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Question of the Day 3/14/2013


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I prefer Alderaan. In my experience, it's the one where I get the most benefit from engaging other players.


In Huttball, for example, spending time fighting is really just wasting time I could be using to help my team score. Generally, the most useless players end up getting the most medals, and such, which is kind of a bummer.


Hypergates ain't bad, but the scoring for the pylons vs. the scoring for defeating other players is so unbalanced that the latter really feels pretty backburnered.


Denova seems to benefit more from stealth.


Voidstar is just a giant cluster-youknowwhat.


I'd like to see a warzone that's just more or less a free-for-all, just for pure excitement value.

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It's the one Warzone where being the one who is hitting harder is so few determining for the issue of the WZ. And even if some people say "play the ball, killing is for nubz", sometimes, as odd it can be, going for a frontal assault can be the better choice (acting as a decoy for exemple).

As a comparizon, all other WZ are a variety of "slain them all, clear the area, and cap". Not that it's not funny, but less.



"Ancient Hypergate" is probably the most boring in my opinion... "Slain'n'cap" at its most. You just have to defend your pylon, and to hope you are in the team who can slain the more for the points. Ninja cap doesn't work unless the ennemy is very bad, and once you start being distanced score-wise, you're screwed as ninja-cap is mostly your only option avaliable, and the most advance the ennemy have, the most defender they can afford to have, making your only hope becoming thinner.

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My favorite is Denova/Civil War. My Marauder and Assassin tank are just bad*** on this WZ. I'm great at capping pylons on the Marauder, crushing the lower-levels, making that last-ditch effort on mid, etc. On my Assassin, I'm so durable I manage to hold the objectives solo most of the time (Unless it's the huge assaults people tend to do when they have no chance of winning.). Overall, this are just fun classes for me.
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When fighting against other players, what Warzone do you prefer?


Personal Answer: I absolutely love Ancient Hypergates. Besides the fact that it's gorgeous, I love having an epic battle in the center, then running back to my team's pylon with orbs, and then fighting stealthers trying to take our pylon. Also stunning players when the pylons explode never gets old. Never.


:wea_09: Pa-chow!


After playing in the gree event the exploding charge would be something fun they should add to the hypergate charges.

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Ranked from most to least favorite.


Well, this ranking is largely based on how quick matches are, and my win/loss ratio in each map


  • a. Huttball, offers the most variety in strategy and execution. And these matches are quick, either you stampede the enemy or they roll you in quick 5 minute matches. Win or lose, the matches are shorter than any warzone-type and more fun.


  • b. The Civil War, unless your team is terribly outmatched in gear, this warzone is fairly balanced and straight forward. Your team was either NOT quick enough in responding to over-committed defenses by taking the now unguarded point OR your team spread yourself thin at match start and lost one of your 2 initial points, and will now trail for the rest of the match. || 2 nodes vs 1 node, can take a long time to finish ; I've had matches where people beat their heads up against a wall, to end the game faster with a 3:0 point capture; because of these impatient individual's actions and diversions, cost the team a victory. The logic in this: "can't wait for your 2:1 victory to end? how about some suicide tactics going for that 3:0 victory? b/c of diminished defending numbers these guys single-handled forfeited the secondary point, AND INCREASED the total length of the match. !!! DIPSTICKS!

  • c. Novare Coast, distance can be an issue but this fits with the map's strategy. Ideally, you want the points closer to your own spawn. Sometimes you need to pressure the secondary point to force some defenders to respond, but that's the same tactic found in any of the node defense warzones. No varying strategies here, its a head count and placing your strike on the least defended node. How quickly, you can catch the enemy off guard or in transit.
    A delay task force is sometimes needed to prevent sprinters from reaching a node before your team takes over enemy's node. || 2 points vs 1 point, matches here seem shorter than CivilWar, but because of distances, I seem to pull less victories on this map COMPARED to civil war.


  • d. VOIDSTAR. | see below


  • e. Ancient Hypergate, players quitting within the first 10 or 20 seconds of an Ancient Hypergate, leave their team at a serious disadvantage. Not only has your team lost mid, but you're also in jeopardy of losing your own pylon thanks to reduced strength in numbers because people haven't clicked Join Warzone in their pop up yet.
    Losing numbers (due to rage quitters) in warzones usually won't spell instantly spell doom for your team, except for Ancient Hypergate. Due to the distances traveled in Hypergate, this is the worst warzone to spend your time waiting for a spawn-energy door to come down. Distance to objective + reduced troop strength (while matchmaker finds replacements) = loss.
    If warzone matchmaker puts you in a team without healers, you're also SoL. Get used to the spawn-energy doors, you're going to staring at them for a long time during a match without healers.
    I've had the worst experiences with hypergate, players love to gamble with the team's time and patience, they lurk enemy pylons in stealth for minutes not contributing to team efforts; or worse, feed the enemy free kill points by suicide at enemy pylons. Everyone tries to win big, and they fall short of even puling what could otherwise have been easy victories. || Dumb human behavior, dumb squad AI makes this the worst warzone. || yeah I'm rating humans like video game reviewers rate single player campaigns and AI, some people are just clueless when a specific match calls for some basic teamwork.
    || also, I've found this map highly favors HIGH DPS, who can pull themselves in more than one, 1v1 fight in a row back to back without resting for HP. <-- teams with these guys, win.



VOISTAR, mixed opinions for this warzone. It comes to a russian roulette draw, whatever matchmaker pairs your team with, is what you have to roll with. These matches can be the hardest most painful victories you ever pull, or the laziest effort required to win and be amazed how bad the opposing side is. Pray to the gods, you never get placed in a team as bad as the one you just roflstomped.

This map could easily be number 2 on my list (2nd best map OR

it could just as easily be number 4. (2nd worst map

team composition is the key to making your voidstar experience pleasant

Edited by Falensawino
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