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QUESTION: Why No Expensive CM Items???


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First of all, this is a QUESTION. I am in **no way** suggesting anything. This is not, repeat not a suggestion. This is a QUESTION.


There has been a lot of debate recently on, "cash grabs" and "pay to win" and etc. etc. etc. So my question is, why are there no really super expensive items on the CM? Like, where is the mount or armor or color crystal that costs $250, $500, 1,000?


I get the whole reputation concept and the RNG/Cartel Pack concept and completionist concept. What about the really expensive CM item concept? Something that you can only get by flat out buying with a ton of CCs? For a company that has been accused of being so greedy I can't believe they missed this one.

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As they pretty much only have fixed costs associated with producing an item for the CM, they simply seek to maximize revenue.


5 people who buy a $500 item is not as good for them as 500 people who buy a $10 item. Yes, products that have greater value can charge a higher price and still have many customers, but we're speaking purely in terms of a mount, pet, or cosmetic item. Content or p2win style stuff could feasibly have a substantial enough portion of the market willing to pay a higher price to justify an increase(though this would upset a great deal of the player base), but it'd need to be something perceived as having an enormous deal of value to make $100-1000 dollars the revenue maximizing point.

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$250, $500, $1000 for a god damn cartel market item? Where do you work? Where do you live? What gives you these ideas? I thought you were gonna say 30-$50 items... but that is absolutely ridiculous. This has got to be a troll.
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$250, $500, $1000 for a gosh darn cartel market item? Where do you work? Where do you live? What gives you these ideas? I thought you were gonna say 30-$50 items... but that is absolutely ridiculous. This has got to be a troll.


LOL, well you could feasably pay just as much in CCs for certain items. Just a bad run of the RNG and you could end up spending that much... maybe. Hey, I'm not saying I would buy a bunch of these. Maybe a cool mount or a really epic set of armor. But yeah. It's the same principle... keep stuff rare by <insert concept> here.

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