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Cartel Market Revamp


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EA is not new to the F2P market system by any means , but after several months its very obvious how new to it Bioware is. This is a list of changes that I believe would greatly enhance the experience.


1) Cartel Certification award change - These are a great idea in theory , but very poorly implemented with such a low drop rate. You could make it so that each pack had at least one cert in it , but you would still have people complaining that they have to open X number of packs to purchase a given item.

My Idea is a 4 certification system - Armor , Weapons , Vehicles , Novelties. When you receive an item you do not desire you can trade it in at a special vendor in the new cartel area on fleet for a predetermined amount of specific certs that can be accumulated and traded for "more desirable" items within the group type.


2) Lock Boxes - These are a great way to encourage different types of gameplay and offer different rewards. Daily Areas , Flashpoints , Operations , and PvP could each offer unique BoL lock boxes. The keys could be sold on the Cartel Market for 100cc each , pack of 10 for 800cc , 25% chance of a key in small cartel packs , 50% chance in large cartel packs and are tradable. Each lock box could contain a set amount of cartel reputation , a random amount of Cartel Certifications , and a selection of items related in some way to the type of box. (IE you will not find an expertise color crystal in an operation lock box.)


3) Cartel Quests - Nar Shaddaa needs a revamp and the Cartel Market is a perfect vehicle. A series of unlock quests and dailies/weeklies could be put into place in a new area of Nar Shaddaa with all new vendors that offer seasonal items for a combination of cartel coins and credits. This area could also be combined with the Lock Box and/or Cartel Certification idea in various ways. (IE. a subscriber only weekly or monthly quest to attain BoL lockbox keys so they do not feel cheated or overly pressured to purchase additional cartel coins.)


4) Wheel of Desire - Cartel Packs are already a gamble in every sense of the word , you spend X amount of real money (sugar coating it by making people by digital currency doesn't make it any less of a gamble) in the hopes that you don't end up with another piece of junk. The Wheel of Desire could work just like roulette , purchase a bet on the wheel on various tiers with each tier costing more than the last , but only one bet per player per round.

Tier 1- Specific Items - the cheapest bet , each item in the current cartel packs can be bet upon - the wheel lands on your item an you win it , simple as that.

Tier 2- Grouped Items - Each round the item table is randomized into 6 groups - the wheel lands on your group and you win one of the items at random

Tier 3- Category Items - You bet on a category - Armor , Weapons , Vehicles , Novelties (pets/toys/color crystals) - the wheel lands on an item from within your category and you win that item.

Tier 4- 50/50 Draw- Armor/Novelties and Weapons/Vehicles are grouped together - wheel lands on your category and you win the prize.

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