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Mara Body type 2 or 3 and seeing the mob


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....Body type 3: I'm 6'6 and 290 lbs and type 6 roflestomps me. He looks like 7'9 or 8'9, 450-600, cut like trent richardson.


Question: do you 3 size's seem to block the mob for DPS.


Seems they would. It doesn't matter for a 3 tank b/c they contol the mobs movements,but it would seem a 2 would be better for a mara so they could see the mob better?

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....Body type 3: I'm 6'6 and 290 lbs and type 6 roflestomps me. He looks like 7'9 or 8'9, 450-600, cut like trent richardson.


Question: do you 3 size's seem to block the mob for DPS.


Seems they would. It doesn't matter for a 3 tank b/c they contol the mobs movements,but it would seem a 2 would be better for a mara so they could see the mob better?


Size 2 looks like a kid. I can't get over that. Size 3 ftw.

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Size 3 is horrible. I stopped playing for a few months and when I came back I realised how bad my type 3 assassin looks, hell it's even preventing me from playing him because I cannot force myself to put up with this ugly body.


Massive chest and tiny waste, not to mention type 3 just does not suit robes one bit.

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