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Death of pvp in patch 2.0


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The nerf of assassins, the buff of maras(smashers) the lvl 10 to 29 30 to 54 pvp well i guess the game is dead by the time 2.0 comes i might stay and see but i see lot of pvpers stop pvping at low levels:mad:

Stop panicking based on misinformation.


Smash is getting nerfed. Less damage per stack, less crit damage bonus, less max stacks of Singularity, less abilities stack Singularity. OP hybrid Assassins are getting a well-justified nerf. Pure specs seem to be improved, if anything.


Brackets are intended to even the playing field for lower-level players. Bolster system will give expertise and prevent current WH+ 50s from dominating the 30-54 bracket.

Edited by Helig
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I reckon the 30-54 bracket will only be dominated by 50+s who've played a lot of wzs (this is why they will likely dominate anyway gear irrelevant) for the first few weeks while they are on route to lvl 55. Once everyone gets back to lvl cap it will be fine.

It will take a few weeks to a month till those pvpers get to 55 on mains and alts if not less once they've all reached 55 the experienced pvpers will probs play there :p

The new brackets are actually a good thing there will be far less times now as a low lvl character where you'll get beat by a guy purely because they have more cds and abilitys. Obviously it will still happen occasionally but it won''t be as bad as before and make playing lowbie pvp more fun right off the bat when lvling a new alt.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Both classes got buffed indirectly and directly. It's also a mathematical fact that the entire class got a large DPS upgrade. The ability "Smash" got a very "slight" damage nerf. The class itself on the whole got a buff in both damage output and survivability. Rage marauders got a MASSIVE survivability buff.
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There is no misinformation about patch 2.0 its on the forums and the people who have played on the test server. It is a major nerf to the game and is the first step by the developers to cater to the mindless dummies. The same dummies they want to squeeze every nickle out of via the Cartel Market.


Thanks Bioware

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Both classes got buffed indirectly and directly. It's also a mathematical fact that the entire class got a large DPS upgrade. The ability "Smash" got a very "slight" damage nerf. The class itself on the whole got a buff in both damage output and survivability. Rage marauders got a MASSIVE survivability buff.


Granted, damage nerf itself is not quite what certain vocal individuals would ask for, however, Smash damage to HP pool ratio is significantly improved.


I don't see "massive" survivability buffs. They do get extended effective UR window, and it'll remain the last line of defense, ironically, because Marauders have better ways to mitigate/avoid damage spikes.

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They boosted cloak of pain for Rage tree from 6 to 10 seconds with 30 second max refresh. Thats a massive buff in itself and especially ridiculous in 1v1 encounters. Undying rage got a huge buff. Obliterate is now a root break, again very big survivability boost especially considering it has a significantly reduced cooldown. Then theres the "slow on force charge." I mean cmon. It's like Bioware is literally making it as easy as hell to smash, totally preventing other classes from avoiding the smash and on top of that, making the classes essentially tanks.


On the damage side of it, Both rage trees now have extremely good sustained damage, on par with single target specs like vengeance and carnage. Then there is the "indirect" buff from the crit soft cap being lowered by 10%. This gives autocrit classes a very large advantage. Rage has the best autocrit in the game. Autocrits also bypass the shield mechanic which makes smashes especially strong vs tanks. All i'm seeing is buffs bro.

Edited by JackNader
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They boosted cloak of pains for Rage tree from 6 to 10 seconds with 30 second max refresh. Thats a massive buff in itself and especially ridiculous in 1v1 encounters. Undying rage got a huge buff. Obliterate is now a root break, again very big survivability boost especially considering it has a significantly reduced cooldown. Then theres the "slow on force charge." I mean cmon. It's like Bioware is literally making it as easy as hell to smash, totally preventing other classes from avoiding the smash and on top of that, making the classes essentially tanks.


On the damage side of it, Both rage trees now have extremely good sustained damage, on par with single target specs like vengeance and carnage. Then there is the "indirect" buff from the crit soft cap being lowered by 10%. This gives autocrit classes a very large advantage. Rage has the best autocrit in the game. Autocrits also bypass the shield mechanic which makes smashes especially strong vs tanks. All i'm seeing is buffs bro.

Eh, CLoP already is 30 sec. And it isn't renewed by DoTs in 2.0, as I recall.


De-jure, I don't think it counts that Obliterates breaks root. It is *usable* while rooted. Not entirely the same.


However, I do admit that I studied Guard/Jugg Focus/Rage tree, while skimming over the Marauder/Sent and OH MY GOD, they're really adding a 12-sec auto snare after a charge.


Smash bypasses shield anyway since it's not single-target, so autocrit isn't really the issue here... However, we also need to remember that there's higher DR on Surge - and Rage got a 15% Force crit damage nerf, too.


I partly stand corrected. Some of the changes don't really make sense. Looks like concentrated quality of life improvement for even the dumbest of dumb idiots to be able to roll it with little trouble.


However. It's still PTS. So everything is subject to change. Hopefully, this can be adjusted.

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Stop panicking based on misinformation.


Smash is getting nerfed. Less damage per stack, less crit damage bonus, less max stacks of Singularity, less abilities stack Singularity. OP hybrid tank Assassins are getting a well-justified buff. Pure specs seem to be improved, if anything.


Brackets are intended to even the playing field for lower-level players. Bolster system will give expertise and prevent current WH+ 50s from dominating the 30-54 bracket.



Fixed that statement for you. Dps sin on the other hand are nerfed to the ground but every one only want's are OP hybrid tanks spec that has become even more OP now. Going full 36 into the 2 dps trees is suicide in pvp on PTS ATM


Go read if you do not believe me the proof is in the 450 pages of shadow/sin complaining on why buff an already OP spec and nerf a under used dps specs.



So expect to be seeing tankasin/shadows owning you in pvp in 2.0 still.

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Fixed that statement for you. Dps sin on the other hand are nerfed to the ground but every one only want's are OP hybrid tanks spec that has become even more OP now. Going full 36 into the 2 dps trees is suicide in pvp on PTS ATM


Go read if you do not believe me the proof is in the 450 pages of shadow/sin complaining on why buff an already OP spec and nerf a under used dps specs.



So expect to be seeing tankasin/shadows owning you in pvp in 2.0 still.

Interesting read, thanks. Haven't played my Sin in ages.

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