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Implementation of sitting on ALL chairs


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The sitting is horrible. I've taken numerous pictures of how horrible the current system is. Im going to start making memes on this situation, in hopes a public outcry would move somebody in Bioware. The over 70 threads not including the deleted ones from prelaunch demanding a proper sitting mechanic seen in video games for over two decades have not been effective. I don't know what else to do, but to go public on this issue.


It saddens me, because I really do love this game. And its not like im going to leave it for LOTRO or any other game. I just feel pretty insulted with the /chair emote with no word that it was just a preview of what was to come - because it feels like no fix is in the works or coming and the silly /chair emote is the end all be all of sitting in SWTOR.


How come there isn't a single developer up in Bioware working on it? It's complete insanity. They got us making up our own ways to play Pazaak with the /roll 8 command. It's ridiculous at this point.


Think about it. The entire game is so focused on killing, killing, killing, that at times I have to question myself, is SWTOR any different than HATRED?


Can we get those Cantinas finished? Please. Obviously they were meant to be the center piece of the game, as they exist in every single planet.


Just put two developers on it. Put up a kickstarter campaign to pay them, if our millions are not enough. -_-

Edited by HiddenPalm
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