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Healing in PVP


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Very often healers before warzone starts cast all healing abbilities on other palyers and themselves.


Is it count as total healing in after match summary.


Also other question when i throw enemies in the void (voidstar) or to the flames (hutta) does it count as my total damage in after match summary.

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Very often healers before warzone starts cast all healing abbilities on other palyers and themselves.


Is it count as total healing in after match summary.


Also other question when i throw enemies in the void (voidstar) or to the flames (hutta) does it count as my total damage in after match summary.


It's only counted if they are actually damaged. Most healers do this to let the group know that they are healers, or to just warm themselves up. I think traps count towards your skills but not your damage. (Don't quote me on this)

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Yeah doesn't count, even using consumption and then healing yourself doesn't count before the match starts. I do it usually to let my team know I am a healer, and often I will focus my healing on any tanks I happen to notice to give them a little hint. :) Edited by NotAnyOldName
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It's only counted if they are actually damaged. Most healers do this to let the group know that they are healers, or to just warm themselves up. I think traps count towards your skills but not your damage. (Don't quote me on this)


healing correct. only actual heal counts (so if players has 17/20k hp and gets healed for 7k, only 3k counts (same for damage)


actually not sure, I don't think traps/void counts torward kills, never got medal for pulling and stunning/kb. maybe offensive medal if it was ball carrier.

Edited by Atramar
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I have not healed in Warzones for a while but, is it still possible to damage yourself (from abilities or jumping in the fire on hutball) then keep healing yourself, just for stat padding and unlocking medals?


I have no plan to do this, but people were abusing that crap out of that in the early days.

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Merc/Commando's do this to build up stacks of supercharged gas/cells before the match starts. Scoundrels/Operatives do this to get pugnacity rolling.


Mostly we do this to let everyone know we are healers and to peel us and shield us - hardly works though.

Edited by dmanlong
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Not to start this old fight, but my tank would start guarding more healers in pugs, except 85% of the time I do it the situation winds up that I rack up the 10k protection medal in the first 5 seconds of the fight, keep fighting, and eventually die without ever getting so much as a HoT on me.


Eventually, I learned not to bother guarding a healer unless I know them or que'd with them. Taunts will have to do.

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Pro-tip: be careful giving yourself buffs that only a healer would have (upper hand, the commando healer cell) in Alderaan Civil war. If I tab to you on the speeder and see one of those, you will be marked before the match even starts.
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I have not healed in Warzones for a while but, is it still possible to damage yourself (from abilities or jumping in the fire on hutball) then keep healing yourself, just for stat padding and unlocking medals?


I have no plan to do this, but people were abusing that crap out of that in the early days.


yes, Sorc/Sage can drain their health and then heal up, mercs/comando/operative/scoundrels are limited to remove their gear, put it back and heal.


also you can do it on fire pit, falling damage is to small to even count.

it will count torwards healing medal.

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Throwing out heals hoping someone will notice and remember is such an odd thing. Seems like it would be easier and quicker to just say "I'm heals" in chat. But I know during my brief stint as a healer I did the same thing. Somehow it is easier to just tap the heal key a few times.


I'll tank for a PUG healer if I see them throwing out heals at the start of a match. If I'm feeling chatty I might ask if anyone wants a tank before the match starts, if there are no obvious candidates. Then what happens 1/2 the time is that, apparently, I'm the only one that notices that no one is going "left" so I'll split off to cap & guard the off node, and have to remove the guard from the healer (since it's not doing any good anyway). Sorry healer!


HB I save the guard for the ball carrier if I can. I'll only look for someone else to guard if the carrier already has someone else tanking for them - but even then I'm usually more focused on getting into position for a pass.

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Pro-tip: be careful giving yourself buffs that only a healer would have (upper hand, the commando healer cell) in Alderaan Civil war. If I tab to you on the speeder and see one of those, you will be marked before the match even starts.


I'm marked right away anyways, even if I'm specced DPS. Good teams know you from playing against you and mark you. Bad teams see your class and assume you are a healer and mark you. Real bad teams don't bother focusing healers, so it doesn't matter either way. Either I'm left alone to free heal and nobody dies, or I'm focused as soon as I spawn.

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Merc/Commando's do this to build up stacks of supercharged gas/cells before the match starts. Scoundrels/Operatives do this to get pugnacity rolling.


Mostly we do this to let everyone know we are healers and to peel us and shield us - hardly works though.


This. I do it to build procs. Going into a match with pugnacity and three stacks of upper hand > going into a match nekkid. It does take several casts of UWM and maintenance of a couple of hots to get there and stay that way, though, so I can see how that might look like I'm announcing my presence >.>

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No, healing before the match starts does not count. No, you don't get fall damage credit as the listed way you die in chat is: Killed by 0 Damage.


Most healers heal before the match to either:


a) show they are a healer since we're not confident everyone in the match can read based on previous play

b) build stacks/resources before fighting starts

c) we're bored

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As someone mentioned, Operatives and Scoundrels do it to build TA/UH before starting. Starting with three stacks is much better than starting with zero. Mercenaries and Commandos do it to build charges.


On my sorc and Op, I use it to get timing down on things like shield debuffs and probes.

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