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I don't want double XP /duck


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I don't want double XP. I know that my opinion will be very unpopular. Can I turn it off please? Basically I will not be playing any of my characters at all during double XP weekends. Edited by Plo_Coon
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I would love to be able to turn exp gain off and on as I progress,most of my character's I have made out levels planets even before they get there ,example my gunslinger shes just hit level 43 and just started Hoth but the commendations she is now using are from Voss,which one of my other characters is buying Mods for her.I don't pvp on that character and i do my daily FP run that is it,I also miss all H-4's due to being a pain most of the time to get a group for.


Everquest 2 had the option to turn exp gain off or on would be nice to have it here,or being unpopular lower the exp we get so we don't out level planets when we do every quest that is there.


I may just have to not play at weekends I guess or just craft all the time :rolleyes:

Edited by Avorniel
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I guess what I don't understand here is why. Why don't you want the double xp? What does it really matter what level you are when you enter or leave a planet other than how hard or easy the content is going to be? And if that's the case, the longer you're on a planet, the less xp you're going to get until returns are effectively zero. You'll definitely be outside of the challenge range for the content, but you can still do it. In fact, it's almost better that way. You ramp up your character quickly on the planet, then spend the rest of your time not earning xp, but rather collecting gear, comms and cash to prep yourself for the next planet.


Unless you PvP exclusively. Then I can see you leveling too fast and not getting the most out of your PvP grind to 50.

Edited by althene
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