Of course you do!


To the OP, my suggestion, roll need, live with the consequences. You know there is a group vote to kick option, you know they may vote to kick you if you NEED on an item that isn't for your class.


How about, you kill the pet so all can eat a bigger meal and use your larger brain to hunt as a group to find more food for everyone. A human will always be able to hunt better then a pet.

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Whoah, so you want us to roll 10+ times for every boss :tran_eek:


Well lets say we do, I think that a player that gets a piece that is still useless will be more frustrated then one that does not get a item at all. You simply move on if you lose, but if you have something to remind you of your loss it becomes harder. I see your point with dividing the loot into pieces but I think it will create more frustration then it solves. But then again, I might be wrong and it can be a optimal solution, I simply do not see it though

Well, even if you only get things (probably mainly from greed rolls) that you don't need, then you still leave the place with stuff you can vendor to pay for repairs and change. It'd probably all be BoP as well, so we're not talking about a great moneymaker here, but it's still something.

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Well, even if you only get things (probably mainly from greed rolls) that you don't need, then you still leave the place with stuff you can vendor to pay for repairs and change. It'd probably all be BoP as well, so we're not talking about a great moneymaker here, but it's still something.


But the value of getting cash from mods is hardly the worth the satisfaction of getting a item your character can equip and use right away. The instant gratification theory proves that.

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But the value of getting cash from mods is hardly the worth the satisfaction of getting a item your character can equip and use right away. The instant gratification theory proves that.


The instant gratification theory is essentially what leads to this drama in the first place, from both sides.

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Okay well I applied what seemingly the majority of this community seems to be is the general consensus in regards to need or greed

I only needed once for my smuggler while passing on everything else in a flashpoint yesterday

Ended up losing to a jedi who needed for his companion which he called doc, i assume it was his healer?

This so called general consensus is garbage as far as my experiences are concerned

I'll stick to expressing my freedom to choose rather than sticking to a so called unwritten rule that clearly from experience is not being put into practise


And best of all I didnt throw a hissy fit and demand anyone get kicked when it didnt go my way

Some of us dont have to throw all our toys in one cot and demand any revenge or retaliation in response for not getting what we believe is ours to demand


well shame on you for not calling him out on it then. Your choice not to throw a "hissy fit" but really isnt that because you would much rather need for comps yourself? :rolleyes:


You can keep doing what you want. But if you are on my server and I come across you, I'll be sure to put you on /ignore and out you on fleet general as a ninja. And I bet that many of the others you group will do the same.


so... happy solo playing!;)

Edited by BaronV
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well shame on you for not calling him out on it then. Your choice not to throw a "hissy fit" but really isnt that because you would much rather need for comps yourself? :rolleyes:


You can keep doing what you want. But if you are on my server and I come across you, I'll be sure to put you on /ignore and out you on fleet general as a ninja. And I bet that many of the others you group will do the same.


so... happy solo playing!;)


Or perhaps i have the ability not to reduce myself to a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what i want or revenge for it. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for not being able to show a little maturity and decorum. This is INDEED a social game and im pretty sure you wouldnt demand retaliation or vengeance for someone else receiving or winning what you had the opportunity to receive as well....or maybe you would? Either way outing me and attempting to reduce me as some criminal just because i dont agree with you is another example of your immature and arrogant attitude

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Or perhaps i have the ability not to reduce myself to a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what i want or revenge for it. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for not being able to show a little maturity and decorum. This is INDEED a social game and im pretty sure you wouldnt demand retaliation or vengeance for someone else receiving or winning what you had the opportunity to receive as well....or maybe you would? Either way outing me and attempting to reduce me as some criminal just because i dont agree with you is another example of your immature and arrogant attitude

say whatever you like point is people will soon get tired of your ******** and you'll be on many ignore lists, so as many others have said enjoy solo play :)

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The instant gratification theory is essentially what leads to this drama in the first place, from both sides.


That is why a improved lootsystem based on common sense is badly needed in this game. I see a new thread about this topic created atleast once a week and every thread gets hundreds of posts and thousands of views.


The research around instant gratification show that some players are simply so addicted to take items that they can not resist when the opportunity presents itself. It has to do with the endorphins if you want to read more about it.


Anyway, the instant gratification theory is something that MMOs use and tons of sociological research can be done about it. I have already done some studies about it myself in this game. It was interesting to see how the game changed from not having a groupfinder in the start because they wanted players to create their own ways to find groups to actually implementing it in the game but that is another story for another thread.


The problems that the current lootsystem creates concerns the entire community and I am still amazed that Bioware has not picked up on this massive player feedback.

Edited by Icestar
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Or perhaps i have the ability not to reduce myself to a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what i want or revenge for it. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for not being able to show a little maturity and decorum. This is INDEED a social game and im pretty sure you wouldnt demand retaliation or vengeance for someone else receiving or winning what you had the opportunity to receive as well....or maybe you would? Either way outing me and attempting to reduce me as some criminal just because i dont agree with you is another example of your immature and arrogant attitude


lol, I know this is going to be a troll post, but I can't help to see this guy as one of those who would be raiding your store or home in the event of an apocalypse! :eek: You just don't get it man.

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Or perhaps i have the ability not to reduce myself to a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what i want or revenge for it. You say shame on me? I say shame on you for not being able to show a little maturity and decorum. This is INDEED a social game and im pretty sure you wouldnt demand retaliation or vengeance for someone else receiving or winning what you had the opportunity to receive as well....or maybe you would? Either way outing me and attempting to reduce me as some criminal just because i dont agree with you is another example of your immature and arrogant attitude

Or perhaps the other player was simply new, and a mere "Just so you know, Need is for main characters not companions" may have sufficed.


But no, that would instantly turn you into a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what you want, eh?


You claim others are being immature and arrogant. Have you looked in a mirror recently?

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Or perhaps the other player was simply new, and a mere "Just so you know, Need is for main characters not companions" may have sufficed.


But no, that would instantly turn you into a withering mess of an immature child hell bent on getting what you want, eh?


You claim others are being immature and arrogant. Have you looked in a mirror recently?


I fail to see anything to indicate that he was being immature and arrogant. in fact, I see nothing to indicate that he handled that particular situation in anything but a mature manner.

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I fail to see anything to indicate that he was being immature and arrogant. in fact, I see nothing to indicate that he handled that particular situation in anything but a mature manner.

His post on the forums was angry, nasty, insulting and made just as many assumptions about others as he claimed others made about him.


I have no objection to what he did in-game.

Edited by Khevar
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Basically companions would give you free reign to need on everything and claim it's "for your companion", while in reality you just vendor it off.

You can't even inspect other people's companions, which is a moot point anyway since they aren't there - y'know, actually -assisting- with the flashpoint like all the other people who's gear you're stealing are.


What I've often done is just roll greed on it, and then later ask the winner if I can just buy the item off of them for slightly more than they would get for vendoring it - most people tend to be quite reasonable about it.

Other than that, if I see someone "ninja loot" (hit need) something that isn't for their class they'll get the exact same treatment the OP got from his groups, and a nice spot on my ignore list.

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Basically companions would give you free reign to need on everything and claim it's "for your companion", while in reality you just vendor it off.

You can't even inspect other people's companions, which is a moot point anyway since they aren't there - y'know, actually -assisting- with the flashpoint like all the other people who's gear you're stealing are.


I bet that most that ninjaloots for companions actually has no clue if the companion needs it or not, they simply take the item and finds out later.

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I've seen nothing to indicate the OP or the people who support players having the option to roll need for companion expect the rest of the group to follow "social convention" and then "game the system". If anything, it's just the opposite. The OP and those who support players having the option to roll need for their companion would have no problems if the entire group rolled on every drop. Do not claim that because some choose to give up their option to roll need, that those that choose to roll need for their companion are "gaming the system". No one is forcing those to choose to roll greed to do so.


They are gaming the system. It does not matter if they expect everyone else to game the system with them. You do not need on an item unless it is an upgrade for the character you are playing on at the time! That is the system. It may be unwritten, but it is the system (the only exception is if you ask before doing so and NO ONE objects). The first time you do not conform, I warn you. Second time you are booted as a ninja and announced on fleet as such. If someone choose to be an ***, they shouldn't be surprised when they get kicked in their ***.

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Player A-You can't have that, it's MINE!!!!!


Player B- That would be an upgrade for your character and my companion, let the dice decide.


Who is more selfish?


Player B. Who would also have a vote-kick started against them and be put in my /ignore list immediately.

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