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I see all this premade vs. pug debates. I started this game with a friend so I always had someone to play with. I wanted to know what all this stuff about pugs having a disadvantage was like. So for the last few weeks I have been mainly pugging. I have no stats or anything to back up what I say, but I will say it anyway. I still won more than I lost. Still finish the weekly in a few hours. TBH I never had a problem winning at all.


This is what I noticed as a pug. Lots of pugs give up the minute they see a 4 man premade. Even though the guild is terrible at pvp they still give up. I have also asked many teams if people are grouped up and in every match that I had asked there was ALWAYS a premade of some sort. There was not once when I played with 8 pugs. I also hear this a lot from pugs I don't have time to group up because I am a casual player, but many times I asked people during or after the match to see if they want to group. Almost always they say yes, but I just tell them nvm something came up and started to pug again. It was not hard at all to ask someone to play. Also I was asked a lot to group up with them after matches. Therefore if you are good enough people will ask you on there own.


Finally if you refuse to group up then that is your choice. Why QQ when it is you who decides whether to play with people or not. You are given the option to play grouped up or not grouped up. It was your choice, but still complain about it. That is what I don't get.

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I find when in on my healer, I get asked to group a lot. But I like pugging sometimes just for the challenge. But you are absolutely right. It's not hard to group. Ask people. You may get rejected but who cares? I actually got invited to do ranked last night because I made some friends. I'm in a pve guild so I don't get to do ranked often.
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I find when in on my healer, I get asked to group a lot. But I like pugging sometimes just for the challenge. But you are absolutely right. It's not hard to group. Ask people. You may get rejected but who cares? I actually got invited to do ranked last night because I made some friends. I'm in a pve guild so I don't get to do ranked often.


I guess your not a trooper healer =)

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On my server if I solo queue imp side there's a premade on my team 75% of the time. My win ratio solo queueing imp side is very high. If I solo queue republic, there's a premade on my team about 25% of the time, and my win ratio is probably around 2 losses for every win. So saying you still win solo queueing isn't a great measurement.


Grouping up with random people you see in warzones is still pugging. You have no experience playing with these players.


It's not like MOST people are asking to eliminate premades, they're just asking to seperate them from full pug groups. I belong to a large PVP guild and totally support this. If I form a premade we end up stomping pugs when matched against them, which isn't fun and it's a waste of time. When I solo queue and get stomped bya premade that's not fun in the slightest either and again it's a waste of a warzone. It's very difficult to get ranked going unless scheduled ahead of time and coordinated with other guilds. Numerous guilds are often running 4 man premades, so why can't we play them instead of the first 8 people that hit the solo queue button? The lack of genuine competitive matches is frustrating sometimes.

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On my server if I solo queue imp side there's a premade on my team 75% of the time. My win ratio solo queueing imp side is very high. If I solo queue republic, there's a premade on my team about 25% of the time, and my win ratio is probably around 2 losses for every win. So saying you still win solo queueing isn't a great measurement.


Grouping up with random people you see in warzones is still pugging. You have no experience playing with these players.


It's not like MOST people are asking to eliminate premades, they're just asking to seperate them from full pug groups. I belong to a large PVP guild and totally support this. If I form a premade we end up stomping pugs when matched against them, which isn't fun and it's a waste of time. When I solo queue and get stomped bya premade that's not fun in the slightest either and again it's a waste of a warzone. It's very difficult to get ranked going unless scheduled ahead of time and coordinated with other guilds. Numerous guilds are often running 4 man premades, so why can't we play them instead of the first 8 people that hit the solo queue button? The lack of genuine competitive matches is frustrating sometimes.


HAHA! So if I group up with 3 random people I just met, that is not considered a premade? If what you are saying is true that totally goes against everything that anybody has ever said in these arugments. If we separate the q's I still can't group with them, so how is that now a premade.. Stop blaming losses on premades. Every side has them. The skill level of the premade is what is important. Like I said I still win does not matter if I pug or premade.

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This is what I noticed as a pug. Lots of pugs give up the minute they see a 4 man premade.


Two nights ago a Novare Coast was about to start. Before the match even began, Vorpalrage said "Physics on the other team... lol..." So I asked him if he was giving up now. He said "yes"


He never left the spawn room, that I could see. But it was 2 or 3 minutes into the match and he hadn't been kicked out from the deserter debuff, so I wonder if he was running out then back in to clear it? I pointed this out to the team and everyone promptly left.


I would rather play with someone who doesn't know what they are doing, than someone who cowers in the corner at the mere sight of a premade group. He was whining that he has a screenshot showing I left before he did. The folly of his argument is that he never should have queued in the first place. And he did worse than leaving, because at least leavers open up a spot for someone who actually wants to participate. He was just being a waste of space.


Moral of the story: Don't be a Vorpalrage. I seriously have no respect for that guy

Edited by Arlanon
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